Give me advice on java

Give me advice on java.
I got offered a free course to get an entry level job.
is it worth it?

Attached: 652rxwyK_400x400.png (400x400, 93K)

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Yes great language and will make you loads of cash

It's a boring language, but it's also a job. If you think programming jobs are usually fun and exciting - no, they're not.

> muh fun
Nobody is a child here.

Java is a solid language. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's not very modern (which is mostly a meme) but it's solid.

.NET Core shills (this is a real thing on Jow Forums) will show up any moment and try to shill you to C#/.Net Core which NOBODY is using.

Good language, consistent, will teach you OOP principles and design patterns.

Will provide you with lots of job opportunities, but the language itself is often tedious to use, especially when many companies use older versions without useful features like lambda expressions for easy operations on collections or Optional wrapper that prevents having to write null checks everywhere.

Get that free course + job user, Java is well paid and used widely, which means you can get easily great jobs

I know someone who's an electrical engineer at a publicly listed company and he told me the only class he had trouble with at Stanford was Java. So take it but don't expect it to be easy

there's a ton of boilerplate and old versions will make you want to tear your hair out but as a language it's far from the worst, the biggest problems you'll have to deal with are other subpar programmers

Attached: java 2.jpg (500x600, 60K)

Why not?

>has never heard of Java 8

I got this feeling when i jump to java with only knowing C.
Shit is a mess and too complex in an Enterprise level.

A jobs a job this sounds like a nothing to lose and everything to gain situation
Java is generally used by banking institutions where I live and is a fairly balanced language, so you could definitely grow really well
Literally what big corps almost exclusively use the ms stack

that image probably predates java 8

It interests me too. Bump

>Literally what big corps almost exclusively use the ms stack
Tell me, which of the big services out there uses .NET/.NET Core apart from Bing(obviously) and Stackoverflow?

Netflix, Google, Amazon, Twitter etc actually pretty much everything runs on Java.

Java is pretty much the best language

>great IDEs
>great libs
>great tooling, test suits, benchmarks, build integration
>performant enough
>big data tools

honestly, I would pick Java over anything that compiles to JVM
that said, there are abominations like Spring I would not touch with pole, but at least the possibility is there if you like to overcomplicate things

you don't need any course though, just read effective java and you are better than 95% of pajeets

my entire experience with the language is based on textbook examples of OOP and I have never heard the term software architecture the post

also, if you add stuff like kafka, hadoop, spark, airflow etc to your resume you are a god among fizzbuzzers

The government.

Also check out and make native builds with GraalVM.

thanks for the information guys.
its a free course for veterans ...3 months and get a java certification and job.

Good shit, good luck man

Take it.. It's going to be easier for you to learn another languages.

It's actually quite similar to modern c++. It's just way slower but can run on any OS. Decent trade off imo.

It's a nice beginner language, you learn a real c based language and don't have to torture yourself with pointers. Just learn C after Java.

The strength in Java is scalability. The reason shit looks wack and hard to follow in Java is because it's designed to be scaled horizontally, so all the complex stuff gets hidden behind abstractions in the expectation that Pajeets at the end can at least play with them without breaking shit.
RuneScape is a fantastic example of Java-at-scale. It's decades old, yet still runs and does so on a large scale with 1000's of concurrent users. I've poked around the client and it's a fucking mess of legacy code buried ontop of legacy code, but it just werks. That's a game that doesn't even use OpenGL. The reason this is such a fantastic example is that game has so many private servers; so many nerds have ripped apart that client, fucked with it, repackaged and distributed their own game out of it, enough to piss off the company that owns the copyright.


Can confirm.
J2EE backends are soul crushing.