C++ Essential Reading/Watching

I am learning C++ in depth and want to know what the best resources are. Books, blogs, videos, etc.

Currently working through pic related.

Attached: 12DF9788-D9BD-49FA-97AE-41E554C69486.jpg (1224x1516, 359K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: coc.jpg (642x950, 111K)

Oops wrong pic

Attached: eff.jpg (640x640, 42K)

If you make it through bjarne 4th and want to take your skills to the next level, try modern c++ design. If you can make it through that you probably qualify to be on the C++ design committee

Pic related

Attached: 8650555F-7A41-4C98-A860-4D4D8D37C266.jpg (403x500, 36K)

Isn't this thing outdated

Do you recommend pic related?

Attached: clean-code-a-handbook-of-agile-software-crafts.jpg (494x704, 32K)

That one is fine too

Isn’t this pre C++11?

In the trash it goes

C++11 and above is not like Python 2 to Python 3. All of the fundamentals are still valid and a good text about those fundamentals are still worth digesting.

BASED and C++ pilled

>C++11 and above is not like Python 2 to Python 3.
There is a much larger practical difference between code written in C++11 and C++03 vs Python 3 and Python 2. The Python developers just chose to make a clean break from the old instead of leaving the deprecated bits around.


Don't waste your time on modern C++, the language has gone completely bonkers. Don't overthink your code and just write C if you want to.

Exceptional C++ (and read having in mind that all of it is artificial issue created from defective design of the language, not because the issue would be hard)

>defective design of the language
there are only two types of languages: languages that people complain about, and languages which aren't used

>it's popular s don't think critically about it
the quote

your meme lang would have just as many warts if people used it

Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (updated for C++14)
A Tour of C++ 2nd edition (updated for C++17)
Effective Modern C++ supersedes Effective C++
Exceptional C++ and More Exceptional C++
>inb4 but it's pre-smart pointers
you should know what are they supposed to solve
C++ Templates: The Complete Guide 2nd edition (updated for C++17)
C++ 17 - The Complete Guide
C++ Concurrency In Action
C++ Core Guidelines, C++ Super-FAQ (not books)

Is c++ primer still the best introduction?