why do they feel threatened by a community 1/10000 its size and a 5 year old language still in development?
Why do c/c++ wage war on rust so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
>rust fags make threads
>rust fags shitpost C/C++
>why are you threatened C++
rust was made by a microsoft and you shouldn't use it simply out of principle
I use java btw
Projection much?
Why do Rust faggots attack C++ users and expect not to become a meme?
based and poopilled
Mostly because c-niles feel the need to scream at everything new, especially if someone on the development team isn't straight, which clearly affects the programming language. It doesn't help that a small (yes, small but very vocal) part of the Rust advocates also feel the need to shill it as hard as they do but it's mostly out of passion for the project itself, not that they don't need to shut up equally as much. It's pointless debate and you really shouldn't waste your energy on it.
I don't have an opinion on rust, but niche languages can be harmful because they waste people's time, as people buy into the marketing of the language before realizing the language doesn't offer enough value to be worth the investment.
Languages that shouldn't exist include Julia, Go, Clojure, Kotlin, Swift and CoffeeScript.
I've started poking around in Kotlin yesterday and it seems like a very healthy alternative to writing android apps in Java. What's wrong with it? (or are you baiting)
what does fpbp mean?
Not baiting, and also Kotlin was the language in the list I knew least about. But the pattern of all these languages is that they are cleaned up versions of existing languages, without fundamentally changing anything. Because they are just fixing some cosmetic issues, they don't provide enough value to create a whole new ecosystem (e.g. mass migration from Java to Kotlin). And so the new language will languish with substandard docs, tooling and libraries, providing more annoyance than value.
When you program in assembler you don't wage war, you end it with a nuclear bomb.
Well, Google officially adopted Kotlin as it's backward compatible up to Java 6 and it comes with Android Studio as the default language now so I'm not too afraid of that.
I only ever hear rustfags saying how superior their language is
What do you mean when you say Google officially adopted Kotlin? If you mean they made if the official language for Android development, fine. But how much does that mean? Google isn't exactly averse to switching gears and forcing developers to change to something new, e.g. Angular -> Angular 2.
C++ keeps job security. Rustfags want to remove that.
been using C++ for years, wtf is rust?
Kotlin is a JVM language it isn't a whole new ecosystem.
Yeah I get that but just sharing the JVM won't prevent other issues when using Java libs, e.g. compilers, build system, IDEs, package management.
Yeah and they do provide good resources: developer.android.com
You are correct though, but I doubt that'd happen for a good while. Kotlin is very young (2011!) and is still evolving with good backing.
(also, fuck angular)
This. I'm a Java developer and worked with Kotlin for a few months. It definitely has some nice features but it's not worth the trouble in my opinion. Besides Java has improved a lot. Type inference and Java 12 kind of introduces pattern matching.
>what trouble
You cant make use of all newer jdk features and Kotlin still doesn't work well with modules and I often had to fix shit. I would rather use Scala, way more powerful.
>I'm a Java developer
*ahem* p-poo
I've tried rust not bad, but a teacher told me a few months ago it was still too young to threatened a more established lang like c/c++
Btw didn't firefox quantum speed up mostly due to them switching something from c/c++ to rust?
Correct user! It is way too young, but it has potential. About Firefox, while Rust *is* very fast, a lot of the speedup came from the removal of incompetent code (aka, rewrite).
So what I wrote in doesn't apply to rust because rust has genuine and significant improvements over C++ in the area of memory management. That doesn't mean rust can challenge C++ at least for now, but it deserves to exist as a niche language. Browsers are a perfect application because they need to be really fast but they are also very complicated. And they are standalone applications so don't rely on a big ecosystem of libraries.
That confirms my guesses about Kotlin. Truly sounds like the coffeescript of the JVM world.
No, CoffeeScript never had any purpose to begin with. Kotlin is great for android app development.
Is there any reason Java wouldn't be great for Android development if Google hadn't invested in tooling for that instead? Sounds like there is nothing special about Kotlin, it's just Google decided for whatever reason to make developing on Android with Kotlin easy.
I don't see Kotlin survive in the long term. Android is going to get replaced by Fuchsia and that'll be the beginning of the end of Kotlin because nobody uses Kotlin elsewhere.
It's just that Kotlin is easier to learn for brainlets, same as JS. You need to attract brainlets because otherwise people won't develop apps on your platform. This happened to BlackBerry. BlackBerry OS 10/QNX was superior to Android and iOS (actually still is) but nobody developed apps because you had to code in Qt/C++/Qml and that's too hard for hipster appdev faggots.
It's backwards compatible up to Java 6 so you don't need to upgrade your Java version to get newer features. Most of the new features are part of Kotlin anyway, but other than that Java is pretty ugly and boilerplate-y. Yes I do see the "just suck it up and use Java" viewpoint but I can also choose not to.
Yeah it's definitely that and not the fact that Java still is lacking many modern concepts available in almost every relevant language now (other than like, C) and the fact that basic shit like top level functions still don't exist. Classic "It must be because they are not as smart as ME!"
I don't even like or use Rust. But the sins of an average Rust developer are basically those you could say about any annoying language fanboy, they discovered the silver bullet and by god you need to hear about it. They're annoying, but not uniquely so, Rust just happens to be the new hip language, so you're going to get a lot of them.
C++ developers by contrast have by far the most severe case of myopia I've ever seen. I swear It's like listening to a battered wife justify their abusive spouse every time one of them opens up their fucking mouth, talking about their insane language and trash fire of an ecosystem as if nothing was wrong, or at best a sheepish admission that it probably sounds crazy to an outsider. Occasionally you'll get the odd developer who knows the insane situation they're in but are stuck with it for whatever reason. But other than that, you shouldn't take anything most C++ developers say seriously.
You are fucking retarded. Java does not have top level functions because it would break backwards compatibility which is one of the main reasons to use Java in the first place. You really need to understand how the JVM works. Kotlin or Scala functions are not really functions either.
In my opinion, the best way to attract brainlets is to make things easy for everyone no matter what their skill level. Good and up-to-date documentation, clean APIs, examples that work and use the latest APIs, an all in one IDE with good debugging. Facebook did this with react.
Most Kotlin features are meme anyway, especially coroutines. In the end I used rxkotlin. The only feature I want are case classes which will come to Java soon (project Valhalla). I could use Lombok but I don't like it.
*data classes
Yes, it would break backwards compatibility. Using Kotlin does not. You missed the point entirely.
No language gives you the same combination of flexibility and performance as C++. By necessity, that combination demands a lot from the programmer to get right, and I don't think there is anyway around that without sacrificing something else.
pick one
ok ill pick assembly
go ahead user
tell me about assembly being a bad language
What other language gives you the same control over the semantics of objects? C++ gives you full control over the semantics of an object and lets you re implement pretty much every operator to do whatever you need.
There are several tiers of Java development though user. Pajeet-tier ones are "Enterprise" spaghetti, mobile apps. End-to-end server stuff can be pretty neat and hard to get right. In the end it's basically what you program, not what tools you use.
You are correct, although some tools can be better than others. If you don't get it from the tone though, my reply was not serious, silly user.
>rust fags talk shit and act like a fool
>get hit
>why are C++ fags so mean? I aint even do nuffin!
there's roughly the same amount of hate threads from both ends, delusional sepplesfag
Its not threatened its repulsion towards the intense sexual attraction from rust users towards older more experienced men. Its why rust users are always trying to get their attention, they crave it. The only reason you created this thread is because you want to be dominated by a older experienced developer.