
why do I have to wait so fucking long for these processors?

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Be glad you aren't waiting for IceLake, or anything on Intel 10nm

Atleast Intel crushes current gen processors. As an AMD fan i had to wait for too long to be in the winning team .

>adoredTV leak
You have to be an 80 iq retard to believe these (((leaks))).
>Inb4 Intel shill
I've been waiting for an upgrade path for years.
And it's probably gonna be a higher core count Zen chip. Mainly because I don't want to spend $1,500+ on an Intel 12+ core.
But thinking 16 cores will magically run 5.0ghz on a chip designed for servers; is fucking dumb.

>I don't want to spend $1,500+ on an Intel 12+ core
sirs........buy intel

Just because a company doesn't release a product the moment it begins production to exploit the ensuing shortages doesn't mean you're actually waiting that much.


amd is for virgin freaks, have sex.

>16c32t on AM4 platform
So if this is real, this raises the question of memory bandwidth. Look at the Threadripper 2990wx with 32c64t. On the X399 platform with quad channel memory, it was still bandwidth starved, Windows NUMA core/thread allocation notwithstanding. Take half that, and also half the memory bandwidth since AM4 can only do dual channel, wouldn't the R9-3800X fall on it's face?

Either way, I'm pumped. Ryzen at 5.0GHz will be a real dick kicker.

Yield/silicone issues and needed a critical flaw fixed in the consumer chips hence why the enterprise and consoles where done first

Higher clocked memory, non-NUMA and 4MB L3 per core will alleviate most of the real problem, you might get gimped in memory bandwidth starved applications though, but those aren't really relevant where Ryzen sells.

Tbqh my 2700x is fast enough for 100hz gayman atm where it falls down is memory so I'll wait till ddr5 6400 am5 Zen 4 is a thing in a couple of years

you ever try to finish a project? that's what amd is doing now. i've never finished a project though so i hope they're better than me

It's not like there is anything good or useful that requires this kind of power.

How much do you lads think a 16core amd chip will cost? About 500 bones, or cheaper? How will this affect thread ripper?

It's about time that consumers got more than dual channel

>wait so fucking long
AMDfags have been waiting since Bulldozer was hyped. I think you can wait a few months

most of them bought intel at that time

what ever,no different for old ryzen.
and more and more intels cpus going win,wait end of year.

tdp is just that high what is should be with more cores or clocks...none upgrade.!!!

looks same effect ike gpu sector, fury,vega and radeon vii...no different
well radeon vii was 7nm gpu, but not belive it! so lausy efficiency,and still slow!

ok, cputdp also same...there is anyhting new,just different name....i wonder how long amd can sell product with no profit..well looks that no longer...sooner or later its eat hole company and debt givens not tolerance more...end of 2020 is my guess.

hmm. i try really see different from ryzen 2000 series,but no....oh yeah... more cores..but is it only trend or commercial way.
you dont need more than total max 6 cores for gaming,even 4-core is enough. easily.
more than that is waist of cash, no matter how much its cost.

and,i still see not any goodies from amd 32-core cpu...erhh i mean where to use thouse??!! tell me..

200-cores cpu.... so what!

no help gaming,apzz or rendering...useless.

another hand, real pro rendering use always intels cpus...why??

well,buy them amd fans, you keep amd up and pay them callary...youself you give so little back.
except red fine main...lol

They have a 3850X page up now:
>AMD Ryzen 9 3850X Soket AM4 4.3GHz 32MB Cache İşlemci
>"4.3GHz base, 5.1GHz turbo"

Attached: Turkish_Ryzen.jpg (1280x960, 251K)

>5.1GHz turbo"
delid dis

Have sex.