I have finally ascended

This file is a screenshot of my desktop (please ignore the botnets in polybar). But seriously, Jow Forums, why do you love Gentoo so much?

Attached: gentoo-desktop.png (1366x768, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>installs gentoo
>uses it as if it were arch

>Jow Forums
>serious opinions about Gentoo

Seriously, it's pretty nice but currently is lacking developers. I could not emerge netbeans for example, some dependencies just wont compile.

back to r/unixporn

I kinda want to install gentoo. Any tips? How was your experience?

Fuck r/unixporn. I was banned there because I posted a screenshot displaying Jow Forums some weeks ago.

It isn't very hard, you just need to read the documentation. However, configuring the system to suit your needs can take quite a long time dependending on your CPU.

You can just follow the documentation but don't skip anything or else you might have to start back at zero.
It just takes a long time. Roughly 8 hours of pure calculation time on my older machine.

>Jow Forums, why do you love Gentoo so much?
flexibility and freedom of choice

>configuring the system to suit your needs can take quite a long time dependending on your CPU
you mean compiling?

read the handbook

>not compiling your own kernel

if i were to install gentoo i would still use systemd, pulseaudio, and gnome because they all just werk

Attached: satania.jpg (2048x1152, 158K)

What is your appeal to gentoo? Is it strictly the emerge system?

While I don't really like how Gnome looks I like the DE as a whole. Which is alright since I install a different WM anyways.

Supposedly it would be faster on my core 2 duo than ubuntu but i'm too lazy to compile it and find out

I guess what I'm asking is that the major distros have systemd/gnome/pulseaudio/etc etc. For me, I used ubuntu and then transitioned between other derivatives to try out other DEs, and then I plunged into archlinux for the finer control over the system and now I have interest in gentoo for the lack of systemd and libressl offerings. Do you have any sort of ideological desire to use gentoo over *buntu?

Not him, but portage is the main reason I use Gentoo. It's fantastic.
It also supports a wide variety of architectures. I use it on an old sparc server I have.
It can take forever on older systems though.

Attached: VD8f31c.png (1000x669, 950K)

Not really that's why I don't use it already. Maybe a rolling release?

Why not arch?

>pacman -syu

sudo pacman -Syuw --noconfirm

then go back to Jow Forums motherfucker

When I need to refresh the package database and update the system on arch all I have to do is execute pacman -Syu . I've heard it's less straight forward on getnoo. Can someone tell me what the equivalent would be with portage?

Does anyone even use gentoo on this board?

Absolute macaco

not him but I would save the source code to use patching when upgrading so I save bandwidth. Though fedora has rpmdelta so I'm trying that

>I can't emerge X
you most assuredly can. this is where gentoo gets fun. read logs and figure it out.

sell me on gentai.
whats its best use case?

Attached: 2RnsijF.jpg (1234x2174, 276K)


What do you mean use like arch? I just see a Gentoo distro with a window manager and a terminal with neofetch open.

>I have ascended
Wow, what a faggot. Are you from Reddit?

Because it demonstrates the spirit of the free/libre software, you need to have all source code of any program you want even the linux kernel and you can install and configure it however you like it, represents GNU/Linux at its best.

>represents GNU/Linux at its best
not according to the FSF, even though it's perfectly capable of abiding by their commie shit to the letter.

Have fun spending your entire weekend compiling updates

Gentoo is a metadistribution. It really shines when you need to build a bespoke system from scratch without the pain of LFS (Google used Gentoo to create ChromeOS), or when you just need a whole bunch of packages built in a way different from the binary distros (like sakaki's pure-aarch64 Gentoo dist for the RPi3B/B+). If you're not tweaking at least some part of your system with custom compiler settings or USE flags there's not much point. Gentoo was really popular in the later 32-bit x86 days because things were still compiled for i386 or i486, so setting -march=i686 or -march=native could give you some really nutty speed increases over the binary distros, but with modern targets (ARMv7, ARMv8/AArch64, amd64/x86_64) the instruction sets haven't changed enough to make that worthwhile in most cases.



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Lmao you actually fell for the meme, how does it feel to be so manipulated?

>image search this
>this comes up
How about you neck yourself redditor?

You will regret it. Do not say I didn't warn you.

Good. We should be doing the same thing here.

I have the installer and stage3 tarball in my download folder. But I know the rational choice is too just keep Ubuntu or reinstall Debian on the drive I want to install Gentoo on. My hobby isn't maintaining a Linux system, and systemd fuckery can be fixed with much less work than dealing with hugeass complile time, broken ebuilds and version confiicts on Gentoo. It's a great distro but I won't be tricked a third time.

That's honestly the point I'm at with gentoo as well. I really appreciate it for what it does, but the installation and maintenance is just too much work for me.

Eat a dick cunt.

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