This is going to be my main machine now. Goodbye, botnet.
This is going to be my main machine now. Goodbye, botnet
Other urls found in this thread:
you just want to smell the keyboard don't you
It has no smell, but I am going to mod it with the G4's keyboard anyways. It looks better than those cheap-ass transparent keys.
>Apple iBook
>Goodbye, botnet.
>implying I will ever use Mac OS
>implying Apple only puts botnet in their OS
You can't even browse the web on that slow piece of shit.
>implying PowerPC is not the most de-botnetted architecture that exists
You can if you use uMatrix
Fuck off zoomer. Go back to jerking off to dancing gifs of Terry Davis.
>implying any apple product is nothing but powerpc
Funnily enough, I have a spare Spanish layout opaque keyboard from a G4. Did you call the store and ask about the ram thing?
Yes, they responded that, in order to give me a price, I should send them the serial number of the machine, so I have to wait now.
>tfw we are all the same people everytime
Install gentoo
You want me to take the keyboard down to the store so they can ship it to you? I have a firewire drive I borrowed from them anyway, so I have to pay them a visit.
>tfw we are all the same people everytime
There's like four people here on Jow Forums interested in non-x86 boxes and I'm one of them. What did you expect?
Is it the 14-inch one? It would be very nice to have a Spanish one. How much would you want for it?
Yup, 14".
I don't want anything for it, just pay the shipping costs to the store. I'll see if I can find it by Monday or Tuesday, should be in my pile of old laptop spares. Did you give them the serial number already, and if so did they give you an estimate as to when they'll get back to you?
Thank you very much, user, I am very, very grateful.
I still haven't told them the serial number because the machine still hasn't arrived, so I am not sure of it. But I think there's only one serial number for the late 2002 14-inch iBook G3, so it probably is that one, and I'll respond to them today.
Do you have a Telegram account?
I like how people always say this like browsing the web isn't one of the most computationally expensive things people generally do in 2019.
But all that aside, with the right browser a lot of sites are still perfectly usable on that kind of hardware. I've been posting here from a 500 MHz G4 lately.
>But I think there's only one serial number
Maybe a model number, but not a serial number. If they asked for the serial number it's because they'll use the magic Apple Service tool to check it, so you'll need to provide them your specific one.
>Do you have a Telegram account?
Here. @that(remove this)ibookguy
I'll remove that @ in half an hour or whenever you send me a message, so be quick.
>that feel when you're one of them and spend most of your time false flagging the other three from your hipster System V space heaters
Once the novelty wears off after 10 minutes you're in for a bad time.
I had the 14" iBook G4 and it was slow as shit even then.
holy shit how is that thing still white? is that pic old or photoshopped? I remember those things being discolored and covered in dirt stains back in 2003.
are you gonna install gentoo on it?
if you had a day to hang out with Julian, how many times would you suck him off?
Those G3s don't have white paint. The lis is a piece of plastic that covers the painted part, so they don't yellow
five. I lurk these threads, and have a fair collection of older hardware.
Gonna pick up an old g4 to do some nonbotnet unix and some prebotnet os9 on soonish.
Back to your containment board manchild.
fuck off newfag
>it's the Apple false flagging shill again
fuck off manchild
>he thinks 2002 ibooks are identical to macs
you need to be 18 or older to post here
Imagine being this much of a permavirgin loser. How many times a day you jerk it to your framed portrait of BlowJobs incel?
I see too much apple and not enough Satanias.
good, even the false flag retard is more creative than those reddit drones
The G3 is the latest CPU manufactured that is not vulnerable to meltdown or spectre. Good buy. I run Debian Sid on my PowerMacs, and it actually works quite well.
This is the second thread I've seen people spreading this disinfo out of the blue, what's going on?
I'm all ears if there is information available that proves me wrong.
iPajeet shills are going all out.
UltraSPARC T-series chips were in-order until the T3, the entire Itanium line is also invulnerable by design.
This article is great, also a great demonstration of how useless Spectre is in general.
The IIDF gets rustled as fuck with these PPC threads. Jesus Christ.
Don't you have a designated shitting street you should be at?
Don't you have a gaymen pc wintel general thread to be in?
t. triggered iPajeet
Unless you intend to use these machines for running OS X Tiger, there's no point in using a PowerPC machine now. Early versions of OS X had no good software and Mac OS 7-9 run in SheepShaver or QEMU just fine. A Raspberry Pi or equivalent ARM board is faster, botnet-free, and actively supported by developers. PowerPC has just a few ports by neckbeards, and it's mostly the basics that are bundled with Linux and BSD distros. PowerPC/POWER has the same level of Linux/BSD support as SPARC or ARM does.
If you want an interesting RISC shitbox to tinker with, at least get an SGI MIPS or Sun SPARC workstation and run the native IRIX or Solaris. Linux and BSD are ass on anything but x86.
nice you got memed by assange
Debian Sid on PowerPC is actually quite good. Someone starte porting Mozilla browsers to PPC recently, so we have that covered. Aside form gaymen centric stuff, I can't think of many packages available to me on my x86 boxes that aren't also available on my PPC machines with Sid.
>It has no smell
>he sniffed it
Don't even try. The G4 keyboard cable is too short. It won't work.
Btw, the G3 keyboards actally have significantly better travel, and feedback than the G4 keyboards. Take my word for it. I hoard ibooks.
Huh, guess I'm wrong. I've always just assumed it's too short.
Terrible mistake
>Someone starte porting Mozilla browsers to PPC recently, so we have that covered.
are you talking about TenFourFox that's OS X only or has someone decided to try actually fixing mainline for Power/PowerPC
>Mac OS 7-9 run in SheepShaver or QEMU just fine.
yeah but who would do that? so boring. if I just wanted to run shitty old pixelated games I would just play trending indie trash
consult this guide
why are you so desperate for attention in every single thread, are you a woman? stop being such a pathetic piece of garbage.
I'm talking about Linux.
why are you so desperate for attention on Jow Forums, are you a woman? stop being such a pathetic piece of garbage.
t. iVirgin
>n-no.. p-please.. you have to live in miserable botnet land with me! you can't just adopt a platform that doesn't have an NSA backdoor! How dare you!
Nice hardware botnet.
How do you people use computers this old? I have a black Tiger era Macbook just to put my music on and it works for that but not much else.
Mactoddlers aren't people.
>implying you two aren't faggots
>apple user is a faggot
Truly a shocking revelation.
It is a complete lie so my assumption, resellers or maybe trying to dissuade. Maybe its just a delusional macfag.
macOS is 100% certified UNIX. It is POSIX compliant.
Why is Intel so scared of old PowerPC machines? They shill these threads so hard.
I really need to get a T2 system...
I currently have an emac G4 that I use as a bastion host for all of my ssh keys.
I'd prefer a mac mini but I got this system for free.
I post here with a Thinkpad X23 which is quite old.
It’s delicious.
> The G3 is the latest CPU manufactured that is not vulnerable to meltdown or spectre.
What? All Power processors except maybe POWER6 are vulnerable. Hell, out-of-order execution was one of Power's bullet points ever since the beginning.
The Cell BE's PPE uses in-order execution iirc
Cell can do OoO, but it's a simplified implementation. Not sure where that'd put it in terms of vulnerability, but I wouldn't assume it to be immune.
That said, IBM mentioned POWER4-6 as wontfix when they announced their processors were affected. It's no confirmation either since the proper security bulletin doesn't mention them, but here's a link:
Whether its Intel or not, definitely some people are always trying to keep people using newer intel/amd systems and nothing else. New win/mac/linux, linux because the non-systemd distro get shit on campaign style. Lintards are autism central so it may just be that but the way it got pushed initially is weird. I don't mean just on Jow Forums.
> duuurrr goodbye botnet
> uses botnet to fill out captcha to shitpost this worthless effort
top fucking kek.
>you just want to smell the keyboard don't you
the smell of failure, semen and broken dreams
> think different
> sheep.jpg
So what operating system are you going to put on it?
Gentoo or Debian, probably.
Jesus Christ, how many months would it take to get a full Gentoo install finished?
Just compile remotely.
How well does PPC cross-compiling work anyways? There has to be a major reason for distros with packages to be so scarce besides storage.
You can overclock those eMacs with a little soldering.
Like always, Stallman was right.
Honestly overclocking a machine that old is kinda pointless unless you do it for the heck of it, last time it was a good idea it must've been 2005 or so.
It was probably around 2006, yeah.
800mhz to 1.27ghz
Second gen with the Radeon.
Still have it around, but it's got cap plague and needs fixing sometime.
For like 15 years.