Damaged QR code

Wtf is this? How do I solve it? I will also accept direct answers.

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 2.39M)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a picross puzzle

It's called a nonogram, faggot. Picross is a video game, which is the only thing you know because you've never left your parents' house.

Took me all of 7 seconds to figure it out.
Are you low IQ by any chance?

Careful with that edge.

>took 7 seconds to figure out it's a nonogram

Never heard of a monogram before.

OP did you by any chance cut any numbers bottom right? I sperged and tried to resolve but either I messed up transcribing it or the thing is broken

I got this far but I think OP failed to post the whole picture:

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-03 18-51-29.png (398x403, 9K)

I read about this in Detective Conan. It's a note that says you are going to be murdered soon.

Fuck you, Elon Musk

>not https

Picross is short for Picture Crossword. It's another name for a nonogram you absolute mongoloid.

That doesn't scan, even if i change the contrast to make it perfect black squares

Can you read?

yes, OP wasted your time

I deduced by logic that only 2 squares can be cutoff. Is it so hard to guess them?

it says:

the crc part is borked, you can't recover it.


Attached: Untitled.png (638x638, 68K)

Can someone link me an article on the formula to make QR codes? I've never actually bothered to look into constructing or recovering damaged ones before.

*jailbreak your phone*
>nothin personnel kidd

Congrats. I solved it a couple of hours ago
But is still nice to see some people on Jow Forums still have at least half a brain. It was truly sad seeing the idiots pretty much giving up assuming it was unsolvable. Specially after one user getting so close.
I fucking hate neo/g/.

It's sad to see people flexing over a child's pursuit.