The trannies finally did it
Other urls found in this thread:
>manual update
>in browser auto update still has nothing
these incompetent fucks can't get anything right
too busy dilating
They ruined 95% of the add ons too.
Why would you use such a denigrating slur?
worthless subhumans. old FF versions remain fucked. I'm not switching to anything above 55.
i forgot how much faster Chrome was
this 2 days convinced me
i'm taking the blue pill
Chrome it is for me
Enjoy your insecure browser, nazi cuck
How can it be fixed on mobile/Android?
Tor mobile is fucked up too.
So don't use it. Why are you complaining to us? Anyone who would share your opinion would know all of this, and anyone who doesn't, isn't going to care. Take it to Twitter, that's where the whiny cunts can have their say.
Same as in the desktop version. about:config
>old versions are fucked
>so instead of upgrading, i'm staying on and old version
did you meant firefox beta 56
all they had to do was renew the fucking cert
but they can't do that and instead are rubberbanding
>trannies finally did it
>mfw there was no mass suicide at mozilla
Holy shit, I thought that was because I was using user.js. So you are telling me the average normie who has no idea wtf is going on is STILL waiting for Mozilla to auto-update it, 2 days after their addons weren't working?
shiggy diggy
>unironically using firefox
Chromium doesn't have this problem
chromium is still chrome, still has all of the botnet in it
all of the ungoogled chrome browsers are usually days or even weeks behind with security patches, and with chrome being a bigger target than ie6 was, that's a massive issue
waterfox refuses to upgrade to quantum, and uses an obsolete build that is slow as fuck and there are no other solid quantum forks
firefox is not good, it's the least shit
Yeah. Chrome is literally twice as fast on the same hardware for me. For everything. Page loads, video loads, image mouse overs, etc.
It's not any 'faster', it is simply pre-caching more content.
get your ungoogled-chromium builds here, at least 32-bit and 64-bit are updated regularly
Use GNU Icecat, palememe, or basilisk
qutebrowser and lynx2 don't have this issue
Is this some fancy new sillicon valley term? Wtf
Your average normie doesn't use furryfox and if they did they already switched to chrome by now.
icacat's not on windblows, i don't like ancient firefox, never heard of basilisk, gonna check it out
Enjoy you're botnet, cuckboi.
get waterfox you pleb
>implying there are not enough chromium alternatives to escape the botnet
Fucking finally, Jesus Christ.
Why Chrome? There are other options than FF and Chrome, including one that use the same base and don't have the spyware features.
Chromiums always an option, or ungoogled chromium depending on how little botnet you want
Basilisk is a less ancient Firefoxade by Palememe's devs. It's like a furry Waterfox.
There are not. Stop telling yourself these comfort lies.
fuck, that's infuriating
I want to use blink but it can't play all opus streams :—(
>icecat is not on wi-
yeah, just found that out
anything pre-quantum feels super slow to me, and i like the new customizable layout, how you can move every button so finally you don't have to have the fucking refresh button on the right like in every old firefox those forks are based on, just haven't found anything that's unfucked and based on quantum
no it really is faster, google make 90% of the fucking internet and know all the speed tricks like they hacking the matrix
does it get auto updates?
You newfag, it's a medical term for sticking a dildo up your fake vagina so the wound doesn't and erase your fake vagina.
You update it with chocolatey so no
this post is like something out of youtube comment section
It’s when trannies have to shove a dildo up their “””””vagina””””” to keep the wound from closing up and healing.
member the old comments? worse than /b/ sometimes
also fuck justin bieber and emos
i really wanna use it but i know myself too well, i'm gonna install it and the next thing you know it's 2 months down the line, i never bothered updating and now everyone, not just mozilla, has a backdoor to my pc
I don't think you understand chocolatey is a package manager, you type a command and it'll update for you. Not really auto-update since you tell it to first
it FINALLY auto-updates and fixes it
2 fucking full days to fix it
what a bunch of niggers, faggots and useless womyn must be working at Mozilla this days
>current year
>not using Suckless Surf
And yet you still USE it. Take the Opera pill, user.
No thanks
Switched to brave a while ago, anyone sticking with firefox is pretty much saying "you know what, this giant cock in my ass isn't so bad to be honest."
Even if it's the same engine, Opera's version is so well optimized it performs much better than Chrome. I can literally open 1000+ tabs without the browser crashing, while Chrome shits itself at just around 400 open tabs.
Please help me, I'm retarded.
So I have to:
1.)install chocolatey on my system
2.)download the icecat.60.6.1.nupkg file
3.) run command line c:\ choco install icecat
to install the browser? what about icecat-60.6.1.en-US.win64.installer.exe? I only seem to find the virus scan results of it, but not the installer itself.
Normies don't use Trannyfox and even if they did, would have Studies enabled and have gotten a fix already.
I use the developer edition. What did I miss?
this is about how i'm feeling rn, ngl
Jow Forumscucks hosted a rape/raid on the trannys at mozilla. they were supposed to have planted malware in the update servers, but they got so distracted by giving out blowjobs, the only corrupted the files.
I'm not giving shit to China
Yeah, I'm sure you prefer to give it to your leftist CIA comrades.
I would love to switch to brave it it wasnt a botnet Chromium fork
i saw a fox running down the road today with a squirrel in its mouth, was this an omen
It's because of pre-fetching.
When you're on a web page, it will load content in the background and cache it.
>recommending moonshit
kill yourself. icecat all the way
What happened?
My Firefox had the addons disabled but then it magically worked within an 10 mins.
Are peoples add ons actually disabled?
t. Ubuntu 18.04
I had one run through my yard with a chicken in it's mouth. At first, I couldn't figure out wtf i was seeing. The chicken was flopping around with it's wings spread, and it looked liked like some sort of monster with big ears was running at me.Scared the shit out of me.
1] Shut down Firefox
2] Open extensions.json in Notepad++ or something that has a replace words function to make your life easier. Search it in:
3] CTRL+F opens search, go to replace tab and then (include quotes):
Replace all instances of "appDisabled":true to "appDisabled":false
Replace all instances of "signedState":-1 to "signedState":2
Save, make it "read only" in file properties and start browser.
Go to Addon-Page. Don't be confused by addons asking to restart browser, just disable each addon manually and then enable it again. THEN restart browser.
4] If addons become disabled again it's because Firecuck created an extensions.json.temp/tmp in the same folder, just deleta that dogshit OR copy paste the content from the original extensions.json and make this one read only as well.
Shit will work now. Fuck Cuckzilla, fuck Muhammad, and most of all FUCK JANNIES.
>Vegeta linkin' park amv
t. moonchild
I don't care anymore, fuck them.
I wanted to switch to a different browser but all blink browsers are garbage and there is nothing else
trannyfags everywhere, i bet you're all using linux as well
they completely fucked their website with modern and slow flatshit but I'll try it out again
I got banned here last week for mentioning "trannies"
Mods are retards.
that crashes whenever i try to open it lmaoo
I bet you don't even run Arch faggot
if anything mods are based and realised that trannies have become a menace2society
How about you check your privilege honky!
That's your own fault isn't it. Switch to a non-botnet OS.
I'm sorry what are you talking about? We were discussing internet browsers sweetie.
>i install chromium kn my dads pc cuz he wants adblocker
>he still uses google as homepage
I'm seriously thinking about moving to Brave... Is their founder still a homophobic biggot? That's a big plus for me
Braves https everywhere doesnt even work
U still get http on Jow Forums (your isp can see what threads u visit)
No idea about homophobia, but he's a disgusting footfag.
>Ni Hao! Take the Opera pill!
>Oy gevalt,keep using Firefoxl! ehehehe good goy!
Okay Okay You convinced me.
But China isn't so trustworthy as you think...
It's a Wild Dragon that can't be tamed so easily.