Dropbox alternative for linux and phone

Just discovered Dropbox's new policy restricting free accounts to 3 devices. Since there's no way to make Dropbox work for me anymore, what do Anons think I should use?

My main concern is that it work on Linux as well as the popular nonfree platforms of Win, Macos, iphone, android. Specifically Arch, but Arch has everything anyway.

Reliability and ease of use/OS integration are my main desires. I'm already used to dropbox and so don't care too much about security; I'll just put things in a gocryptfs folder if I want some privacy. Not that I wouldn't like something more secure than Dropbox.

Being able to sync a folder on my BTRFS partition would be nice, too, which is also something Dropbox dropped during their fit of massive stupidity.

I'm leaning towards google drive, just because it looks like it's integrated via gvfs on linux, has good integration elsewhere presumably, and is likely pretty stable and whatnot. But I'm eager to know if there's other stuff out there I should check out. In the past I've tried things like sugarsync, wuala, spideroak, and others; they often seemed to slow/resource-heavy/clunky/unreliable for my tastes.


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Really? Nobody used Google Drive?

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Unless something changed recently, there's no native Google Drive client for Linux.

I tried using third-party implementations. One of them wiped my Drive and I had to restore from backup.

Anyway, ownCloud.

Mega has a client for linux

DecSync + Syncthing

But where to host? I'd like my stuff in a well-replicated CDN and I'd hate to think how much that'd cost

>I tried using third-party implementations. One of them wiped my Drive and I had to restore from backup.
Arch Wiki says there's a GVFS plugin... is that no good?

ugh, which was which again? Fucking forking fosstards

I'm not a noob at your mom, so watch your tongue lad.

Also, DecSync is an evolution plugin? I don't really use evolution...

Isn't that pretty sketchy? Although sketchy might be better than whatever Google is...

sketchy? it's just a command line interface for mega instead of using the web client

Just plug my HDD into the net and use SFTP with Filezilla to access your files. It's an expensive option but that's the way to go if you want complete control over your data.

plug your HDD*

Just run your own server wtf

But Mega itself...

My HDD has no ethernet jack ;_;

I worry about reliability and availability. I'd prefer to have my stuff replicated and CDN'd in the "muh cloud"

Set up S3 on AWS

>have main big account
>create new account for every device
>share one folder from big account on all of them.

Im not sure about your use cases, I'm using syncthing for all my stuff, works great when used between gnu/linux and android. It's free software available from the official repo of most (all?) distros and f-droid.

i know, I tried!

So? Whats the issue then?

well, when I did it, it didn't exactly go swimmingly if you know what I meant

ok, I understand now.
How about using the drop box?

I've no idea what you mean elaborate on your problems some more

>google drive
>unironically storing your data on a 3rd party cloud service

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since sketchiness doesn't matter to you, go with MEGA or MEGA + cryptomator

otherwise use syncthing, it's great - just don't nest shares

Nested shares are fine when you blacklist the inner share
t. puts everything into Documents on some devices and seperates on others

afaik the only time mega got sketchy was when the owner got a subpoena stuck in his face.

syncthing, git-lfs, nextcloud, seafile, rsync + shell script

sure thing, what would you like me to know?

The reason synthing doesn't work for you

just use git.