Creating a VoIP Service

I didn't see a thread for this and not sure if it should be in the /dpt/ or /sqt/ threads as I don't frequent this board often but I have some questions regarding VoIP services. With all the recent shit Firefox and other services not being privacy friendly (i.e. Chrome, Discord, literally any other major application), what would it take to create/program a VoIP application? I know there are already others that are more privacy focused such as Mumble and Tox (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) but I'd be interested in creating my own. Primarily one that is privacy focused with encryption but with similar functionality to discord but without the spyware. Is there a specific language I should use to do so? I should mention I don't really have any programming experience but I have always wanted to learn and now that I'm unemployed I definitely have time. I know it would be difficult to do so, but I've got nothing better to do currently. Apologies if this belongs elsewhere.

Attached: spyware.jpg (820x629, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>I want to compete with teams of programmers for a hobby project
>also how do you code?
kid, just give up now.

arch has mumble 1.3

Search for "How to build a web application using WebRTC". This is probably the fastest path for you from zero to finished product. Keep in mind that you will be fighting an extremely steep uphill battle by learning how to program while trying to develop a non-beginner application with multiple facets.

I never asked how to code as anyone can read up on it. Merely what coding language would be best. I also never said I wanted to compete with huge companies to do this, just that I'd be interested in creating a voip application. Maybe I should've clarified that for you so you wouldn't read so much into it.

>calling people kid in 2019

Oh yeah I meant to call this guy a faggot which is why I replied to him in this post

matrix does this and is open source, read their source code if you're curious. anyway I'm not sure if it can really ever take off, I have some barely tech literate friends (ie. slightly above pc gamer) and I can't convince them to switch despite not using any discord specific features.

Use mumble. Or if you want something discord-like, there's matrix/synapse/

Just believe in yourself! You can do it user you just have to stay with it until you get bored and hit your first wall and quit.
Honestly before you choose a programming language shouldn't you be thinking of a name and logo? What color will it be??

Their voice chat is not too robust, certainly not in comparison to Discord. I host a matrix server for my friends but we only use it for texting. I host a teamspeak server for voice chat and for playing games with remote friends. It's far lighter than discord and very easy to set up. Matrix is slightly more complicated to set up (properly)
You should search for what I said as well. It can be done in a few hours or less by someone experienced with web programming. It is very simple to implement WebRTC on a website.

Thanks. I guess I was using the wrong terminology. I figured it wouldn't be a walk in the park to start from nothing and developing something as intricate as voip software. I guess I should've started with that and asked where would be a could starting point to programming in general. A friend and I were just talking about how discord scans every open process and the recent firefox debacle and it got me thinking. I'm aware of other applications but was mainly interested in what all goes into it and if I could do it myself given enough time and research.

Not OP, I had to do something with WebAudio at work. It worked but that API is a clusterfuck.
If you go the WebRTC way, I'd recommend you to check this out, this lets you capture audio from the microphone and store it into a file:
You can make a small Tornado Websockets programmed on Python to add chat capabilities to your IM client.

My tip is to think it small and simple, so you don't get discouraged before you have at least something finished, and you can either choose to move on to another project or add more complexity to this one.
If you have doubts, ask away.

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I should also say for clarity that what I am saying will take a couple of hours is not anything remotely on the same planet as a service like Discord. Such a service is impossible for any individual to implement on their own. What I am saying will take a couple of hours is a basic website which does one-to-one voice/video chat.
Working with WebRTC on a website is the best starting point for developing a voice application, to my knowledge. It is not the best way to start programming. A popular way start programming is to think of a (simple) task that can be automated in a field that interests you. Maybe this is mathematics, maybe web-scraping, maybe scientific simulation, or audio.

Yeah I mean I wasn't thinking of doing something as large scale as discord and distribute it on a huge scale. I was mainly thinking of something with the functionality and convenience of discord just without the bs and testing it with just my small group of friends. Obviously starting with just simple text chat and than adding on to it meet the functionality of discord.

Again, building a website will get you there much faster than building a native app will (in case you didn't know, Discord is actually a website. Their desktop app is a Chrome window). So start with a website that lets people type to each other and then add WebRTC to it for video. Again, there are a lot of tutorials for this.

>Obviously starting with just simple text chat
You should check Websockets protocol then. They are very easy to use and implement, both in server and client sides.

I did know it was a site first but I didn't know the application is a chrome window so thank you for that.

Maybe a slight difficult question, but if I were to become well versed in C++, which is what mumble uses, could I add on to the existing source code and give it functionality akin to discord?

I should add that I know it is not an easy feat to just learn a programming language, just asking a hypothetical

Yes you definitely could, but it would be quite the undertaking even if you were very proficient in C++ because you would have to learn their entire codebase. This is very difficult to do (but far from impossible) on your own without guidance from a knowledgeable developer.

user this simply isn't true. A few google searches and lines of code is all it would take. I would say within an evening you could accomplish that, mumble basically has text and voice chat already.

sure but at the end of the day why?

if you want privacy focused you wouldn't be on a social network disguised as a fucking voip

if you want a big voip site, your competition is tough. But if you do get big, guess what, they come kick in t he door and MAKE you install a unprivacy focused backdoor for them.

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if you can integrate the following features in a discord clone, it would get traction:
>browser version
>message history automatically saved
>voice groups
>minimal latency
>high quality
>search function
>image/gif/video preview rendering
>intuitive gui design
>transparent and verifiable security/encryption
>spotify integration

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It'd be nice but the powers that be backdoor them all eventually.

Give up now, you're not going to win. I've met a lot of kids like you who say the same thing "I don't like facebook! I'm going to my make my own and make it better!"

these are things you have to considered
1. What will be allowed to be posted?
2. can I trust people to moderate the posts?
3. Will some asshole from Jow Forums post a shit load of CP from a VPN through tor, on his neighbors wifi
4. Will I be doxed and will the site be running?
5. Will FB/Twitter/Tumblr/Pornhub or any other server try to take me down?
6. Do I have the storage for how much text/videos and photos I will let people upload?

These are just the smaller threats you need to consider, it's not going to happen friendo. Just live with what you have

oh also the whol
Hey genius, ever thought you don't need to PUT it all out there? You CHOOSE to give it to them, who's fault is that? Make up everything, facebook isn't going to care. I have a fake facebook for such purposes.

lets code a replacement to tox.

ill make the logo.