What pushed Micro$oft to push a competent and actually fucking great technology out as pic related?

What pushed Micro$oft to push a competent and actually fucking great technology out as pic related?

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A broken clock is right twice a day

Who knows? Just enjoy it
>It has to follow my autistic definition or else it's not real
>as they lost to linux
In what alternate universe was this?

They're panicking because of containerisation. Light, parallel, scalable services instead of monolith shitshows are the future.

The dotnet ecosystem is really well designed. doesn't need any of that bullshit due to the sane dependency management and easy deployment.

I Couldn't understand why a friend wanted to use that crap, but after trying to get something running in python the other day I can see why.

>In what alternate universe was this?
where do you think you are? just because microsoft is popular with normalfags doesn't mean developers like them. if ms want people to learn their technology they have to lure them somehow. net core was a wise decision on their part.

My point was they never lost to linux. That's a Jow Forums wet dream, nothing more. Yes, they have realized that making an open source, crossplatform framework will result in much better market penetration but that doesn't mean they ever lost to linux

>but after trying to get something running in python the other day I can see why
That's why i'm switching. Distributing self contained Python programs is a nightmare of troubleshooting which sometimes leads to a dead end. Python really needs an official way to distribute programs that can run on other machines no matter what Python version and external libraries they have installed

Pic unrelated, I guess.

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Panic they were losing ground to open source solutions/languages and Linux servers in the server market.

No-one in their right mind will run a Windows server just to get C#. So C# will never see widespread adoption and be a staple of servers and back-end programming if it can't be run on Linux too.

I like the fact I can either go full zoomer microservice or boomer monolith in .net core

Azure is becoming their leading income and deliberately isolating it to windows is a bad idea.

If you cast your mind back before you were born Microsoft made developer tools. DotNet is a return to form.

It's practically a more restricted JVM practically without any added value.
It just seems like its sole purpose is to promote MS technologies. I don't understand why anyone would use that instead of some JVM lang unless of course you like to suck MS cock.

Probably their A team on it. Microsoft's dev tools and dev related products are really quite good. VSCode is great, Visual Studio is impressive and very good and C# as a language is mature and good.
Their C and D teams get put onto shit like windows search which is trash.

kek, delusion. Linux is the dominant OS even on Azure

>without any added value
Except a better language of course not to mention a better GUI framework

Hate for Java.
The counterargument for C# was always
>Yeah, I agree, it's much, much nicer than Java, but Java runs everywhere, but .net is Windows only!

.Net Core is cross platform on Mac and Linux. and its more powerful and secure in a lot of places, while the framework is becoming obsolete.

>a gui framework who only weks on windows
>implying java is the only jvm lang
It adds literally nothing.

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Why even comment when you're an ignorant moron? Winforms is in NETcore 3 and the designer will soon be working with it too. Now fuck off, java monkey

Why people still use python when you can write beatiful and fast scripts in C#?

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I use pyinstaller for that, but it's still shit

Winforms in NETcore 3 will only wek on windows user.

If I may answer this honestly;

The main reason is because Python has so many readily available and super easy step by step guides out there for pretty much everything around. Whether that's web scrapers, reddit bots, or whatever the fuck else that newbies love. It doesn't matter what you want to do, blindly hop into machine learning like a retard or create your first full stack web app, there's a friendly guide for them.

While all MS docs outpace everything around, they still don't compare to just how many fucking guides there are for Python or Javascript.

says the micropajeet who doesn't even know a shit about he is talking about

despite .net being well designed what are the actual disadvantages? all i only ever hear from ms fans is that normal open source is cancer and that new open source projects that are not already perfect libraries are shit

And a long with those guides are a massive number of libraries for pretty much anything you'd want to do. If only they could come up with a reliable way to freeze and distribute programs made in python. Depending on 3rd party solutions that don't always work and is usually maintained by one guy is far from ideal

>a more restricted JVM
you have no idea what you are talking about. JVM is old shit that restrict all Java VM langs except Java whereas the Common Language Runtime has high and low level features and not only glorified cross-plat intermediate assembly.