Why are these two abhorrent pieces of shit on every job posting?

Why are these two abhorrent pieces of shit on every job posting?

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They aren't.
I'd be willing to bet that for every Python listing, there's 5 for Java.

it's not that high. per stackoverflow job postings:

-Java 2,510 results
-Javascript 2,022 results
-Python 1,904 results

i'd took a low paid job in comfy python over high paid js any time

tfw highly paid AI python job

Only place Python is mentioned is in machine learning / data science jobs

WHAT kind of shit do these companies develop in Java?

I don't get it. Virtually no programs on Windows or Linux I've seen were made on Java.
(Granted, I can name a few but there should be 10x more considering how ubiquitous Java is perceived to be)

What are these programs and who pays for these??

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Basically everything is some code running on a server somewhere. When there is an actual front end it will be a console program or a html page. It's mostly just API's though.

There are more stupid people than smart people so jobs cater to the masses with small-brain programming languages

Have you worked with anything other than Python?

of course, and obviously i'd take any comfy statically typed language over python any time

Backend. And even companies not using Java for their backends will still probably be using a JVM language

Can't speak for JS, but it seems that Python is a preferred skill because it allows extremely rapid development which is readable enough to allow re-writing modules in a faster language without too much pain. Python, as a language appeals not so much to programmers as it does investors. Do you think investors give a shit if you wrote your back-end in C? All they want is a working product, poor scalability is actually a good thing (it's going to keep you employed longer), considering that investment groups have finally be conditioned over the last few decades to expect delays and set-backs in modern software development.

Also using anything other than Python for shell scripting/automation/utils is pretty much pants-on-head retarded at this point. Another reason that companies probably want you to at least be familiar with it. I have a friend who works at a place where they're currently re-writing all of the utils they have in Python (used to be Perl). This is going to be the norm soon.

>Do something in javascript
>android,ios,desktop,tv, web, all covered.

Python appeals to programmers a lot, check out what the engineers at Google are writing with. Good programmers contrary to popular belief don't like to waste their time doing low-level stuff that has already been solved; Python is the language to get shit done for anything that is not extremely performance critical.

There's something called "real work" in the world, where you're not just making shitty websites. Yeah I know, it's fucking unimaginable. These developers writing Java are actually doing useful things like working on billing and automation systems. Process control, analytics, extremely fast ETL, backends which can handle more than 10 simultaneous requests.
Real work.

t. Not a Java dev and actually really hates it

>Python is the language to get shit done for anything that is not extremely performance critical.
Python is the language indicated for library abuse. Actual programming in that area is limited to the range of Lisp and its derivates

I think it's more that it's replacing C as the lingua-franca of programming. It's not awful, but it isn't particularly inspiring either.
My biggest gripe with the language is how intuitive it is to write efficient code. Most of the default operations on objects return or modify copies instead of modifying the objects in place. Lists and dictionaries are the biggest offenders here, too much code is written which copies the entire thing instead of referencing it in place.


C# would be the solution then, not python... Oh, wait.

webdev and data science


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So I have to explain what java devs do.
>server shit
>working with microcontrollers
Now API is fucking hell since nobody can make a good API. Every java API has a 60% change of being broken and unusable. Companies hire people just to understand and fix other companies API.
Microcontrollers are easier and some of them require java but some of these are switching to other languages like python and sometimes even C.
Server shit is easy since all you do is have a think check if something is online and if it isn't start it up again. Most of the time you don't make stuff in java to control you control other services with java.
Java sucks ass but half the time the jobs are descent if you know java or fucking hell.


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>comfy python
good luck, every "enterprise" python codebase i have seen so far has been a pile of uncollected flaming garbage