You have to make yourself look like a complete jackass in order to escape the botnet now

>you have to make yourself look like a complete jackass in order to escape the botnet now

Attached: file.png (719x870, 282K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I wear one of these.

Attached: Burqa.jpg (640x480, 27K)

just wear a hat

>cyberpunk aesthetic becomes a real, practical thing

Attached: 1543859682916.jpg (770x1024, 76K)

>not liking cyberpunk
the state of Jow Forums

why is it always some chick smoking, why is that cyberpunk? smoking is a plague on society that idealistically will disappear within the next two decades

>10 mins later, algorithm is adapted to extra configurations and your anti-face is worthless again

All they need to do is abolish religion now.

You know how many false positives that would pull?
There's a reason the military uses shit like flir to just find people.
GL IDing someone whose actual identifiers don't show.

I was literally about to say though, fuck man, why does smoking look so cool to me? I want to be able to smoke but not suffer the health consequences. Smoking with a pipe gives a totally different aesthetic, and vaping is for retards. Just give a cool, not unhealthy, and tasty cigarette pls.

>why does smoking look so cool to me?
Because big tobacco pays like a bazillion dollars to have cool characters do it in movies.

>I want to be able to smoke but not suffer the health consequences
if you're fine with a nicotine addiction, vaping is pretty much that.

In a dystopian future I don't think people give a shit about harming themselves through drug use. Cyberpunk also just loves to use the neo-noir theme of Blade Runner in everything, and smoking is big in that.

You misunderstand how the human body works. People can be identified just by their foot prints, while wearing shoes, and nothing else. Just your gait can give you away. That's merely 1 metric. A mask over your face wouldn't help you in such a dystopia.

Cyberpunk isn't about what's "ideal", sweatie.

[x] doubt

gait can detect height but it's not a marker for much more than that

if this isnt cyberpunk i dont know what is :^)

Yes you're gait and if they actually have access to your shoe itself. It also isn't as easy as csi makes it look.

We're talking facial recognition. Camouflage works by breaking up identifiable characteristics. The more you do that the more it'll fuck with these programs to the point that you can't identify people with a simple image. Short of using radiation or some shit to see under the materials, you can't reliably scan people's faces.

The 2% control the botnet, the media and big tech. They selectively pick news stories while ignoring others in a carefully orchestrated scheme to serve their own interest.

It's a naked power grab.
The state of Israel controls America now and is installing vulnerabilities in Israeli made Intel cpus right now as we speak.

Jews dominate america.

>rejected dark souls npc designs

>why does smoking look so cool to me?
brainwashing from a very young age, social conditioning by tobacco industry and japs idealizing 40s/50s USA in which everyone fucking smoked, so it goes into all the fucking anime you watch.

Just wear nanocamo instead.

Attached: Nanocamo_app_front_page.png (410x583, 10K)

>The 2% control the botnet, the media and big tech. They selectively pick news stories while ignoring others in a carefully orchestrated scheme to serve their own interest.
already the reality.

I get what you mean but smoking just isn't cool. Imagine constant giving in to your cravings for a drug because you're too weak to quit, then having to go empty your wallet on a pack of cigs because they're so expensive. can't find a scientific sauce on this but it's srs bsns don't underestimate your adversaries or they'll blindside you every time

You have no clue what you are talking about.

>It also isn't as easy as csi makes it look.

You are correct, it is even easier than that.

>People can be identified just by their foot prints, while wearing shoes, and nothing else
Then it's a good thing I wear a trench coat too when I go outside and not just shoes

That's been a thing since the first journalist was born. "NEWS" is two things, "Entertainment" and "Propaganda." It is nothing more than that.

Attached: Juvenal.jpg (644x321, 80K)

It is about pressure placed on the ground as you walk and the manner in which your body moves. you are thinking too much about individual body parts. You need to think about how those body parts are moving. You'd need to wear a giant box and ride a tricycle to get past that shit.

>You'd need to wear a giant box and ride a tricycle to get past that shit.

Even then you could still be identified after enough observation just from the way you stop and start.

I love Jill!

Attached: Julianne.Stingray.full.2350044.jpg (1500x2000, 206K)

they haven't shown any figures on how accurate this method is and I doubt it's accurate, which is fine with the chinks because that's how they roll
if you know what you are talking about then give me your sources

>the joke
>your head

>can still see the relationship between her nose, mouth, ears and eye
She isn't hiding from anyone. It would just be a "low percentage" hit.

oh and furthermore, your silhouette is more than just your gait

Pure nicotine addiction is not really that bad. It's the MAOI shit in tobacco that really makes cigarettes addictive.
t. quit smoking for vaping

That wasn't a joke, not in a thread about on THIS website. I mean you do know where you are, right?

Attached: c253-15a.jpg (371x277, 9K)

Maybe because that's a character from a cyberpunk videogame...

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When the State is forcing you to not use drugs because that drags your social credit down, junkies have more reasons to join the resistance.


Holy fuck, Glad I'm in a VM when opening that shit.

Attached: Untitled.png (1228x484, 30K)

>I want to be able to smoke but not suffer the health consequences.
That's literally vaping

the problem is vaping looks way less aesthetic, you can only take drags from your ecigarette which you have to hold, you can't just keep it hanging in your mouth like a normal cigarette.
vaping does nothing for the cool factor of smoking.

>not use drugs because that drags your social credit down
>Your credit report does not include your criminal record. Therefore, a misdemeanor will not affect your credit score.

Imagine if it was also tied in with your credit score?

Attached: 645.png (1024x683, 1.19M)

i kind of remember that video, do you have a link to it user?

Wouldn't you be recognizes as "that weird guy who wears strange makeup"?

I do not know the video you are talking about, so no, I do not have a link to it.

The point isn't to avoid being recognized by people. It's to avoid being recognized by facial detection software. Cities are putting up cameras and using facial detection to build a database.

Eventually, yes.


you literally just skipped the entire part about facial recognition.

You misunderstand. All of those metrics help identify you so that whatever you are wearing on your face to hide your face becomes one of the profiles attached to your real face in the database. Thus, when they see your cyberpunk larp gear they just tag it to your real ID. Thus, creating a new face profile for you and recognizing you.....using facial recognition from then on.

>commit a crime/make a mistake
>regret it
>turbofucked by credit rating
>can't get good financing
>stay poor
>more likely to commit another offense

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>Gait analysis can't be fooled by simply limping, walking with splayed feet or hunching over

yea this is horseshit

Cyberpunk isn't about a society which is overall improved, in fact it's quite the opposite on the lower rungs of the social order, which is where that character finds herself.

>they know the real face underneath it all
the point of the camo is so they don't.
If they don't know whats under it they can't attach it.
That and many people would be using similar characteristics, which again brings us back to false positives.

>I believe everything that the nanny government tells me
>SmOkInG bAd

You literally described American prison systems.

Its because the tobacco industry has worked hard to make it cool.
That anime girl is cool. She'd be cool without the cigarette. The inclusion of a cigarette is a motive that enforces that now because of its cultural prevalence among cool characters. And visually it adds interest. Almost any accessory would.

IRL people who smoke tends to be trash though. Its an epidemic among poor people. Last stats I read it was something like ~80% of smokers are from low income households.

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That is the future they chose for us

hi Jow Forums

I didn't enclose anything between triple parenthesis.

I just go with long hair and a beard. I know it used to be problematic, would assume it's at least still better than short hair and clean-shaven.

No thanks, I am not a homosexual.

That guy's pretty handsome but WTF is he wearing. Looks like those around the neck blouses thots wear, or is he just wearing a scarf like a retard

>anything I don't like is Jow Forums

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basic and redflagged

you could just wear a napoleon bonaparte mask

Attached: file.png (253x249, 19K)

Oh so that's why Cyberpunk looks like htat?

The world will never be ideal, dumbass, we will end up in a dystopia

Anyone got the PNG pic that someone made t-shirts of that had the shades of RMS and Terry's face pics?

Pick one

>missing the point entirely

You'd never have a driver's license, school ID, passport, or anything else with a legal photo of your face where you'd need to be in a place where they can record all other metrics about you and assign it to any mask you tried to wear to cover up your face.

1.: Smoking is cool because its literally killing you. Smokers disregard their own health and that is cool(if you are not autistic about it)
2.: Vaping is lame for this very reason. It is far less harmful and it looks stupid. Vapefags are often autistic about vaping, tinkering with their little fag toy all day and smoking fruity gay flavours.

How about getting involved in politics and keeping authorities accountable to the citizenry instead of jumping through all those hoops?

In other words whites still hold super majorities in those fields

Based and lung-cancer-pilled

civil disobedience nigger
you'll cowards dont even smoke crack

Looks like someone pressed random in a character creator

>you'll cowards dont even smoke crack
>you will cowards dont even smoke crack
typical dumb nigger speak

Oops! You accidentally called Jewish people "white". Jews aren't white, even though they sometimes pretend to be to spread white guilt!

We all make mistakes, but please try to refrain from doing that again :)

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In other words, you can't read a chart. Not that it would matter if what you said is true.

>smoking LOOKS cool
>you don't smell it on a computer screen

not even big boss could make vaping look cool

>be asian
>put on surgical mask
>become unrecognizable

Attached: o-SCHOOL-UNIFORM-JAPAN-facebook[1].jpg (2000x1000, 487K)

>who's the remaining percentage?
>nervous sweating
No amount of name calling will harm him but call him out for what he is and the white man will recoil in pain

>overrepresentation doesn't matter if it's God's Chosen people
What a distinctly Jewish way of thinking.

Attached: 1556775703137.png (5052x2526, 1.44M)

Wheezed & Chemo-pilled.

>having a disproportionately low number of your people in positions of power is white privilege
what did he mean by this?

It never did matter. Complaining about ethnic representation and trying to control it has predominantly been a far left position. This apply to when ivies had quotas to limit Jews in the 1800s and early 1900s and it applies now to whites and asians, also true in reverse with quotas and programs to raise representation of women and minorities.

But that's beside the point. Point is whites still hold the majority of power in every nation whose white populace claims to have a Jewish problem.

>Point is whites still hold the majority of power in every nation
That truly did activate my almonds

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/cyber/ as fuck

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We literally have hundreds of politicians alone, not even including non-elected, appointments. You came up with 20 jews to prove what?

Besides these Wanna know how I know you're Jewish?

>moving the goal posts and reframing the argument when you were wrong
Oof. Good thing the way you people argue is well documented and easy to notice :^) about the Republicans?

I'm not the one who suddenly shifted talking points from flat percentages to "overrepresentation". You're a weasel and a dumb one at that. All I did was return us to the premise you proposed in the first place

Time to mix drinks and change lives

>having somewhere around a 4000% overrepresentation of Jews is a-okay
Interesting hypothesis.

Don't have one on that, but I'm sure quite a few of them are dual citizens too.

Attached: Zionist influence in media big.jpg (4500x4602, 3.88M)

>we have to increase the number of women in STEM!
Same talking point. Jews literally could not be overrepresented by 4000% unless whites voted them in

>be asian
>look like every other asian