ITT obsolete software you still use daily

ITT obsolete software you still use daily

For me it's Office 97

Attached: word97.jpg (1043x697, 67K)

Windows 7



Damn, that's comfy.



Attached: 1532738816011.png (1264x800, 33K)

[spoiler]I wish I was kidding. I'm surprised it hasn't been pwned yet.[/spoiler]

Attached: 2019-05-03-194613_1680x1050_scrot.png (975x595, 29K)

It ain't obsolete if it still gets the job done.

Attached: ubiq01.jpg (1024x768, 65K)

What went so wrong after this?

Paint shop pro 8
I just like the ways things are done on it.

Attached: painshoppro8.jpg (1600x870, 314K)


Visual Studio 2008
it's so snappy compared to the newer versions


Switch to Xenforo. There is an option to import the data.

And it's STILL better than Libretard office to this day.
Good god, I recently had to make a presentation in Impress for my company. The amount of bugs and well-hidden everyday features this software still has is quite incredible.

For me, it's the Classic Mac OS.

Attached: Picture 1.png (1024x768, 77K)

Libre's and Openoffice's powerpoint fucked up at everything possible when I tried using them a few years back. Rendering messed up and everything was really bloated and slow. Then tried PP97 and it just werked. Unbelievable how doing the same thing with a 20 year old program is 100x faster

My XP laptop started dying recently. It's still running as of now, but a couple weeks ago one of two RAM slots just died, simply doesn't boot with a ram stick in it... I use it very rarely but it doesn't have much life left in it...

Attached: feeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg (633x758, 77K)


I use 2010, prolly obsolete in less than a year if not already.

It's no even consistent in what it shows in the previews on the left, on the previews during a presentation, during a presentation and while editing a presentation. Often, it renders the background color in some (the previews - where you don't need them), but not when it actually matter, when showing the slide.
And of course you don't have the most basic conveniences that would take less than 2 minutes to program, like highlighting which slide you're currently editing on the left bar. It gets highlighted after you click on it, but as soon as it leaves focus (Like, when you go to to edit the fucking slide), the highlighting completely disappears. So when you're done editing and want to go to the next one, you have to guess from the preview where you were.
How retarded is that?

Even basic shit like "How the FUCK do I turn off the list editing mode so I can just write text? UNINDENTED text?!" is hidden behind sub-menus where you'd least expect it. Heavens beware if there was some kind of "unsorted list" button that is in pressed state while you are in a list and can just be toggled to get out? Is that difficult to program, or what?

LibreOffice is the least intuitive software EVER designed. Freetards are complete shit both at UI and UX design. I mean, holy shit, if you want to take pride in designing shit that no normal person could ever use, you might as well just allow using markdown or fucking LaTeX. At least then I would know how to look up the basic shit I want to do.
Give a Freetard all the tools and materials one could want, 40 years and some proprietary software written in 5 years as a model to copy and he will invent... a fucking pile of randomly thrown together shit. Just the tools and some wood on a pile.
Google has made a more easy to use Office Suite in the fucking Browser. In the FUCKING BROWSER, holy shit.


vBulletin is the comfiest as long as it's older than version 4.

The new ones suck.

Personally, I still use Office 2003. Office 2000 was good as well.

Ur mum xDDD

Office 2003 on a Pentium 3 PC works faster than any modern Office on any modern PC. Try it yourself if you don't believe it. Wirth's law is 100% real.

based Office 97 bro.


why not upgrade to Abiword?

it's a quality program. their "animation shop 3" for gif images was great. i still use it.

My "Desktop of Last Resort" is a P3-933 w/1GB RAM (RAMBUS) running XP SP3. I have O2k3 installed on it and I would have to agree with you. 2003 on that machine is faster than O365 on my current 4th gen i5.

I like how paint shop pro don't try to pretend the pictures are not made out of pixels.

*gets Кocoглaзый*

When will Winds of Winter be out?

Honestly, I'm about to put together an XP based DAW machine based around a C2D E4600 I have laying around. 2GB RAM, Sonar 8, and my keyboard and I'll have a nice setup for cheap.

These, but they're not by any means obsolete.

I batch resize jpg in differents folders to put on my tablet
FOR /R %f IN (*.jpg) DO mogrify -resize 80% "%f"
This does not work in powershell so I use cmd


That was common in 2003-era laptops. If there's nothing else wrong with it, it'll probably just keep working.

Office 2010 is still being used by a lot of people, and I doubt Microsoft dropping support will change that.


Used to use PSP9 for a long time. Absolutely loved it and coming from Paint to it blew my mind.

I'm still using PSP X

We use 2010 at work

It's really, really hard to get this out of modern devs.
>But react is so comfy for me! Sure, it takes a shitton of memory because the entire state is saved like 4 times (if counting the DOM) and the DOM is duplicated thanks to the VDOM and actually, the application requires an entire fucking web browser and 500MB of memory idling, which used to be enough to run an entire OS and nearly all programs on the market, but... but it's worth it! The convenience for me is worth the suffering of my users and their computers!


Add that to the fact that companies will hire you for being able to put out products faster, rather than more optimized products. A react web app running on electron is awful, but it can be developed way faster than if you actually tried to use a good language like C to properly optimize it. The people with the money will support the former simply because it will be cheaper and produce earnings faster than the latter. This means that people seeking to live off coding are encouraged to learn to develop lazily like that, which just makes it even worse over time.

>Visual Studio 2008
.NET bloated shit heap.

Attached: vc6.jpg (1200x900, 109K)

It's not that it can be developed way faster, it can be developed by way less competent developers and obviously, those are much easier to find.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to use hand optimized C for every single project either - I mean, most of the freetard shit written in C is still, even after like 20 years of existing, so shitty and broken and bug-ridden, you could probably make a more usable UI in react in 2 weeks.

I think the sweet spot for most projects is C#. Abstract enough and feature rich to allow fast development, safe and fast enough to make good programs. For really performance critical parts, you can even link to C++ stuff relatively painlessly.
Too bad GTK# is GTK, Windows Forms is garbage, WPF is Windows only and Avalonia is still very much in Beta.

Trannies also need to die.

He said obsolete.

What are you running it on?

Fireworks CS3

I'm using office 2007, because ribbon is really nice feature

Attached: Bez nazwy.png (1917x1044, 158K)

Enjoy your ransomware

Wrong wallpaper tho, that's not an itanium system.

400MHz iMac DV+

Attached: The shitposts are IN the computer.jpg (4592x3056, 3.73M)

>Macromedia Fireworks and Dreamweaver MX 2004
>Adobe Photoshop and Acrobat CS2
>Office 2007 (maybe not obsolete yet, but I haven't seen it around in a while)
>Symantec Ghost Solutions Suite

Looks to be a beta of XP x64

Comfy, you haven't been pwned because it's so old skiddie tools don't even support it anymore.
I'm still looking for a copy of Ultimate Bulletin Board because I want to recreate the old theme for phpbb.

Attached: ubbmain.gif (401x444, 61K)

why are you torturing yourself
I bet you can't even browse /gif/ or /wsg/

>software released less than year ago

it's considered obsolete compared to the music software that's around today. are you retarded or you do not know what obsolete means? does it trigger your autism?
> software released less than year ago
see? you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. the development of new FT2 is much older than a year (at least three years), and age has nothing to do obsolescence. look at apple's products for example, they're obsolete as soon as you open the box.

>why are you torturing yourself
I'm not. Jow Forums(nel) without JS loads in three seconds on this machine, and I can post just fine.
>I bet you can't even browse /gif/ or /wsg/
I don't use this machine for browsing those boards. But actual gifs work just fine, as they've always done. Webms don't work, since there's no way of decoding VP8/h.264 under OS 9. I do have a Power Macintosh G3 (With a 1.1GHz G4 upgrade) running Tiger that can play webms, though. I don't use that one for casual browsing because it's an absolute power hog, and having it hooked up to a 19" DiamondTron doesn't help in that respect either.

people here aren't very bright. these are the same people that complain about javascript captcha taking forever to solve but refuse to use Jow Forums-x and tampermonkey/greasemonkey with forced disable javascript captchas (or they just don't know anything about it).

how do you browse the site without JS?

Attached: 1556888846125.jpg (965x473, 64K)

Classilla has NoScript built in.

Attached: 1545532419716.png (400x1650, 367K)

I mainly still use Office 2003 because I find the interface feels like a comfy porch where I can sip my coffee or tea

My man. There is a comfy feeling working with older office suites that newer version with ribb*ns cant replicate. The cursor moves where i point it to, select options tuck away in categories that are so easy to find if you know what you are look for

i feel your pain...

Attached: 1537399115433.jpg (717x1000, 133K)

GPU failure was also common in early - mid 2000's laptops. Don't hold your breath.

How do you solve captcha?

Attached: 1552092781349.png (1114x1214, 828K)

It's the noJS captcha, same as 4ChanX uses. You solve it, it gives you a code and you paste it in a box. Done.

Come on satania, just give this man a break.
Just because the quickdraw was an absolute trainwreck because it was not futureproof at fucking all and used a lot of fixed memory addresses and support for color was a complete kludge don't mean you should laugh at it for eons.

Based and classicpilled

My god, this place should be called Jow Forumsatekeeping

How well do older versions of office like 97 or 2000 run on a more modern windows OS? I want that comfy feel and low resource usage again bros.

32bit -> 64bit translation isn't exactly light in resources.

I don't think there is a translation here, given the CPU can and do switch dynamically.
But by my personal experience with VB6.0, the modern implementation of the GDI is SLOW.

Enjoy your viruses from infected documents that 97/2k won't protect you from, dumbfuck old software users.

I wouldn't be opening other people's documents user. Just composing my own in a nice comfy environment while I enjoy coffee and LARP that it's 2003 again.


Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 10K)

photoshop cs3

also this because the ribbon was the best innovation in ui for decades

Windows 7, FrontPage 2003, Camtasia 8, Windows Movie Maker, Winamp

>but refuse to use Jow Forums-x and tampermonkey/greasemonkey with forced disable javascript captchas
why would you need all that garbage when you can get nojs captcha on the default site just fine?

Attached: a.jpg (272x352, 76K)


>photoshop cs3
can it open banknote images?

Attached: bn.png (1022x753, 503K)

dunno why i'd want to pirate a legacy currency

It was either that or CS2 that was the first that couldn't, there was a patch to allow it to though.


That screenshot brings back memories of late nights writing term papers in university. Thanks user.

i recently got hired, and i shit you not my workstation pc is on a windows xp. feels odd and kind of nostalgic at the same time