Yo fa/g/s

Yo fa/g/s
Do you guys know any aesthetic websites? I mean something along the lines of "internet cafe", old but still running public chat sites or just newly made aesthetic-y chat sites. I want something to give you the feel like you're in an old building with purple, green and blue lights in a semi-dark room, on your laptop or desktop discussing to your friends about conspiracy theories
It doesn't have to be chat sites, it can also be chat programs or some stuff like that, there's this thing called sshtalk where you can talk to people via ssh and the servers are up for a few days a week
Another thing that could be cool is a website that requires a login, you require an invitation and the website link changes multiple times per month to avoid detection
Another thing could be an old 3d world chat game, something like worlds.com

Anyways, just post cool shit you know in this thread and I'll check it out

Attached: V4owjDt.jpg (2340x2564, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off to some tranny discord

write a custom css script to make everything look gay and aesthetic , faggot
also install gentoo while you're at it

Ummm sweetie i'll let you know that i'm the moderator of 15 different furry vore servers and i have a team to dox you... let that sink in
Jokes on you, retard

Attached: gentoo.png (1360x768, 452K)


8th page bump

I'm literally making an aesthetics/vaporwave website right now.

Hopefully releasing it this month. I have an alpha-version up on heroku though. Still a lot of features I need to add to it

>and the website link changes multiple times per month to avoid detection
Strange how there is this sudden interest in secret websites. There is now a parallel discussion on that over in /sci/.

As for aesthetics, how about this one?

Yeah, n-o-d-e
That guy's dope
Thanks for reminding me to check his channel
Maybe I should start using RSS

In that case you might also want to check out this one:

>enter website
>browser starts freezing
>fans start spinning
fuck that

>muh essthetix
you’re everything that’s wrong with Jow Forums. I’m sure there’s a subreddit for your needs, so go there.


check out neocities.org/browse a lot of websites on here look like some 90's or early 2000's shit

so what you're saying is you do nothing all day and don't contribute to society

>Ummm sweetie
The tumblerina disease

>being this new

It is slow to serve pages but I had a look at the source anyways. Searched for "javascript". Found 102 cases. Yes, that is rather a lot.

Also a bit ironical that a site dedicated to Cyberpunk hands reader data over to Google and Facebook.


