How do i get a non coding/programming job in tech without going to school?

how do i get a non coding/programming job in tech without going to school?
is it possible.

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Check her insta, her boyfriend is a black dude.

those are some meaty thighs


Sauce on those thighs

Be a minority.


Imagine the smell

I think she has the process down.

oh no my pp hard :'(


Have you looked into tech support jobs? They usually doesn't require coding, only software configuration and setting up new hardware. My sister is doing medical data entry for a german Pharma company and their office is always looking for tech guys to hire for onsite support. There might be some similar job near you.

so you dont need any kind of qualifications for that?

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A cert which you have to study for a test for like 3 weeks and you good

(S)he's probably got a bigger dick than me.

LITERALLY made for big white cock

nice self burn

Have you seen trannies lately? Somehow they now manage to make them passable as fuck while at the same time having big fucking cocks. I don't know how they do it.

I checked and you're lying.

They don't, there's not a single passing tranny in the whole wide world.

Work your way up in your current position. Learn a couple of languages, contribute to free software projects. If you work for a company with an internal IT department they probably have at least 1 developer

imagine the sons this Amazon could produce

I'm 3 years into one of the best CS programs in the country and IDK how to get a tech job even while you're IN school.

Yes, but don't expect that you'll be ready after a short stint in a coding bootcamp.
You're gonna have to put in as much effort as if you went to school, but you can at least save money.

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I wouldn't be able to handle this chick because she weighs about 100 lbs more than me. Her insta is @lillias_right btw

Get your A+, friendo. Get a helpdesk job, keep working on certs.

Lillias Right
She has nudes.

Yeah, its possible, my boss is a project manager and she knows jack shit about what we do.

You can also become a QA or a scrum master.

What is your sisters #

What a disgusting fat pig

Too bad she fucks blacks

I'm in service assurance, only coding required is whatever shit you'd like to automate in bash. Pays good, low stress, remote work, no degree needed.

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>Can't code
It's like your company only hires niggas on h1 visas
Good qa can code


there are some and it is like magic. Still.... you do not get ovaries so it is like a nice gui skin on a terminal with no build in commands - it may look cool, but not even cd and ls are working so it is trash

>black dude
Obviously, who would fuck such a whale but a nigger?

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Pretty much, if I had to interact with one I'd go along with their LARP out of consideration for their mental illness, but I'll never acknowledge them as anything but their birth sex.


Why would I give a fuck, that has nothing to do with me masturbating to her.

>white "male'

>implying that females browse Jow Forums

Desktop threads are full of them user

If you aren't going to collage/uni then even non coding jobs will require certs or a very high level of proof you know what you're doing to a basic level CCNA, RHCSA, Microsoft certs etc or a large and impressive home lab is the start of proof

I can't jerk off to girls that look like their parents tried to drink enough to miscarriage.

Lillias Right for all you thirsty chaps.

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Start with COMPTIA certs.

easy peasy

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tech support. you will gain experience and can pursue advanced system administration, network engineering, infosec, etc from there.

>implying I would waste time and money on a wife

for true entry level not really, if you are good during the interview you don't need anything else. yeah you will miss out in comparison to a strong candidate, but there are times when you are interviewing like 50 candidates and none of them are even remotely qualified. in the cell phone era people think knowing how to do the most basic of tasks makes them a tech expert...

Yes! However it will be difficult (possibly less difficult than school but that's up to you).
Knowing people is very important for getting your foot in the door. For example, if you have a Microsoft employee recommend you for employment, you'll be put on a separate expedited interview track.
You still need the skills expected of you, or the ability to fake them until you're hired. Most people are aware of this including the people with the decision making power to hire you. Because of this being personable is very important, people will hire a person they want to work with over a qualified person they don't. It's stupid and unfair and bad for companies but it's unavoidable.

>Free work
Being able to demonstrate that you have abilities is extremely important since you don't have a piece of paper saying you do. Open source work is a good place to start. Especially if you gain enough trust to get pull access and do triage. This shows you have initiative which is a buzzword that gets managements dick hard.
More importantly, make a thing from start to finish, get someone to buy it. Again this shows initiative, but more importantly is a concrete demonstration of your skills. It's easy to ignore "worked on something" but "made app/website sold x amount" means you have to have some abilities.
The least important part. It's annoying to say but as long as you can learn relatively quickly, knowing how to do things is optional. It's only needed if you want to keep your job.
I worked with a guy who was litterally unable to program and did nearly nothing and maybe even was a detriment. He was hired because a senior programmer knew him. He was fired after about 6 months but if you can't learn to program in that time you're probably useless.
Another person I knew from school, complete retard can't program. Lead a team to waste $40k in startup funds as students, in a project they we're getting credit to work on to produce nothing but...

Nothing but a web browser in VR and a site.
Dude said he started a company and is working for Microsoft.

This is long and ranty. A lot of people are right in the thread, get some certs. If you're really good at talking to people get into pen testing

whats her insta?

read the OP again. It's asking about regular IT jobs, NOT PROGRAMMING.

That's what I'm currently in the process of doing. Seems like a no-brainer, lol.

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Make me nigger. I get to it eventually and if I wasted my time typing it I'm going to waste phone posters time scrolling past it
Also sorri senpai, plz no bulli

that's fine, she deserves healthy babies.

i fucked her

A whatanite?

I would stick my penis in her vagina, mouth, anus, hands, and between her butt cheeks and breasts, if you catch my drift.

You would teach her common lisp?

Alright, explain the joke, to a non-lisper. Thanks.

Disregard the name field, I fucky wucky.

>check her insta
>her boyfriend is a black dude
nobody asked

There wasn't really a joke beyond sticking your dick of knowledge into her vagina of learning and spooting the semen of enlightenment all over.

And lisp was just the first language I thought of.

>be me
>get first computer at age 13
>become the family IT guy
>build own computer
>become extended family IT guy
>none of this is on paper
>no certifications
>get a gig doing programming for a scale company
>be the only known person to get the scale software to properly communicate with another important device
>a salesman from that scale company even does a speech at a convention about the work I did, after I left the company
>only the scale company is on my work history
>apply at IT company
>attach attached pic to resume and pray I get the job

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Please post more girls in wedges thank you.


The FOOTWEAR is the thing that catches your eye in that webm?

You. You're a funny cunt.

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Yikes. She only looks good with her clothes.

>it is like a nice gui skin on a terminal with no build in commands - it may look cool, but not even cd and ls are working so it is trash
Probably the best analog i've ever seen.

Good for screenfetch, nothing else.

What did he mean by this?

She look like the type of ho that you go to eat her out and you find toilet paper in there.

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Is this the kind of thot that betas throw money at? God the west is dying and fucked

Looks like natile mars in this pic

>google "natalie mars"
>its a tranny


>you fuck her, she's moaning
>you spunk, roll over go to sleep
>next morning she's complaining about finding cum in a fold...

>implying it wouldn't have just been absorbed by her skin by then

>jizz absorbs into skin
wtf are you eating to have absorbable jizz? I can take a shower and still find jizz stuck to me.

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Phonepost of the day

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Some people get quite turned on at the thought that complete strangers wank regularly to pics of their wives and girlfriends online.

It wouldn't work for me personally.

over night? yes, it does, it would go right into the mattress.
same desu senpai

>t. someone who has never jizzed into a fold

I'm breddy sure skin isn't that osmotic. As well as that the scenario I suggested is into a fold of skin there it wouldn't *necessarily* be in contact with air (oxidised) or lose it's moisture.

>4chinz - where you make an off colour joke and then spend time pointlessly arguing with strangers about the autisitically precise contents of the joke...

Sorry meant for

Koreafags were a mistake.

Why does this bait always work? Are wh*tes this desperate?
