Prove me wrong
>Linux fag now has to choose a distro from some retarded nsa mlp fag.
Windows 7 is King
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Windows is for pajeets.
Wish they stopped at Win7. Win10 is a fucking disgrace and should be done away with.
And mac is for females yet basedboys use it.
Yea it was a big red flag with what a steaming pile of shit windows 8 was.
>Linux now is for Spooks
>And mac is for females yet basedboys use it.
No, Macs are for businesses. Hence the price. GNU is what white men use on their own computers.
>Hence the price
>Yea lets slap a $1000 price tag on a acer chromebook. Im sure tards would bye it.
>Apple is pretty much used for it's easy to use software like their video compiler (Apple imovie and shiet).
>That bitten apple has been way overmemed and shilled by the mass media.
>White men
Im sure the goyim will do their masters bidding.
>>Apple is pretty much used for it's easy to use software like their video compiler
What? No. Apple is used because they supply a Unix operating system with professional support. That is why companies buy Apple computers for their employees. Are you retarded? By the way, they are bought in bulk at a discount. You'd be a fool to buy one out of your own pocket. The consumer laptop, the Macbook, is a small part of Apple's business.
Just go back to your pajeetOS and stop bothering intelligent people.
Windows 7 is dead in like 7 months. Furthermore, unless you fuck around with the registry, you may as well be using Windows 10.
Presuming you're using Windows for vidya, then there's no reason not to go for Windows 10. Presuming that you are using Windows for some sort of productivity software that you can't use in Linux, there's no reason not to go for Windows 10.
Presuming neither of those is the case, I can't think of a reason for someone who loves W7 not to go for Linux Mint.
>Linux Mint.
MX Linux is the new baby Debian-based distro.
>Only in bulk use for companies
Yes schools also do this.
>But their main demographic in personal sales are females and baasedboooyysss.
Im not talking about companies and schools.
>Windows 10
You wish it would die kike
no dx12 support, which is fine once vulkan becomes more mainstream
You have less than 253 days until a shit ton of zero days hits W7, just like they did with XP.
>Im not talking about companies and schools.
Firstly, I didn't say your second quote. Try to make your post readable. If not, stick to Hindi. Secondly, it doesn't matter what you think you're talking about. You said Macs are for women, which isn't the case. The most popular Apple Mac lines are business machines and workstations. These are what companies buy and provide to employees, making up most of Apple's business. The Macbook, which is designed for consumers to buy out of pocket, is not very popular in comparison. Your idea of who these operating systems are for is flawed and based on a misconception of reality.
MX looks ugly as shit. Mint looks and acts like W7.
Change the default DE, then.
Or just install Mint and have it look and act like W7 immediately.
It doesn't act like Windows at all.
If you say so.
windows 10 2016 lstb is good
>You are talking about business use also kike im talking about personal use. Windows 7 is for personal use.
>Another business use product like thinkpad is also there on the table if you want to be such a mac dickrider. It requires a bit more braincells, hence not profitable.
>Also retard windows 7 isn't used for modernday business since windows 10 and mac being more easy to use. Why? becuase people are retarded.
>Windows 7 is still king kikes btfo
My 60 year old father can't seem to tell the difference.
Oh and also note the windows os is still more versitile and mac is the most handicap os and limiting of all.
>Pic you and mac fags
Only businesses that don't need technically proficient employees use Windows. Anything that involves programming opts for Macs, generally, since they are Unix and have professional support. Yes, RHEL has tried something similar but has been far less fruitful.
Macs are for businesses.
GNU is for personal use.
Windows is for pajeets.
How is it more versatile? It requires hacks to even run a decent compiler or text editor. Windows is the limited OS since it is not Unix or Unix-like, making it incompatible with vast arrays of software.
I think you are a tryhard mutt also their gui is for people with downsyndrome like you.
I don't see why. You sound like all you do is play video games. Get a job.
>Using windows 7 and not 10 for games.
You have been discoverd boomer mutt kike spook. Windows 10 is the primary os for videogames you nigger.
I don't care about the differences in your little pajeetOS distros. Use a Unix OS or go back to /v/.
I'm happy with openSUSE
Such a kike. Lunix is dead becuase of kike mutt spooks like you.
Meme speak? Grow up.
I always preferred XP over 7.
Windows is a shit, OP.
Keep making a fool of yourself ifagget.
Windows xp and not saying vista oof troll