Why did BlowJobs and Cuck hate freedom so much?
Why did BlowJobs and Cuck hate freedom so much?
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because they love money
Inb4 that obsessed smelly nigger based anime retard.
that's a rude thing to say about your mom
why not calling it bribing? which is what it is.
What does that stock photo card even do?
It's unironically a PC term for it, like how "job creators" is a PC term for kikes.
>why does a man named Abdul Lateef Jandali hate freedom?
>You shouldn't have the right to repair your phone because you might hurt yourself
>In a country where owning guns is legal
Are they going to ban silverware too? I mean, you might poke your eye out with that fork.
Apple hates their users and literally wants to put them through hell and squeeze every fucking dime out of them. Apple users, being the masochistic sheep they are, openly accept this. Have you ever been to an Apple store for a "repair service? Its ridiculous. The technicians Apple employs can't even do repairs other than an iPhone screen or battery replacement. Other than that, they just swap out the device with a refurbished one. How fucking crazy is that? Apple's own repair people can't repair shit. Apple users are masochistic sheep and Tim, the AIDS ridden faggot, Apple is their daddy.
>without effect to warranty
Really? People cracking open their shit and tearing off labels, fucking around with their shit CAN STILL HAVE WARRANTY? What time line did I step into today?
there should be penalties for lobbying, fine Apple 1 trillion dollars
Truly enlightened
icucks will defend this
Fuck Apple! Warranty laws are fucking retarded anyway.
>already makes hundreds of thousands of dollars
>(apple) here take this sum of 40k to stop this bill
fucking dumb
I want to replace my iPad with something more Free, is there anything worth a shit? How’s LineageOS? Basically the iPad is my only fruit toy and it works great for what it is.
What’s the best Android tablet to get for LineageOS?
HP Elite x2
really made me think
>user...what are you implying
>you must be baiting right
>*goes to wiki*
absolutely lmao
This has no chance of actually working as a defence right?
I fucking love my HP 840 G2. iNiggers btfo
Pick one.
oh no no no no no
>Abdul Lateef Jandali
>its TRUE
oh no no no
>be American
>open iPad to make a small repair
>SWAT teams invade the place and arrest him
>also has to pay reparations for Apple
satania is for lewds
REALLY made me think
right on time
also based
Apple's days are numbered. Their business model is failing. Imagine having this much money and being this desperate for your customers to not be able to repair their old devices. Here's another good one.
oh no no no n o
wow really? the right to fix or mod hardware and not void the warranty? how the fuck is that even realistic to separate potential damage done by the amateur repair and the actual warranty covered repair?
This desu, I hate Apple but this is just silly
To be honest he rejected his biological parents
fuck warranty
we don't need that shit anyway
>get a life, bin that idevice
someone give me a quick rundown on the UK knife meme.
Due to the new "British" committing a large amount of violence with knives, the oppressive UK regime doesn't trust it's subjects with knives. They have bins where you can surrender your sharp object, with "get a life, bin that knife" written on them.
And "content creators" is a PC term for panhandlers.
I hate that term so much. It's so vague and implies that they make something tangible instead of shitty youtube videos.
don't be a dork, bin that fork
Underage b&
there aren't guns in circulation so people commit crimes with knives instead
There are tho, they're just more expensive on the black market
As long as you're not expecting Apple to cover you under warranty for your own fixes, and not claiming to be Apple or use genuine parts, they have no right to stop you.
mi pad 4
Is carrying a crowbar or length of pipe okay? Better for reach anyway.
A nice solid camera monopod would be a better option. If the pigs ask just say you're into street photography.
How about chainsaws?
Hell most knives are pretty shit as weapons compared to other tools. Maybe a proper fixed blade combat knife or a big solid kitchen knife, but even then you'd probably get your ass beat by someone with a length of chain.
Look at the junk that gets put in these knife bins. Mostly kitchen utensils and scissors. Pretty shit weapons indeed.
>deadly steak knives
>a fucking butter knife
>resounding success
Imagine being such a Seething iToddler that you want to punch the cute loli demon girl.
Because, if people can repair their devices themselves -or you make it easier for them to take it to a shop to get repaired-, why would they replace it in the short term? How can you push your overpriced stores quotes it there's competition?
>without affecting their warranty
For once, I side with apple.
The warranty is already the company saying they'll fix your shit for you if they accidentally gave you a faulty device. While it makes sense for some people to modify their shit, 95% of people will just fuck shit up if they open their devices. And if you're intelligent to modify your shit on your own, you dont really need a warranty.
Once you start modifying things on your own the chances of it being your fault theres a problem sky rockets. So obviously it makes sense to tell you to fuck off if you try to claim warranty.
Yeah I don't expect a warranty if I repair or modify something myself, but I do expect the vendor to not get in my way or deliberately brick my shit when I do so.
That I'd agree with. But in not familiar with the topic. According to the OP post though the bill is just about voiding your warranty. In which case I side with apple.
The bill covers a lot more than that. Such as fair access to parts and tools for maintenance, the banning of kill switches and similar practices that actively serve to prevent owners from repairing their own property. Even the warranty issue still allows the manufacturer to say no if your modifications are what breaks the product or your repairs aren't up to spec.
Fair enough then. It sounds reasonable.
There is sort of a point where you shouldn't be screwing around with stuff, and if you do, it should void the warranty, and that's when you don't follow the instructions set in the factory service manual.
The ideal right to repair law should say that manufacturers should be required to not void your warranty if and only if you follow those instructions, but also require that sad instructions must not require any special tools not included with the product. It should of course also require that the service manual be made available, which would probably be the most costly rule to comply with.
Does this bill actually do all that? Well it's failifornia, so probably not.
Only one man can stand against the forces of darkness.
arch demon lolis can take it
Indeed she can.
Their warranties are shit anyway, just make them stop soldering parts that should be replaceable (memory, processor, etc.)
user, you have no idea how deadly butter knives are.
I don't get how this shit is even in contention.
It's your property, you can do whatever the hell you want with it.
Every day we stray further.
>google it
>it's real
I want off this ride.
How come it's not a big meme on Jow Forums.
>Be innocent, nice, "new British" who came to this country to plant flower fields and help old ladies cross the street
>Learn how to have English breakfast, take knife in hand for first time in life
>Desire to create flower field replaced with dreams of rivers of blood flowing
>Go outside, slit open filthy kaffir
Those evil knives, man. Those evil fucking knives. It's all their fault. The police is right about them. If only they didn't exist.
if Tim Apple gets his way then it will be us that get BTFO
>why not calling it bribing?
The same people who run the press do the bribing.
I repair electronics for a company similar to Apple
I fully agree that all service manuals and required software should be made available
However, some of the worst shit Ive had to fix have been botched customer (or bad tech) repairs. Electronics are not generally simple things to fix, so, I can understand a warranty getting voided for a bad customer repair. an example, a unit may only need a $1 part soldered to the mainboard, but the customers attempt ends up destroying the board, which is $500. Why should the manufacturer pay that $500 for the part when it should have only been $1 in parts? Is it because the customer woldnt have fucked up the part if they had the service manual? the answer is most likely no, the customer simply wasnt skilled enough to do the repair.
source for that article?
freer than x86
I don't think anyone is arguing that if you fuck it up then they shouldn't fix it for free but simply opening up a device should not void a warranty
Just making sure. Sometimes, the mere act of opening the device can be the point at which the customer fucks it up. but yes, I agree that so long as the customer doesnt make things worse their warranty should not get voided.
and thats how it works at my company. if there is evidence that a customer opened the unit, we do not void the warranty. however, if there is evidence that the customer caused damage, then we do void the warranty. We also dont have any indicator stickers or anything to purposely try to see if the customer got into it. I mean management sometimes wants to look for excuses to void the warranty for budgetary reasons, but ultimately its the tech actually repairing the unit who decides if the warranty should be voided. and its generally OK if the customer goes in as long as they didnt fuck it
>Steve was born on February 24, 1955, and was named Abdul Lateef Jandali.
its not your property, you just get a license that states you can use the product :^)
You don't want to be able to replace your battery for free instead of going to an Approved Genius(TM) Bar(C) where professionally trained workers will fix your Apple(TM) related problems for the low price of just 99.99$, do you?
>there are people who worship this sandnigger
>there are people out there who use sandnigger computers
That is some incredibly cringey writing regardless of anyone's opinion on the subject. Jesus. It reads like a Jow Forums post with more words.