Icecat 60 is the only acceptable version/fork of Firefox

Icecat 60 is the only acceptable version/fork of Firefox.
Prove me wrong

>"M-muh LibreJS f-faggotry"
just turn off the plugin and """"non-free"""" JS will function like normal.

Attached: icecat.png (650x650, 177K)

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cant install smartHTTPS for some reason though
besides that, its really nice

just use HTTPS Everywhere desu

How can install in parrot OS deska?

Good thread.

If you don't want to compile Icecat, you can grab the Guix binary and install it from their repos.

Thankyou senpai-kun

I think i'm going to be sticking with waterfox.

I switched like a year ago, it’s great.

Compiling it is easy though and it’s faster if you compile it for your hardware with all the proper optimizations.

Open security vulnerabilities.

I would use it if I was smart enough to figure out how to install it

waterfox is giving me endless captchas
tried regular firefox and it's not a problem
fuck jews

Does it support all the modern addons?

Yeah, but it's a nice alternative for those who are too lazy. BTW, Fedora users have Icecat in their repos too.

I'm right there with you user, switched the second firefox shat itself and deleted all my addons.

how do i install this on windows 7 :)


Install Linux in Virtualbox and then use the rootless option in extensions to run it in a window on your Windows desktop.

god damn it i'm too dumb for that i'm just going to eat water hemlock thanks though unironically


Open security vulnerabilities.

You could finally wean yourself and grow some pubes by getting off Windows.

based easily demoralized poster

Yes, but fix it with the mitigation guide. I can't recommend icecat in good faith until they hurry up and get off their asses and update to the latest ESR.

yes you can, if you download the .xpi, open it (it's literally a .zip) and edit manifest.json with this at the end:
"browser_specific_settings": {
"gecko": {
"id": "[email protected]"
sounds retarded but it works