The Free Software Movement is basically a facet of communism in the technological world is it?

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Sharing is radical centrism

Are you asking if free software is communism? The answer is no. It's only free to end users. For developers there's a cost. With GPL software they have to give back any modifications they make to the original code, no matter the size. So the original developers are compensated in improvements to the original code.

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It's true, but they've been too brainwashed by conservatard boomers to admit it.

You're not forced to participate in an free software project just because you live in the wrong country.
Also in many cases, you have to fight hard to even get IN the free software project.

GPL = Communism
BSD/MIT = Libertarian

I would say that its rooted more in the academic principals of collaboration of information and open discourse, but somehow it has mutated into something that makes even less sense and is more hand-wavy than traditional communism.

Do they have the option to charge money for the software or the option to keep the software closed source? If they have the option and choose to make it free, then it isn't communism. If they MUST make it free or risk physical harm and/or imprisonment, then you are correct, communism is being practiced.

no, that's retarded. marxoids were people who stole other people's stuff and killed everyone who resisted them. Free software advocates are people who choose to share their source code with other people and do not harm their political enemies in anyway, shape or form.

Marxism is a form of capitalism.

You're not a true programmer until you've read Babbage and Marx.

BSD = wanting your code to be freely stolen by evil corp to be used in malicious ways

Making your own means of production =/= seizing means of production

It's a revival of the free academic and industry collaboration of the past in a worldwide scale rather than being limited to some universities and labs.

>stealing ideas

Anything besides being assraped by FAANG is communism

No, because Free Software actually works.

GPL = evil corp steals your code anyway since NEETs can't hire a legal team with goodboy points.

>wanting to pay for software
Kill yourself

>With GPL software they have to give back any modifications they make to the original code, no matter the size. So the original developers are compensated in improvements to the original code
That's the communist part, genius. If you want compensation for your code you sell it or give it away on a real open source license (see: MIT) because it serves your interests for other people to have it

Share alike licenses are ridiculous, unproductive nonsense and an ideological attempt to waste people's time writing "open source" software which nobody will actually use to make a valuable product due to its shitty license and wrest control of software away from businesses and toward smelly hippie open source developers living in their communes

>Is freedom communism?
Lol americans are led to believe this now?

you're not free if your masters can't own you, states rights

Marxism is an ideology based on Marx's criticisms of capitalism.

Public domain is a more accurate realization of communist ideals than the GPL or the FSF's policies.

>that sentence
>those numbers
Absolutelt satanic

It's anarchism actually.

"Marx is a failed citizen - hence his hatred of the bourgeoisie."

BSD = Anarchocapitalism

Anarchism and communism are virtually identical and only differ politically.

>actually caring if somebody uses your code or caring what they do with it
what's it like being a faggot ass pansy?

Worse, gpl forces corps to inject backdoors and bloated bugs in order to make money, if things don't break redhat couldn't make money.

Because humans are social beings, legit anarchy is always inherently social.
While communism, especially under today's vernacular, typically denotes something very different.

this if you can't afford legal advice there is no chance anyways except your case is so good that lawyers do it for free

yes, use Win7

>is a paranoid schizo that thinks redhat is bad
>calls GPL communism


No, software isn't a government. Air is free, speech in America is free. Are those forms of communism?

Anybody who doesn't support closed source proprietary software that you have to pay a monthly subscription to use is a commie

Go dilate elsewhere

It's funny because this is what GPL critics actually believe: that it's not free software if you are prevented from taking away others' freedoms if you choose to use it.

The corporatocracy is basically a niggerfaggot face of faggotniggery in the technological world is it?

>wrest control of software away from businesses
GPL doesn't take it away from businesses. You just have to give back. I can understand how it's hard to see the benefits though, considering this is the millionth FOSS red baiting thread we've had and few learn anything from them. It's all about 'painting something with the color I hate' because you're insecure about the stability of your job or someshit.

No. By embracing the principles of voluntarism, the Free Software Movement is actually an Objectivist Movement.

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Communism/Marxism is an ideology in which the "disaffected intellectual" class (of which Marx himself is a good example) manipulates the working class into over throwing the existing ruling class, so that said intellectual class can become the new rulers.

Now, while some of the heads of the free software movement, like Stallman, probably belong to the same "disaffected intellectual" class, the free software movement itself relies on voluntary contributions, not violent overthrows, which makes it a distinctly different thing.

Kek this and people are willingly contributing to it. If I don’t want to add a line of code to a project I’m not going to the gulag.

yes, and that's a good thing.