Programming Socks Thread

go on, show us your programming socks

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Cute miami, GMK or TaiHao?

Kill yourself discord trannies


lol suicide socks.

I'll show them to you if you hop into this oven for a second

>mfw no programmer tgf

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Best place to buy programming dakimakuras from?

i dont have any because im not a degenerate

It's hilarious how erect this makes me.

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Fuck off, Jordan

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>wearing uncomfortable as fucking shit socks
>wearing uncomfortable, restricting, shitty shoes
It's like you want to suffer

Lol this

>wearing shoes inside

Imagine pouring oil all over your dick and crotch and having this boy hop his ass and slide it around on it
I don't care about your sexual orientation, you will CUM

>wearing shoes ever


Go back to and remain there

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God i wish i were her

just take your HRT without reducing yourself to a literal prisoner then

Then what would be the point?

why would you want to cuck yourself and imprison yourself?

there really needs to be a doctoral dissertation on the correlation between the increasing scrutiny of female hypergamy and the overt popularizing of tranny shit.

so you're saying he's cute?

Because it's hot af :^)

All the socks on Amazon barely go over my knees, where can I find suitable socks for thiccer thighs?

are you also a winfag too?

Yes. It's the only OS that can run my hentai reader program.

Lol how did you even put this together

thank you user, I remember seeing this pic back in 2013, it horrified me and I had nightmares about it for a long time. Now I actually became a tranny, and I kinda wanted to find this pic that traumatized me as a teen.

just dont cut your dick off.

oh you mean socks intended for small feminine legs don't fit your larger male legs? huh that's pretty strange...... i wonder why that is?

Please post more - I want to fap

i won't lol


Now THIS is the reason I come to this board.

Its a backhanded compliment you brainlet

extremely cute

>you will never be women
>just glorified sex toys for male perverts who cant come out of the closet

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>implying being a sex object isnt my fetish

n-no i wouldn't!

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>>you will never be women
>>just glorified sex toys
so a woman

>so a woman
ok you got me there

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This. Sex is far from the best thing a woman can offer you. With appropriate training they can become competent pieces of domestic equipment. Although it normally takes a fair bit of refinement, you can generally make them capable of cooking and cleaning at a decent level.

why no one on Jow Forums has a girlfriend, exhibit a:

You're right, i have a slave bitch not a gf.
The general lack of cooking ability in women annoys me though, but the same can be said of men. I don't want to have to do all the cooking myself, but I like decent quality food.
The fact that most people can't cook for shit will eternally baffle me.



Also this isn't Jow Forums related

roastie detected

Why is Jow Forums filled with degenerate faggots?

welcome to the anime website

so this is what not having dad around is like

Why are you someone who adheres to a culture which defines this as degenerate?

Anyone in SV want to be bfs?

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Kill yourself, tranny.

Day of the rope soon trannies. If you don't kill yourselves first, that is.

It's just the tranny discord trying to normalize their degeneracy.

Programmer socks are for fagbois though, not disgusting trannies.

surprisingly the least passable tranny i have yet to see on Jow Forums. There are a couple around here that might not kill themselves, but this one sure will

Astroturfing at its finest. Just tell them to fuck off, report and go on.

Its the same thing, your just a queer so you don't realize it.

>not disgusting
Pick one. You literally stick your dicks in each other's poop holes.

I just tie cute boys up, force feed them my shit and beat them. I don't fuck them.

There's a surprising amount of passing ones on /soc/. I dated a passing trap once but goddamn did they have a tonne of issues. Kicked out of home, living at some public housing thing, daddy issues, really far left leaning etc. It all comes down to how strong your libido is because I usually wanted to leave and never turn back after every time I saw them.

well, the good thing is, if they don't all kill themselves, I'll do my best to clean up the rest

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Discord tranny thread?

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