What is the best anti virus program if I don't want it to do random shit without my permission(bitdefender) ,don't want it to suck(avast) and don't want to spend a few hours configuring shit? Something that just werks.
What is the best anti virus program if I don't want it to do random shit without my permission(bitdefender)...
unironically don't use any antivirus(spyware) and stop clicking on sketchy shit
What if I like roms and games with sketchy exe files?
Windows Defender is unironically good enough if you use Common Sense 2019.
sucks to be you then
Common sense, it just werks
Antivirus programs where the real viruses all along.
Roms aren't exe files fucking ever you dumbass
Also if a game has way more files other than just the exe it's way less likely to be fake
That's why I said AND moron. I like roms(implying I visit sketchy sites that may be filled with malware) AND games which are sometimes cracked.
Read the full post you mental degenerate.
>I like roms(implying I visit sketchy sites that may be filled with malware)
Use a fucking adblocker/noscript dumbass and download from non shitty sites
Install Gentoo
this thread is awful and you should all kys. OP just use windows defender and if you are feeling paranoid throw in malwarebytes
MBAM premium
I use ublock and noscript already retard. Also, the rest of your post points out something that only a mental midget like you might think is useful information.
Then why are you worrying dipshit. If you have noscript and ublock you aren't going to get infected just by visiting websites. The only mental midget here is you holy shit. You should connect your head to your city's sewer system to get rid of all the shit you're spewing
Upload the file to virus total, duh. Seriously, AVs beyond windows defender are snake oil at best, at worst they can increase your attack vector
For windows use microsoft defender.
If you dont want it use UAC and common sense.
For linux. You have to type pass to execute things so it is like window's UAC.
For android/ios use common sense. App store apps can be privacy/data consern. Unlikely to be malware but could.
For web browser. Use auto updates to have updated web browser. Here it is users' fault almost always. Fall for phishing, download files then execute them (could be a payload), run flash. Privacy and data could be handled differenly by different browser. Firefox seems best with addons and customizations. Android and pc support addons. Install ublock origin, privacy badger/possum, video background play, redirect amp pages, canvasblocker ... If you want to block .js try noscript and umatrix see which you prefer.
Thank you
Thank you too
is this bait?
Time for a VM my man
Ad blockers and common sense. Just don't be an idiot, don't open any suspicious files, don't download any totaly_legitemate_picture.jpg.exe and you'll be fine.
If you're more paranoid, use Linux, no one develops malware of nixes except for servers.
ITT: Ignorant morons infested with botnets
t. Avast salesman
Common Sense 2019 is not compatible with WIndows though.
Use a VM and stop using AV. even Sandboxie will be better than nothing.
Install Ubuntu 19
Install VM of your choice (VirtuaBox goes well with Ubuntu)
Install Win version of your choice on the VM
Clone the VM.
Use the clone.
Get a problem? Just delete that clone and clone another from the fresh VM install. Takes like 2-4 mins.
You can even double down by using Sandboxie in the VM environment.
If you have a suspect file, upload it to virustotal.com to check.
You realize, of course, that won't work for games, right?
OP is a retard, just use a script blocker and adblocker. You're then good to go.
It works fine. You just need to give the VM all the resources and set it up correctly.
>What if I like roms and games with sketchy exe files?
You know roms have .rom extension, right? Just not run .exe, fucking dumbass
Just use a mac. There, no viruses :)
>Hey kids, want to buy some Reading Comprehension?
Our point is that roms won't have viruses pretty much ever you moron
>What if I like roms
not executable
>games with sketchy exe files
download your warez from trusted sources, Jow Forumsenius.
anti-virus is snake oil for idiots that can't opsec. but if you must use it, malwarebytes is best.
malwarebytes shill please
>Windows Defender
... is pure horseshit and should be disabled. it's beyond useless.
fuck off, McAffe cuck.
Then you should have just made that point instead of wording it otherwise. OP obviously didn't know and he probably has known filetype extensions hidden. lol