Release macbook

>release macbook
>broken defective keyboard
>broken defective screen
>broken defective cooling system
>broken defective shitheapOS
>blame CPU supplier for lost sales
The ABSOLUTE state of applel.

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I'm surprised Apple are aware
they still make macs.


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They're falling in sales because they're not selling anything worth buying. Their computers are underpower, the fact that we users can upgrade them is a Downer

I understand the hardware criticisms but macOS is so far ahead of Windows and Linux it's not even close. They haven't made a decent notebook in like 6 years though. I've been waiting for something decent to come along and I finally gave up and bought a Thinkpad.

They'll never make a good MacBook again. Or at least not one for people like me. We are a very small market and I have to accept that


Good joke.

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ARM MacBooks confirmed

microsoft already beat them to the game

Blame shifting. Typical.

MacOS is slow bloated garbage. Are they going to rewrite the whole thing is Swift or just let it rot like they’ve been doing for 15 years?

Yeah but nobody wants Windows.


Hackintosh is a thing and many modern laptops are compatible ootb or the most you have to do is swap the wifi chipset for full compatibility.

OS X is abandonware.

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People realised they didn't need a MacBook to browse the internet.

Which is why 90% of people use it

They use it because they don’t even know what an operating system is and Windows comes by default on shitty Wal-Mart laptops.

People use it because it comes with most devices, if Apple were to open up macOS, Windows would take a massive hit.
They should do that honestly, with their move to focus on services over hardware.

How do you fuck up that bad

Not really, kinda impossible to make Mac support all kinds of PC hardwares at this point.

>Pitch fruity tablets and phones as laptop replacements
>Why aren't we selling any of our laptops anymore?

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also dont forget
>broken pricing

So manufacturers write drivers.

You don't need to make it support all hardware since the beginning of time, just the past few years of relevant hardware.

It's literally not haha

What? HAHAHAHA. he must be out of his mind.

Okay, and? Doesn't stop my classmate from running Mojave on his HP laptop

They could solve all their problems by going back to the 2013-2015 design. Everyone loved it.

nice dead meme bros

it's prolly their idiotic ipad "LOL WUTS A COMPOOTER" ads
their fanbase just goes for the ipad pro instead of a macbook.

this IS kind of a problem because if tim cook gives up on the pc market (PC as in "personal computers", not the other meaning) all we will have left is windows and linux, and linux is dying a slow death anyway so we're basically fucked

seething Incel/iToddler

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my main computer is a ryzen/rx combo and my lappy is a t530 so no

>dead memes
>dying company
how apt

>Rob the platform of everything that used to make it unique and great in the past, make the computer ludicrously expensive, implement terrible hardware and software bugs into every single computer and software, completely take focus away from the entire thing in favor of your new cash cow, iOS
>Developers leave one after the other because they all lose hope. Piece by piece by, all macOS exclusive software is gone. Video editing software works about 40% faster on Windows than on macOS and everything but your own, neglected Final Cut "Pro", which you actually neutered to make it more normie friendly, has been ported. Audio editing works just as well on Windows, even Linux can do low latency audio now
>Invent a new, slower language and repeatedly break the API with every new release, pissing off even the last developers, also deprecate and remove existing APIs, no matter how large, faster than anyone can keep up and then not even provide proper abstractions over the untyped Objective-C shit everything is based on, so the new language is forever held down by it

>Turn the mac mini from a semi-decent, semi-affordable upgradable quad core computer into a non-updradable dual core shit
>Turn the mac pro, which used to be the nicest looking computer there ever was, into a fucking black, overheating trash can because you wanted to make your "performance first" computer portable instead of fast, then don't updrade it for 6 years but keep the prices from back then
>Cripple the MacBook Pro more and more, replace tactile F-Keys with a forced touch pad nobody ever wanted, ruin the keyboard more and more with every new generation, get rid of magsafe, make the entire thing so thin that there's no place for ports and that the CPU overheats even at 0.81 GHZ
>Remove all upgradability from the iMac and make it even flatter so it can properly overheat and die quickly so you have to buy a new one soon


how will they ever recover


ryzen hackintosh lets go

Apple should release macOS for $300
I'd unironically buy it

It's always other people's fault. Apple is perfect.

2020 ARM/AMD MacBook Pro confirmed

as an ex-fag mac fag you nailed it bucko


>appletoddlers ITT begging to get raped in the ass harder

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They won't
There is no Steve this time.

>faggots love taking it up the ass
Why would've thought?

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I can’t wait for Apple to do a Microsoft and become irrelevant. Too big to fail my ass.

>>release macbook
Found your problem.

Really?I thought Mcos users were dumb faggots before,but this is absurd.

Ebay VS Neumann says he has do do anything legallegally permissible to keep share value from falling, and if that includes blaming intel they'll do it.

newest imacs have replaceable memory and cpus, for a change

The very newest removed that I thought? I forget. But I know the new 2019 iMac comes with a 5400rpm 500gb HDD and starts at $1050.
What will our boy do when apple fails?

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I quad-boot on my 2012 Macbook Pro.
Pretty comfy.

What MBP was the last good one? 2013?

How can a man be this based

There was never a last one because there was never a first.

as if a SINGLE mac customer knows fuckall about processors

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Qualcomm has moved to UEFI, but no idea how locked down it is, or what it really means for loading alternative operating systems

They do know about processors
Food processors


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It's not a meme, its one of the side effects of apple making a fuck up.
If apple stops fucking up, this girl stop being posted.
This "meme" dies as soon apple stop fucking up.

You seem to have forgotten their first controversy when they released them. And as we all know, first impression is what matters the most, since that's what everyone will remember. And if the CPU is throttling and it being the first thing the public focused on when they got released. I think it's fair to blame Intel, or whoever designed the cooling the CPU.

Tim Cook is fucking retarded aids ridden homo, no wonder.


So why not buy AMD? they do for GPUs.

Oh wait, it's because the real problem is their shit tier overpriced crap that breaks 2 days after 12 months of warranty is up and takes all your data with it.


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>It's not a meme, it's one of the side effects of Apple making a fuck up
It IS a meme. Go to every single thread that mocks any brand (Intel, Samsung, AMD, et cetera) and you'll find at least one post that contains an image of Satania (or Satanya, I don't fucking know, do I?) along with the cookie cutter reply of [BRAND]TODDLERS BTFO

>If apple stops fucking up

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>release macbook
Found your problem.

I would have bought a newer model last year when updated if they didn't have that keyboard

Had a 2015MBP and it was great, still is. Overall they're just great machines.

You look at competitors on windows side and there is always fucking something major and the YT shills never reveal it

>huawei is laptop of the year!
>go research it
>trackpad rattle on almost every machine
>have to wedge paper underneath
>paper doesn't last
>guy has solution
>hammer down metal tabs


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>Intel promises 10nm chips by 2017
>Apple designs new MacBook Pros with these cooler chips in mind
>2017 comes and goes
>10nm chips still not found as of 2019
>rumors swirling of Apple considering designing their own chips for the 2020 MacBook Pros as Intel simply isn't making the strides in progress they'd anticipated
>inb4 Apple is about to do the same thing for MacBooks that they did for the iPhone
>inb4 iBooks are making a comeback
That's gonna be fun.

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I'm downloading this image not because I agree with its sentiments but because I'm gay and the last panel turns me on.
Also, I'm gay. Not sure if I mentioned that. I'm gay, everyone.

t. ifaggot

>Apple considering designing their own chips

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It's almost an exact rerun of how Apple switched from PPC to x86 after the G5 was a housefire and their laptops were stuck on G4s for five years. The Powerbook G4 was incredibly sexy. I'd love to see a clone of that with a modern screen and aarch64 internals.

70% of the world has herpes.

shit bro

I hope this means AMD Macs are coming.

>AMD will magically fix applel street shitter engineering
The absolute state of mactoddler delusion.

Considering AMD processors currently aren't solar furnaces, yes. They would help with the thermal throttling that Macs experience, even without any fundamental changes to the design.

Remember when qt girls all had laptops?

>tfw will never talk to qt laying in pajamas playing on her laptop in yahoo chat room ever again

Also RYZEN APUs are stronger than Intel iGPUs which should make running retina mode faster.

I honestly don't know why Apple hasn't jumped on AMD's dick yet. You would think that with AMD processors beating the shit out of Intel in productivity tasks, it would suit their market segment perfectly.

No one is buying Macs to get max FPS in their games. They render videos, where a 2700X can't be beat when it comes to price/performance/heat

Intel is still seen by normies as being higher end than AMD (many of whom haven't even heard of AMD) and that plays into Apple's boutique image.

15 inch mid 2015 without dGPU

- First they ignore you
- Then they laugh at you (we are here)
- Then they fight you
- Then you win

>implying anyone's ever been doing anything but laughing at you for the past 40 years

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it would not be difficult to replace the darwin kernel with a BSD or Linux kernel, or even just port drivers over to darwin since it's basically BSD anyways.

macOS is actually really good. One of the redeeming parts of a Macbook, really.

idk, maybe try dnf?


Imagine comparing an ideology to a brand, pathetic levels of delusion and a gross lack of coping mechanisms on this one.

Wow, have we already hit the "Then they fight you" stage?

>tablets and thin laptops are an Apple exclusive thing

Why they would sell at loss?