Is there any reason anymore to travel to the US with anything more than a burner phone and wiped work laptop?
Is there any reason anymore to travel to the US with anything more than a burner phone and wiped work laptop?
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Is there any reason anymore to travel to the US?
Fuck off terrorists we don't want you here
traveling to the fucking eastern block was less embarrassing than visiting the USA nowadays
You sound like an angry nigger with a gun.
You should always travel with wiped / non-essential hardware.
What if I need to move that hardware?
Why would you bring tech into the US when tech is much cheaper there?
Everyone in the southern states act like that
Ship it in a secure box. Don't have it on you at the border crossing.
Their hookers were also better looking and not meth addicted. Seriously the West coast was a mistake, the USA is Africa tier outside of the tourist traps.
02/10, will not travel again.
If you need to move it then ask whoever you're working for to ship it, or be damn sure that there's nothing illegal or incriminating on it.
>implying rednecks aren't niggers
Has there ever been one?
Am I safe if I just remove my SSD from laptop and keep it on me? Or will they try to check that too?
thats not even the real problem
the faa declares that the international no go zone of usa extended 120km from the coast inwards
basicly they can search your stuff in that area if they so wish
I never understood something about these searches at the airport.
When they check your stuff, are you allowed to see what they are doing? Because in that case I don't think it is that bad since they can't plant a backdoor without you knowing.
What even is the official explanation for these searches?
Terrorist software?
even if they were searching for terrorist software sophisticated enough to be a real threat, I doubt anyone working for TSA could find it
>just ship it internationally bro
any inbound package that US Customs identifies as a laptop or whatever from any postal carrier is subject to search and seizure. If they're gonna stop you at the border and ask for a password, you can bet they'd open a box full of hard drives
CP, and checking if people are stupid and write down what their illegal purpose of entering is.
They asked me to turn on my phone one time to make sure it's not a bomb. I was chosen for a "random" screening. I'm too born-here to look like such a terrorist kek
>travelling to the United Downfall of America
I'm a white, blond-haired Norwegian guy, so I should be fine.
>travel to US with burner phone
>be taken to guantanamo
enjoy your stay
The first one sure, but the second one is retarded. Terrorist just rolls through a TSA check point with his entire cell's identifiable information on a laptop ssd? How often does that even happen for them to justify the existence of this primitive data farming outpost?
Do they ever search white people?
Or just sand people?
Russians are still traveling to remote villages all over the world for their "pristine churches" so they're kind of forced to, no?
>travel to the US
I don't really get it though, if you wanted to cross the border why not just put all your shit on a server empty you phone then put it all back after? It's not even hard.
Hell you could even make a zip upload it to google drive then download on the other side. Border security is a joke.
>Has there ever been one?
nope. if i wanted to visit a third world nation, i would travel to south east asia. much cheaper and closer to home and no americans, because they're despised there. kek.
> trusting google
and you think homeland security is bad? good fucking grief, charlie brown. my fucking sides are in orbit.
No so fuck off
The official reason is that people will often claim they are entering the country for one reason, but have clear evidence on their phones (messages, etc) that they are entering for a whole different reason.
I saw an example where some dude was claiming to enter to just visit his family for a few weeks, but upon investigation texts revealed that he had a whole cash-only job set up and shit.
Not defending it, just explaining why it came to be in the first place. If they're that worried, they should require an approved online application for people coming from whatever countries are the problem ones. Then do their detective work beforehand.
The FAA has nothing to do with this.
It's all DHS/customs/immigration. They're the ones who have pushed for those "no constitution" border zones, phone searches, etc. They're on a mission to harass and nab as many mexicans as possible.
Google may not be the most privacy-oriented company, but they're not going to pilfer through your phone in front of you and grill you as to why you're entering the country.
Plus, encryption is a thing, but I'm sure you already knew that :^)
>It's another thread where yuropoors circlejerk about how awful the US is
I've been in Cuba a few times and now I'm selected for "random" searches every time I enter the US or UK.
If you aren't already here, you don't belong here.
>Google may not be the most privacy-oriented company
may? they just aren't.
>but they're not going to pilfer through your phone in front of you and grill you as to why you're entering the country.
they're doing their job.. and what kind of retard would even take a phone/tablet/laptop filled with private data into a shithole like the US? this has been going on for quite a few years now.
>Plus, encryption is a thing, but I'm sure you already knew that
so is having your devices confiscated and not returned if they suspect anything is encrypted and you're not cooperating. stop being a patronising faggot.
Man... look at what the country of "freedom" has become.
Once trump lose the 2020 election USA will become just like UK/australia, and then 10 years later like china
USA is such a flaming dumpster fire, nobody with any sense wants to go there.
I think you're having trouble understanding what I said.
Google is better than US customs. If you don't encrypt your data that you upload, they might automatically mine it, but probably not. If you encrypt it before uploading it, Google will have no way of reading it, and it won't be on your laptop/phone.
>what kind of retard would even take a phone/tablet/laptop filled with private data into a shithole like the US
Oh boy, please tell me what utopia your ivory tower is located in.
Based. You seem to be the only non-retard in this thread
this is how you do it user:
>laptop with just base system and 100% perfectly innocent applications, no personal data
>when you get to your destination, download everything else through a connected to the internet (with a password obviously)
or just have everything on a USB drive up your ass and purchase a SATA -> USB adapter when you get there
wtheck are you in cuba
>I think you're having trouble understanding what I said.
I understand perfectly that you're a clueless cunt that somehow thinks google is trustworthy in any capacity. the data being encrypted will just attract even more scrutiny if it's seized by US government. I'm pretty sure you're the kind of clueless cunt that has google accounts in their own name.
>Oh boy, please tell me what utopia your ivory tower is located in.
I'm not American or British, so I'm already winning the game of life.
based fucking retard.
you have the ability to encrypt things, dingus
I'll try one last time:
Your encrypted data is *not* on your phone/laptop. It is sitting on your server/google drive/etc.
If there's no encrypted data on the device, there's nothing for US customs to see. Google drive was just an example, you can run your own server or use one you rent with buttcoin.
And of course you won't say where you are, because you know you would be laughed out of the thread.
You fucking retard. He's saying to encrypt a backup of your device, upload it to gcloud, then wipe your device. When anyone touches your laptop, they won't see encrypted shit, they will see a wiped device. Google is probably not going to care about your encrypted files and leave them alone.
>you have the ability to encrypt things, dingus
>duurrrr i used encryption
oh yes, that'll divert attention! what a dribbling spastic
>It is sitting on your server/google drive/etc.
>google is so trustworthy!
> he thinks because it's encrypted, that'll save him from government scrutiny!
Ok this has to be bait
>And of course you won't say where you are, because you know you would be laughed out of the thread.
>laughing at someone for living in a certain country
The absolute state of Jow Forums. Kill yourself.
ITT: we trust google with our data even if it's encrypted.
based fucking retards. my sides.
He might be pretending to be retarded at this point.
Did you not read this entire thread user?
>Google is better than US customs.
who's retarded? it's you, faggot.
>I don't trust encryption
Why are you even online?
user, Google isn't some magical entity with infinite computing power. There are probably a lot of encrypted files on Google cloud and there is NO way they are going to try to decrypt every single one. Even just using decent encryption on a file will take them many years to crack.
Welp you're a confirmed idiot if you think Google can break any standard encryption.
Oh so you can break AES-256 encryption? Do enlighten us, this is so interesting.
I would never laugh at someone for simply living in a certain country.
It is, however, pretty rich when someone calls the US a "flaming dumpster fire" and "third world shithole", yet refuses to state where they are from.
>sir I need to search your phone
Why do you have Tanya in loli folder rather than Tanya folder?
Got that tanya from 2+6chan.
Clover saved it to the folder of the board I got it from
backup to offsite, restore when out of airport
You're really doing south east Asia a disservice when comparing it to the US. The region might be a shithole but it doesn't deserve being set on the same level as the US.
Freedom > Money
Americans have always laugh at people not living in their country. thb it's divine justice.
>porn on your phone
Fucking zoomers.
>even if they were searching for terrorist software sophisticated enough to be a real threat, I doubt anyone working for TSA could find it
Exactly this. Anyone that ever interacted with them will tell you they are under-payed failed cops. You could literally deposit a bomb under their ass and they wouldn't notice. If you actually are part of a terror cell funded by the Saudis or the Chinese or whomever these guys are literally the least of your worries.
i've never seen so much pathetic cope
You enjoy your failing infrastructure, political system, economy, housing market, job security, social security, the non existent social upwards mobility and so on. Not to forget spending ten thousands on a worthless meme degree that will get you laughed out of the interview anywhere but your 7th world excuse for a failed state.
Stop staring at the mirror, then
You should just fuck off, go to facebook and share pics of your last vacations, it will give you nice "good boy" points in your future country's social credit system
I hope you guys are having a good day. Why are you getting so angry while thinking about America, the Land of the Free? You should rejoice and hope we will keep protecting your 3rd world country from 2nd world countries :)
That is some of the worst bait I have seen this decade. At least I really hope it is bait and you aren't actually that retarded. But then I remembered the lead pipes and the fact that I am dealing with an American so you're probably actually serious.
It syncs with my home cloud, what's zoomer about that?
How is it bait? Do you think any 3rd world country stands a chance against a 2nd world one?
If only you knew what irony was cause I have a little word for you that might bring back some unpleasant memories.
The largest military in the world and at the time most advanced too was actually raped by a bunch of rice farmers that never even learned to read to the point that they gave up and still somehow called it a victory.
i'm irish, not american
i called it pathetic cope because it is pathetic cope
you would prefer to live in america to whatever shit-tier country you are in
Why, thanks, I am having a good day knowing I won't have my ass hauled to the American Gulag because I don't want to fork over my cellphone's unlock pattern to some lame ginger working for the airport """"security"""" that secretly sneaks out and hoards fap material thanks to the wankers that forget to delete their 10000 year old loli from their chinkphones
10 years ago? yes
fucking 2019? Hell NO I wouldn't touch that shithole with a ten meter pole
Sir, I'm sorry but I think you're mistaken. Our goal in entering the Vietnam war was the containment of Communism and the prevention of Chinese expansion. The war effort was quite successful, but as we are a democratic republic, when public support for it plummeted we had to leave. I hope I was able to clear up some of your misconceptions.
But the dude you replied to literally said "Fuck America"
If anything, the only ones coping are the amerilards, now that their influence as a superpower is diminishing
I mean, just take a look at the guy above my post
Hello sir. You seem to be under the impression that the United States of America has facilities which operate in the same manner as Soviet Gulags, but please know that you are mistaken. We do not have such facilities in the Land of the Free. As for your other point, phone seizures are quite rare and American citizens do not have to comply to them. Also, I'm certain that you will not be imprisoned for being in possession of drawings depicting young girls.
Good afternoon, sir. I would like to assure you that American influence as a superpower is not diminishing. Please stop spreading such lies.
Didn't know the Americans even outsourced their shitposting propaganda division to India.
kek have you been in a coma for the last 10 years?
No, sir. I am not receiving payment for being an American missionary. I do it out of a sense of duty.
You have to comply with a search. If you don't, your phone gets taken and they will do a full-scale forensics examination of it.
No, sir. Only the last 3 years.
You do not have to comply to searches, which is why you are asked for permission.
You can say no, they will just take your phone anyways and you will be detained until the search is complete.
And requesting a lawyer will make the TSA go full retard and scream at you
>Indians goto US
>Wealthy Americans (aka Jewish Germans and Anglos) goto Switzerland Austria and Germany
Luckily you don't get in trouble for loli in the US.
You might be thinking of Canada.
Here's my story:
>be American
>hear the great wonders of Europe preached
>My company has an opening, move there
>Car has to be rigorously inspected (expensive)
>Pay income tax, VAT, and local tax
>35 Mbit internet
>Shit ass tiny 2 lane roads that have 10 cm of clearance on either side and clog up when some 95 year old lady decides to drive 20 Mph in a 50 zone
>Shitty combination washer/dryers since nobody has room for full sized appliances
>Food prices higher
>Rent higher
>Gasoline is literally 2x as expensive
>Wages lower
A middle class lifestyle in Europe is a lower class lifestyle in the US.
>what's zoomer about that?
I'm talking about the CBP, not the TSA. If you're traveling back to the US from another country like Canada, your phone and laptop could be searched. Within the country, TSA doesn't care at all as long as it's not a weapon.