

Attached: GOOGLEIN MY 4CHAN.png (1680x1050, 355K)

It's the captcha.


Another clueless teenager who is only just discovering the workings of the web and somehow found himself on Jow Forums.

Google logs everything.

>Jow Forums
Why am I not surprised?

Attached: Sena_laugh_smug.gif (400x471, 289K)

>user installed umatrix
>user doesn't know Google infrests every website on the web now
Oh poor you

If you turn on the use 4chanx and turn on the no script captcha then you can disable all JS except on Jow Forums.org and 4cdn.org and it works perfectly fine. Bonus because no script captcha is way easier.

Good b8 user you almost had me for a second

Attached: eqb.jpg (249x250, 7K)

the jigsaw icon will show you what you're doing wrong sweety
although connecting some real jigsaws might be more fitting for you

I hope google gets an anticompetitive lawsuit for making other browsers functionality inferior and breaking compatability at a fundamental level, especially as nearly every page on the Internet uses some sort of google api and it is designed to act badly for every browser but their own. Imagine if ford came up with a smarter traffic light that used a camera to detect if a car was present. It then got used worldwide so you were forced to use it. The then started identifying car brand and if you weren't driving a Ford, you would automatically get a red light... don't you think a major lawsuit would immediately happen? So why is google allowed to cripple all competitors web browsers?

Exactly. What they're doing is so blatantly wrong, I can't believe something hasn't been done about it yet.

>he enabled powerad.ai
What's the point of having uMatrix?

captcha works fine even after blocking those.

no it doesn't
have you refreshed the page after blocking them?
ffs lmao

>enabled powerad.ai
hello clueless Jow Forums boomer

Attached: 1551758902333.jpg (800x498, 53K)

No shit, I'm wondering what OP is surprised about. He knew about uMatrix but not Google collecting information?

when I use umatrix everything seems to be fine on 4chinks but when I click on catalog it's all fucked. what gives?

pls halp.

catalog needs javascribd

Yes, still works perfectly. I am using Jow Forums-x and have "Force Noscript Captcha" turned on.

>not blocking powerad.ai
>not blocking everything but css/images by default and whitelisting as you go
>mega extension

and the oof goes on...
just like my yikes

>chrome-based browser

>worrying about privacy
don't even try

I used to use umatrix and I like how much control it gives me over what runs in my browser, but a entropy thread came up on here with anons saying that it makes you have more of a unique fingerprint across websites. Can blocking shit on sites make you more fingerprintable?


Also, the shit you're blocking is far more of a threat than mayyyybe having shit correlated through fingerprinting...

Get Ublock or Noscript if you want to block them at that level. Otherwise it's going to block the frame that Google needs for the captcha.

>ancient firefox fork
>installed umatrix, does not understand ublock
>powerad.ai not blocked
>Jow Forums, /v/ and /tv/

Attached: holy-indian-java-guru.jpg (450x399, 140K)

ublock's left column is global rules.
right is local rules.

Attached: CopyQ.VTujWx.png (537x436, 42K)

Allow the fucking frame. It has a fucking number.


There are other things you can do to reduce fingerprinting such as disabling webgl and canvas spoofing.

For some reason javascriptless captcha doesn't work on my pc. It always results in posting errors. I wish it did work so I can finally disable google on Jow Forums, but it seems to be broken for me.

OMG! That's it! I'm done with 4channel forever! Fucking Trannies ruin everything!

is FF tracking protection turned on?
It often blocks google domains.

>Can blocking shit on sites make you more fingerprintable?
No, because there's a pretty good chance ublock Origin and/or uMatrix are blocking the tracking scripts.

cute sena smug laugh

>no funny tabs