Okay? Why should they? This shit happens all the time with anything that features a lithium rechargeable cell. Do we know what caused it to explode?
>happens all the time with anything that features a lithium rechargeable cell
>Do we know what caused it to explode?
>Do we know what caused it to explode?
Poor QC on the battery it's charging controller, or the frame of the phone.
I own an LG and dont give a shit either way but that headline is extremely misleading
Obviously I'm asking what caused the battery to explode you dingus
So the guy claims the phone was just sitting on the table when it suddenly started smoking and smelled burnt but then he goes on to say
>I had to drop it to the ground when I touched it because it was so hot.
So this retard saw his phone "engulfed in smoke" and smelling burnt but then picked it up for some reason and dropped it because it was hot? I've worked in both retail and as a computer technician and one of the things you learn very quickly in both fields is that customers always fucking lie. They lie about everything and they especially lie when they think they can get something out of it. I see it every fucking day whenever I ask the customer how they broke their computer.
>I wasn't doing anything, it just stopped working!
I'm not saying this story is impossible, or even far from it, but either that is one dumb motherfucker or a really shitty liar.
Which LG?
I mean, my first instinct would be to pick it up and see what the fuck is going on and if it still works too. It's not every day your phone becomes burning hot after all.
>then picked it up for some reason and dropped it because it was hot?
Are you human? It's natural to let go of something when it's burning your fucking fingers, thus causing it to drop.
Three issues for three different devices in a few years, does Samsung have zero quality control?
If they had no quality control I think there would be more than three accidents.
These aren't 3 accidents you idiot, they're flaws with the devices themselves. I'm assuming all Samsung staff use iPhones and iPads because their shit is clearly tested by robots and not humans, like the Fold was folded by robots in a clean environment and the Tab S5e can't be held with human hands as we're mostly water.
My bad.
Post the primary source, everything including that article is linking to the Indian Times which is not a good source in this case.
>sniveling jew damages his phone to obtain settlement money but based gooks say fuck off kike
I'd try to kill myself if I was a gold colored phone too.
>iGoy phones explodes
>Samshit phone explodes
>it's really nothing, happens all the time
samshitters, not even once.
Why would you pick up something smoking?
Are you retarded?
This is why buying Samsung phones is a bad idea. How obvious. And I'm sure that there's not a single other company that can make Android phones.
The fact it's a Lion battery and Samsung failed to engineer around it again?
Remember Note 7? Me neither.
>Lion battery
>samsung releases broken trash
>recalls and apologizes
>apple releases broken trash
>i-i-i-it happened to samsung LOOK AT SAMSUNG REMEMBER THEM?!
>iBomb explodes and kills 66 people
Back to your shitting street Rakesh.
Andreet has arrived
its not three accidents you fucking brainlet / shill
its three types of accidents
WTF kind of plane is that supposed to be? There's no modern single deck aircraft with 4 engines.
“I had to drop it to the ground when I touched it because it was so hot.” He then added that “everything inside [the phone] was burnt.
gee your phone is HOT before even beging to burst but you didnt do nothing
A340 you retard
>jew phone company owner pays gook child $0.02 to build a phone as cheap as possible
>jew designs cheapest battery
>jew sells phone for 1000 to an American, making 990 profit
>phone exploded
>American tells gook child to give him their money back
Did you miss the thread shitting on Samsung?
>nobody has proved that hypotesis true until today
>Samsung devices still exploding
Why am I not surprised.
So they are using aplel playbook. This matters why exactly? Chink shit is better bang for your buck than Korean shit. (Not that Chinks wouldn't pull the same shit, everybody apart from some car manufacturers does it nowadays.)
>Jow Forums
>it's okay when lagdroid does it