What the FUCK are you doing Torba? Your Dissenter extension and browser are a fucking privacy nightmare!

What the FUCK are you doing Torba? Your Dissenter extension and browser are a fucking privacy nightmare!

This tweet went out over 13 hours ago and Torba has yet to respond.

Attached: Capture.png (596x254, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are people really this desperate to piss and moan like cunts online? You dumb fucks are just painting targets on yourselves. It's part of their game. Do you think this proliferation of crackpot liberals is anything more than bait to draw you out of the shadows? Keep it underground, no matter what your philosophies are. They can't make an easy example of you, if they can't identify you. I thought this was common sense.

kek. i guessed right there has to be something fishy on that plugin.

I have no idea what Dissenter is, but sounds like something used by pedophiles.

It's Discuss for Jow Forumsfags.

it's the "free speech until we don't like it"(banned lolis)

The extension is badly made but it's harmless. You can comment on any URI

i mean, how the fuck else is it supposed to work if it doesn't know what page your on?

Alt right nazi detected, stop raping little children you perv


the post is not well written
it's not that it's sending information to dissenter website, it's sending other websites information that you're using dissenter, so now the people deserving to be put on watch lists are definitely going to be on the watch list

>not realizing dissenter is ran by jews who fear the loli

Who could have seen this coming from someone with such an excellent track record on security and privacy.

>people who value free speech should be put on a watch list

Clown world is code for the world is run by evil

Point, but the question is if it leaks pages you're on even without commenting on them and if it strips identifying values before sending page data.
Accounts could be exposed if they are not careful.

>gab takes a good idea and implements it so poorly it tanks on day one

Just like their site itself, the trial with the invite bullshit that never worked was so bad I have never gone back to gab.

>using Jow ForumsBrowser in the first place

honk honk

Imagine being such a pussy that you're afraid of "being made an example of" for using an extension used by countless other people, living in the country where you can legally say whatever the fuck you want as long as it's not a straight up threat.

Heheh, imagine believing that bullshit you just typed. You'll remember my words, and it'll be too late.

Assuming your paranoid delusions have any basis in reality, just hiding and waiting it out after you're fuck is still more retarded than actually doing something while you can.

why the fuck is it always about loli with you freefags?

if we don't ban people in games getting shot, why should we ban lolis

Yeah but thats more of a correlation rather than causation thing. I'm sure there plenty of pedophiles that use better software.

Torba is incredibly sore that Eich and this Sampson guy BTFO'd him on his ability to maintain a multi-platform fork-of-a-fork browser, so he's resorted to posting memes like pic related.

Hey Torba, maybe spend more time making your shit more private and secure and less time making shitty memes.

Attached: D518NXlWwAAg3OM.jpg (440x1720, 97K)

Because loli is life.

Attached: 1441416522798.jpg (507x601, 205K)

Reinventing stumbleupon to own the libs.

Not even close. Disqus has to be embedded in the site and site owners can remove it at will.
With Dissenter, they can't do jack shit.

Torba's reasoning for the loli ban is based on 18 USC 1466A:


Read the first part of that and realize why a web service would ban lolicon.

That said, I think 18 USC 1466A is fucking stupid. I think all pedos should hang, but nobody is abused in the production of fucking cartoon porn. It's one step away from saying fictional depictions of murder should be treated as real.

Attached: stephen.jpg (624x480, 51K)

Attached: 1557055245117.png (590x818, 98K)

>jewish pedo
I care why?

Hi Andrew

i wish. but yes, hopefully the OP's tweet gets resolved. and unfortunately yes I hope he would be open to ALL free speech- including (dare I say it) loli trash

If loli is pedo then I want it to exist in order to satisfy pedos and keep them from the real thing.
if loli isn't pedo then it's irrelevant because pedos only want the depictions of the real thing and will take great personal risk to get it.

The guy’s Jewish, he literally can’t help it.


>retard with a retarded idea makes a retarded browser forked from an already retarded browser and delivers a retarded final product for his retarded userbase

Attached: t_h_o_n_k.jpg (512x498, 44K)

>Never heard the Niemöller quote

If you don't defend the loli, you might as well sign yourself up to the gulag

We know why:


its a conflict of interest.
hes not just retarded, he wants to be able to monetize the info, or hoard it in case the fbi ever comes knocking so he can shield himself from critisism

2011-2015: polfags support ron paul, guns, lolis, free speech
2016: "pizzagate" faggotry from reddit boomers

loli hate isnt from polfags, its reddipol

I know, fuck niggers. But you want to waddle in politics ALL the time? It gets so tiring.

Attached: 1509550053886.jpg (718x959, 218K)

Nigga, no one is going to do any shit for your privacy, that is the real thing. They lie to you because it's to easy to get money by doing this, at this point. Never trust any person that do things for your privacy, every single person has an agenda and if you don't know the reason someone is doing something, you should NOT trust him. Cursed is the man who trusts in another man, after all.

>All these fud threads
I hope jewgle etc is at least paying you a decent wage