>orange man good
>bzzzzt bzzzzzt
Other urls found in this thread:
t. NPCs
>orange man good
>Says socialism never works, without doing any research
Nah dude. It's worse. They unironically think taxes = socialism and that Obama was a socialist.
>still falling for the partisan meme
this seems very unlikely. trump was a huge memelord and he burned his ideals into people's minds during his rallies. literally everyone you posed this question to, even the dumbest boomer would say "build the wall" or "deport them all".
looks like this is another case of leftists trying to copy a rightist meme and failing miserably.
really, this seems like the most incisive post in this pathetic thread
le funny silver robot man picture of wojak..,. hahahahahahahahaha
*Clink* *Clink*
Fuck niggers.
>that confused Jow Forumsdditer who dumps his politics meme folder on Jow Forums
go back there
just because you're circlejerking for the other side doesn't make these politishit memes less retarded
This is why we need a canadian IP filter. You stupid fucking fuck, this board was created for Jow Forums shitposting. I'd get banned from pol for making this thread, dumb fuck canadian.
no board is created for Jow Forums shitposting dumbass
it's an endless repetitive cycle of unfunny retardation that doesn't belong anywhere but in a dumpster fire
You're a fucking retard. I remember when they made this board specifically for pol shitposting.
epic cringe
Fuck off
Yeah. You're sitting here circlejerking the fiftieth tryhard iteration of le baesd wake up sheeple ms paint picture man cheeto dust flinging as you chortle yourself half to death but I'm the retard
Stupid, stupid Jow Forumstards
go back to right-wing tumblr
i'm gonna fap to Anzu tonight :)
cringe and redditpilled politics meme
its true tho. leafs posts are abhorrent
This is the most appropriate and realistic depiction of canadian posters I've seen so far
can't be worse than politics posters and redditjak rehashes
You seem to be obsessed with that other forum, maybe you should go back?
go back first
reddit is waiting for you over here
cringe and redditpilled
go back there
A large portion of them think taxes are they and that we'd be completely fine without the infrastructure the government built for them.
And the Bernie's magic money argument is an other example of how they don't understand taxes
believe taxes are theft*
Sorry I'm being a faggot phone poster rn
>Canada is still crying and complaining
seething Jow Forumsredditer
>his crying is eternal
>his complaining is forever
>Even now as Canada falls silent, realizing he is hated and disliked for his shit tier posts, he is just plotting his next crying session, which will be louder, and far more annoying
>his crying is eternal
>his complaining is forever
leaf btfo
fuck the orange man, just fuck him in the arse
>The absolute state of the USA