Chrome killing ad blockers

What happened with this? Lot of fuss back in Jan and then... nothing?

After the recent Firefox debacle I ended up having to use the web without an ad blocker for a day. Holy flying mother of fuck its like the wild west! Is this what normies are used to? Youtube a video and wait 5 seconds to click "skip ad". Go to a website and get fucked from the bottom by a cookie popup, gangbanged from the right by a video popup that starts auto playing, teabagged from the top by a "pls sign up to our website pls" type popup. Wow. Just fucking wow.

So yeah fuck that shit, im moving to Chromium. Are they still killing ad blockers or not? They're literally fucking mandatory to use the web nowadays.

Attached: 1200px-Google_Chrome_icon_(September_2014).svg.png (1200x1200, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Damn, four whole months and a proposed major change to how the browser works hasn't been implemented yet? Guess it's not happening! You should keep using Chrome and then go back to /v/.

based retard

>Not rooting your mobile devices for AdAway, using host blockers for your desktops & using a tomato router for system wide ad blocking

These Jewed companies can do whatever the fuck they want. Ain't nobody "taking away" shit from me, son.

The minute I go down the "bend over & take it" normie pathway is the minute you can have my balls.

I just find it weird there's been no chat about it. It's like it was forgotten or something.

>After the recent Firefox debacle I ended up having to use the web without an ad blocker for a day.
What happened?

i used to use chromium, as of i quit using it

I found this on

It's a browser feature few users will have heard of, but forthcoming versions of Chrome, Safari and Opera are in the process of removing the ability to disable a long-ignored tracking feature called hyperlink auditing pings. From a report:
This is a long-established HTML feature that's set as an attribute -- the ping variable -- which turns a link into a URL that can be tracked by website owners or advertisers to monitor what users are clicking on. When a user follows a link set up to work like this, an HTTP POST ping is sent to a second URL which records this interaction without revealing to the user that this has happened. It's only one of several ways users can be tracked, of course, but it's long bothered privacy experts, which is why third-party adblockers often include it on their block list by default.

Until now, an even simpler way to block these pings has been through the browser itself, which in the case of Chrome, Safari and Opera is done by setting a flag (in Chrome you type chrome://flags and set hyperlink auditing to 'disabled'). Notice, however, that these browsers still allow hyperlink auditing by default, which means users would need to know about this setting to change that. It seems that very few do. Betas of Chrome 74 (which ships later this month) have dropped this flag, as has Opera which is built on the same Chromium engine and has shadowed the change in its developer builds.

>"pls sign up to our website pls" type popup
how to block these? I have ublock origin and it doesn't block those

behind the overlay maybe?

Firefox disabled everyone's extensions because they didn't update some cert. They removed the option to ignore all the cert BS a while back.

Use a browser with working extensions. Aka not firefox.

>Firefox disabled everyone's extensions because they didn't update some cert.
oh so that's why my adblocker stopped working. Cunts. Is this going to be fixed?

>not using pic related in the year of our Lord 2019

Attached: waterfox.png (1600x869, 140K)

>Are they still killing ad blockers or not?
They are, sometime later this year after all the publicity around it will have died.
If you look at the original bug report on their tracker you'll notice they've nuked about half of the disagreeing comments and redirected any feedback to their mail where it's out of public's eye.
Retards like you are a confirmation that this tactic is working perfectly.

I second this question, I'm a techlet so I don't know where to go with this.

>Company that makes almost all of its money from ads wants to make sure ads are displayed in the browser it products
No real surprises there

>Cuckzilla shills are so desperate they're bringing up old news in order to make them look better

Because it was an idea, and after receiving the backlash from the community and some extension creators, they have decided to back off from it? (knowing Google, they probably postponed it, for now, to try and sneak it in later).

No idea. There's various fixes floating around the web, they all look varying levels of shit. My fix was switching to chromium.

At least until this happens:
At which point I will either switch back to firefox or make an attempt at developing autism and using ungoogled chromium or one of the firefox forks like waterfox etc.

Last I heard they back peddled on this.

If you're on the latest version with default settings, it should've fixed itself by now. If not, a patch is going to be issued before this Wednesday.

If for some reason you're stuck at version 56, you need to get your hands dirty:

>Those bait tabs

>There's various fixes floating around the web, they all look varying levels of shit.
if you're on Linux all you have to do is disable xpinstall.signatures.required in about:config since most distros don't compile FF with the forced sig verification

and yet there's no "how do I take a screenshot" tab


Aesthetic concentrated

This is why you block ad servers in HOSTS file, it just works for all browsers instead of being an add-on cuck

Enjoy your 100 tabs of empty pop-ups
I use pi-hole&hosts file but they can't block everything like ublock origin.

>a browser made by an ad company is killing adblockers
what a tweest brul.

>load a youtube video for your clientèle to listen
>get TWO ads in a row
You're still in diapers, OP.

Ad overlords are nervous because ads aren't working that well anymore. People always knew that ads are kinda bullshit but thanks to the internet you can easily find alternatives, better, sometimes even cheaper products.

The ad-bubble will pop

Is Google gonna pull a Mozilla and rip ad blocking functionality out of its browser like Mozilla did with Firefox, yes eventually. Sounds like this is more restrictive and since Mozilla is Google's bitch they will follow suit with some lame excuse about speed and safety.

>the ping variable
The same thing Mozilla said they are going to silently enable and not tell people when. How nice do add it but let people disable it then remove the option to disable.
This is why a different browser and a local filter is important, the insistence of redditors on https everywhere means mitm yourself but what else are you going to do.

Chromium is open source so even if they kill adblockers there will be a fork that fixes the problem.

There are some ads that are hosted on the same domain as the website and can't be blocked with the hosts file, you need a browser extension that hides them.

>im moving to Chromium

You seem to not learn anything...

Capitalism is winning. Soon we will all be in chains.

Is there any Android methods (via root) that will block those types of ads? I use AdAway now but noticing more getting through as sites do this.

Have fun doing it to something like Adguard DNS or Pi-hole.

Use firefox for android and install ublock origin on it.

Reminder that Iridium is a great browser.

basedest of anons here

They are waiting for people to find something else to rage at. Then they implement this "feature".
PR 101.