Post your PS1. Now

Post your PS1. Now.

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Install Gentoo

>doesn't even have a PS1, just posts a picture found online

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I still have mine

Attached: ps1.jpg (259x194, 6K)


looks like terminus, but I'm not sure

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i have a ps4

Is this the Jow Forums equivalent of "have sex"?

back to /v/


no, ps4 > ps1

But that's a funny memetic relation regardless.

"install gentoo" has been around for years and has always been lowkey legitimate advice.
"have sex" is some retarded new reddit shit where you assume anyone who disagrees with you is an incel. It's fine as bait but the userbase of this site is so questionable today that I can't tell if it's used as bait or seriously sometmes.

Hey guys

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>blurring the name out

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I want to have a simple tilde/dollar as my PS1 but I want fancy info like git branches, sudo status and PWD in the bottom of the terminal screen, how do I accomplish this?

>"have sex" is some retarded new reddit shit
I know, that's why I find it funny how similar "install gentoo" is to "have sex" as a meme on here. And it could destroy the have sex meme if you fuck with it and begin to post "install gentoo" where a newfag might post "have sex".

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sorry for being an icuck

get on my level plebs

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Why does your prompt look like the building blocks on Scratch




one of my coworkers has a similar setup except he only uses shades of green and red
i used to have the powerline look (minus the status stuff from the right side) but tossed my old config when i switched laptops. now i have the urge to redo my ps1 again

I've used Ubuntu so much that their default PS1 is what I try to replicate on every other system.

looks cool, a bit overloaded for my taste

the time part is kinda ugly on windows, but it makes it work with my bash settings

terminals on windows fucking blow though

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boring and generic

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Do you even autism?

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[\d \t] \u@\h:\w\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\]

Yikes, talk about overkill

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Any handy ps1 configuration guides?

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lincux get btfo'd

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>multi-line PS1

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and why is that?

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no terminal with sane defaults
no true color in terminal
shitty text on high res monitors

PS1="$(echo $PS1 | sed 's/\\u/faggot/g')"

PS1='C:$(pwd | sed "s:/:\\\\\\\:g")> '

Absolutely BASED
I installed Haiku on my R400 and I am about to install in on my T43. Extremely good OS.

>"Oh no, they're going to know what the path to my user directory is :((("

By doing the following command:

rm -rf /

didn't work for me, had to use

sudo rm -rf /

Do you like being annoying?

It's the standard one because I'm not a fucking autist. I once put a timestamp in front which was nice I guess but in the end I never used that shit.

I think rm requires --no-preserve-root for like 10 years already.

it doesnt, sudo rm -rf /* works just as well

> Said nobody ever

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> Not calling it a PSX

Found this bad boy in an abandoned house, with a pirated version of Crash Team Racing. Works fine.

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For the branch, could pipe git branch into grep, that's what I did

PS1="[\w] "

If you ssh too often, have a whoami in there, but anything more is a bloat

Two lines means my own commands are always aligned, and the cwd has enough space to show the full path if I want it.

Exit codes and execution timer are pretty cool too.

Attached: PS1.png (500x200, 114K)

Cyan for me. ( White if GNU screen session )
Red for root. And line numbers for bash history subs and expansions and fc command.
if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
PS1='\[$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 3)\]\!:\[$(tput setaf 1)\]\u@\w:\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\]'
PS1='\[$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 3)\]\!:\[$(tput setaf 6)\]\u@\w:\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\]'
if [ ! -z $STY ]
PS1='\[$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 3)\]\!:\[$(tput setaf 7)\]\u@\w:\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\]'

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Never gets old.
>The joke, I mean.

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