How do you fare with pthreads Jow Forums?

How do you fare with pthreads Jow Forums?

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Attached: received_422565201904364.jpg (945x528, 22K)

>photo of a screen
Why do retards do this?


Pretty well, thanks for asking.

I am at work, and I didn't bring a cable to send the screenshot to my phone with

pthread_joint made my day

pthread_join takes pthread_t, not pthread_t*

>Asking for help on Jow Forums at work
I hope they fire you. People watching streams on twitch at work are less annoyingly autistic

well, at least he's on topic.

I have never made a post in stack overflow

As you shouldn't. Read the documentation until you have a real question to ask.

I don't understand why you're so butthurt

i use openmp like any other sane weeb

made simple thread pool once with pthreads.
You should consider C11 threads though or openmp.

I'm working with a very peculiar recursive algorithm (it is a Branch and bound algorithm called SIVIA) that needs to create threads all the time. Performance matters the most.

Sadly a threadpool with a common stack causes a race condition, mutexes are unavoidable

I'd rather read pthc than pth

Attached: pewpew.jpg (335x400, 23K)

>Sadly a threadpool with a common stack causes a race condition, mutexes are unavoidable
Use a singly-linked list. Push to it with a compare-and-swap on the head. Pop by pulling out the entire list, remove one or more items, push back any leftovers. You'll need some mechanism to sleep/wake worker threads (like a semaphore), but otherwise no mutexes.

use TBB

Isn't it possible that 2 threads will try to pull the same list?

nigga just use atomic references