

Attached: iToddled.webm (960x1702, 548K)


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how to smallpost?


post with your penis
lmao gotem

ᴵnˢᵗᵃˡˡ ᴳᵉnᵗᵒᵒ

which modern smarfphone would survive that other than the rugged memephones

You need Jow Forums gold account

none because all modern phones are fucking garbage
i bet my sony xperia from 2015 would survive that


Pretty much every other phone. I wouldn't do it, because it definitely would scratch it. But it would break it in half.

Many, and from good OEM too
Just watch JerryRigEverything phone tests and see for yourself
There are plenty of phones that would resist that
As this user said, however, I would personally never attempt it as it would leave permanent scratches in any surface in contact with the cap

prove it.

Beaner btfo

He's wearing a cornicello, bud.


why are normalfags so retarded?

based & redpilled

My Note and I definitely would


holy fuck, that bent like a penis



Attached: BelleDelphine.webm (960x558, 1.97M)

ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ᵒᶠᶠ ʰᶦʳᵒᵍᵒᵒᵏ

you can fap to her, hate her w/e but as a dentfag i must say her smile is a 10/10

now try it with a lagdroid.

You can tell from the bend he has done it several times before.
Even if other smartphones would survive, they wouldn't survive repeated bottle opening.

>not a small Satania with small text
I'm disappointed.


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because using your phone as a bottle opener is what its for. Jesus you guys are autistic



Brown person + iPhag = beta.

That dude is unironically based.

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remember when early iphones were called indestructible as a meme? what the fuck went wrong?

Companys got cheap.
I remember hearing a story of a Motorola 8000 brick phone surviving a fire and still working, those were the days of quality.


Htc one m8



I hope AppleCare covers that.

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Why the fuck would anyone do this when you can just use a bic lighter or edge of table, or wall or fucking anything

same reason people open them with their teeth

This, I learned that the hard way.


/why do mods try to shit up the board with retarded gimmicks?\

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I've opened multiple bottles from my chink honor 5x. Metal has been scratched but it never bends or breaks.

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still would

To quench your thirst my fine gentlesirs.

Attached: soyboifuel.jpg (540x540, 32K)

How much do you think she charged the sad, sad cuck who paid for this video?

I've always wondered, do dentists of pornstars notice anything different? Like, if a doctor cleans the teeth of someone who's gargled cum, goes home and then faps to that scene, does he feel disgusted?

Well, hello, Reddit.

Enjoy your ban for spamming, dumb attention whore.

Now THAT is what I call "based".

My friend did this all the time with his IPhone 5s

How do I download this?

install gentoo

git gud

That is a modern smartphone you nitwit.


Huawei ez


>iToddler detected

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Thanks for advertising e-celebs.

*mumbles Ray J lyrics*

et secundum rubrumpilula

>implying boomer sippe is anything close to onions
Dumb Zoomers

done it with my nexus 5
sadly it died when I threw it into a wall in a fit of anger

is this the baste thread?

Attached: literal joke phone.webm (640x290, 2.43M)


Attached: epplel quelity.webm (480x270, 1.48M)

It does not cover anything. They will tell him water damage is not covered or some other bs

at least iphones get updates to new ios version r-right guys?
android never gets updates

Attached: iphone quality.webm (426x360, 862K)

>doesn't know what apple care is

did it with my previous xiaomi redmi note 3 pro and current xiaomi redmi note 5
got only few scratches which can be easily mitigated with phone cover
chinkshit just works

People break their teeth because they do it wrong or have mouth-aids.

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i dont see how a wall street journal goy stabbing into a battery proves anything but ok


wtf is that phone?
>doesn't matter, every phone explodes when you poke its battery


What did this retard expect to happen?

hes using a fucking screwdriver to pry the battery out, fucking faggot deserves to burn

ˡ33ᵗ ᵖᵃʲᵉᵉᵗ

>removes your battery with a hammer
wat do?

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ask him to hammer my anus while hes at it