Why haven't you married a Vietnamese woman yet Jow Forums?
>Beautiful >Loyal >Trad >Hates black people and anyone with dark skin >Religious and god fearing >Will give you many children >Great wife who stays home to take care of children >Best sex you will ever have
So why haven't you done it? What is holding you back? Why aren't you on the first plane to Vietnam to get yourself a perfect wife?
>Why haven't you married a Vietnamese woman yet Jow Forums?
Been married for years.
>>Beautiful >>Loyal >>Trad >>Hates black people and anyone with dark skin >>Will give you many children >>Great wife who stays home to take care of children >>Best sex you will ever have
>>Religious and god fearing nope.
>too loud She doesn't talk unless spoken to. She's actually very anti social, and doesn't like most people because they are idiots.
Liam Russell
>Racemixing >Trad Yeah, no.
Josiah Martinez
Being traditional has nothing to do with race, retard.
Ayden Bennett
>Being traditional has nothing to do with race, Well, TRADITIONALLY racemixing was looked down upon (or even outright outlawed) pretty much everywhere.
It's hilarious to think about the cognitive dissonance of someone who is against globalism but marries someone not from his own ethnicity.
Xavier Morales
A viet nail shop filled with negroes. Of course one is recording. I hate this life.
Nolan Adams
Sticking to your own is trad. Don't be a fool.
Isaac Nguyen
>le ebin "trad, loyal, religious eastern wife" agenda Something new maybe? I saw this retarded spam six gorillion times.