How come linux doesn't have a single good git gui client...

How come linux doesn't have a single good git gui client? Gitkraken is an electron piece of shit and they have the audacity to ask a monthly fee for it.

>lmao just use commands lmao
no fuck you, I'm doing actual work here that requires a sane interface

Attached: 1542885211182.webm (236x426, 678K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Feel free to write one.

>doing actual work
>can't use command line

but judging from your post it seems unlikely you are smart enough to install it

install windows 10

Attached: onionboy-gif-6.gif (307x343, 22K)

It might be hard to believe but a GUI is extremely useful for quickly reviewing and discarding changes and makes you far more productive.

>a GUI is extremely useful for people trying to use github as a hosting service without learning to code

>does actual work
>uses Linux
>too stupid to use Linux efficiently
>doesn't go back to whatever OS used before
>instead complains on Jow Forums in his support thread
You should go back.

tfw trying to revise a CoC but don't want to read the fucking manual

Attached: kodewitkarlie.png (1357x1281, 1.49M)

>he thinks memorizing some commands makes him a "coder" and doesn't understand that a project might have more than just cpp files

>It might be hard to believe but a GUI is extremely useful for quickly reviewing and discarding changes and makes you far more productive.
You're right, that's really hard to believe.

darker than black season 2

lacking a sane gui client for git is the only reason why Linus Torvalds keeps a windows box around in his office

This desu. It's an OS built from the ground up for people who hunt and peck and hate reading.

Attached: 1555806307917.jpg (572x714, 34K)

these anons never actually worked in their lives

Not op but how do you split up a huge diff into several patches
Something like
Tbh I don't really care about workflow. I just want to split a large modification to some file into several smaller interactively selected commits

Attached: ic_goes_prog.jpg (500x678, 89K)

>he thinks using a computer is work
this user has never actually worked a day in his life

I still can't believe she can customize zsh but can't make herself look even remotely productive. Just opening a file in vim or running unit tests would look better than this and require less effort.
Build your favorite Windows client from source, or if it's not open source, use Wine.

Windows doesn't have good git guis either, the only tolerable one is sourcetree.

>Not op but how do you split up a huge diff into several patches
super easy in magit (timestamp: 8 mins)

Visual code has a built in?

Oh, and because I found myself doing those steps pretty often I created a custom key that instantly splits up the currently selected commit.
A bit hacky:

(defun tmacs/magit-rebase-split-commit-do ()
(remove-hook 'magit-post-refresh-hook 'tmacs/magit-rebase-split-commit-do t)
(magit-reset-head "HEAD^"))
(defun tmacs/magit-rebase-split-commit (commit args)
(interactive (list (magit-commit-at-point)
(add-hook 'magit-post-refresh-hook 'tmacs/magit-rebase-split-commit-do nil t)
(magit-rebase-edit-commit commit args))
(magit-define-popup-action 'magit-rebase-popup
?S "to Split up a commit" 'tmacs/magit-rebase-split-commit)

Nigger what do you need a GUI for? Do you really need big shiny buttons to commit or add files trough a directory browser? After an afternoon you'll notice that command line is faster and more efficient, and the only thing you might want fancy shit is to highlight merge conflicts. And as this user pointed out, VSCode has a pretty conflict interface

This magit stuff looks neat
Thanks mate

that's a cool webbum, what a neat lil creature

>command line isn’t “sane”
I love how it’s impossible to tell if WinPajeet shill threads are real or parody.

You're welcome m8
if you are coming from vim I'd highly recommend using evil-magit for nicer key bindings. but yeah Magit is easily one of the most useful Emacs packages and the best git client imo.

>using a shitty GUI for a tool that was designed to be used from the terminal

>can't even use git commands
>thinks he's doing "actual work"

fuck off faggot, go finish your homework

Git makes no assumption about the interface, it's not more "designed" for terminal usage than any other program.

>she can customize zsh
One thing you learn in a CS program is women never have to do a thing. They can just ask beta males to write her config for her.

Is that why the official site has a page dedicated to listing all GUI clients available?
Why are people so religious and irrational when it comes to git CLI vs GUI? You don't see this as much with other tools.

I used to use vim + straight into command line with tmux but I'm switching to living in emacs lifestyle meme.
I'm trying to avoid evil because I'm too much a brainlet to do the mental keybindings gymnastic, and end up typing jjjjk or C-j C-k.
I only use evil when I want to use throwaway macros that use other throwaway macros.
The git gutter is pretty nice too!

>Why are people so religious and irrational
I honestly don't get why there is a need for a GUI. On a daily basis all you need is 4 commands, and typing them in the shell is way faster than opening a client, navigating the tabs, clicking on buttons and waiting for a code someone else wrote to perform what you can do with those 4 basic commands.
If you fully understand what you're doing it comes natural, it's just the same as stick vs auto.

>no fuck you, I'm doing actual work here that requires a sane interface
if you're this scared of the command line you have no business doing anything with Git anyway.

ITT: what is sublime merge?

tfw you set out to write a gui for git, but by the time you figure out how you've already learned to code and don't need a gui anymore.

>ninety nine US dollars

Try Sublime Merge. It's from the Sublime Text creators, it looks nice and runs very fast.

Is running this every day bad git etiquette?
for x in ~/Downloads/Git/* ; do printf "$x\n" ; git -C "$x" pull ; done

>actual work
>no command line
are you sure about that?
the most efficient way is always the terminal way, fag
just use commands or be a GUI nigger