Remember when internet browsers actually looked serious?

Remember when internet browsers actually looked serious?

Attached: 1531842349882.png (480x321, 7K)



It's bad when even old crappy IE looks better than today's shit browsers.

We do, user.
We do.

Attached: 2019-05-05-140358_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 106K)

I always really liked the loading icons in the top right corner of the browser.

Attached: netscape.gif (400x400, 448K)

>I enjoy wasted space with large buttons
fuck off nostalgia fag

Not him but I preferred the grey aesthetic.

>every single website is made with sane defaults
>no CSS and JS
unironically ew

We need the 90s business aesthetics back. This world is suffocating from too much commonality and appealing to everyone. The UI shouldn't appeal to children or teens. It should appeal to those who want a peace of mind and professionalism for once.

>huge Fisher-Price buttons

Chrome is what a serious browser looks like.

Kek i remember always looking at the animation in the corner in anticipation only to be dissapointed when the site didn't load

Musta been like 9yo back den

then install chrome

>I'm gonna fire up my virtual machine to show them what a nerdz i am

What does the N stand for?

You can‘t say that



Fuck the internet

how to make chrome look like ie3?


You're unironically clinically retarded, I suppose you need your parents to type up all the shitposts for you.


*blocks your online activity*

Attached: mosaic.jpg (2048x1453, 448K)

they still can

Attached: palemoon_ASvufsdkSQ.png (1008x803, 77K)

Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, eh' Luigi?

>url doesn't end with .html

Always preferred IE3 look to anything else

forgot screenshot

Attached: ie3.png (800x600, 31K)

Yeah, and?

Attached: K-Meleon.png (1920x1080, 56K)

you know that's just a ""retro""" theme, right

Ah yeah, completely missed that autist icecat.


>ugly = serious
Fuck off boomer