Prove me wrong
>Linux fag now has to choose a distro from some retarded nsa mlp fag.
Windows 7 is King
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Windows is for pajeets.
Wish they stopped at Win7. Win10 is a fucking disgrace and should be done away with.
And mac is for females yet basedboys use it.
Yea it was a big red flag with what a steaming pile of shit windows 8 was.
>Linux now is for Spooks
>And mac is for females yet basedboys use it.
No, Macs are for businesses. Hence the price. GNU is what white men use on their own computers.
>Hence the price
>Yea lets slap a $1000 price tag on a acer chromebook. Im sure tards would bye it.
>Apple is pretty much used for it's easy to use software like their video compiler (Apple imovie and shiet).
>That bitten apple has been way overmemed and shilled by the mass media.
>White men
Im sure the goyim will do their masters bidding.
>>Apple is pretty much used for it's easy to use software like their video compiler
What? No. Apple is used because they supply a Unix operating system with professional support. That is why companies buy Apple computers for their employees. Are you retarded? By the way, they are bought in bulk at a discount. You'd be a fool to buy one out of your own pocket. The consumer laptop, the Macbook, is a small part of Apple's business.
Just go back to your pajeetOS and stop bothering intelligent people.