Pixel or Galaxy? If you had to pick one.
Pixel or Galaxy? If you had to pick one
iPhone SE
[other non-answer thinking i'm clever]
Chink, they don't give a shit about you unlike NSA +gchq
Galaxy S2 LTE.
The Pixel is probably better, at least when it comes to software, but I'd buy the other one just out of spite.
>samshit vs. botnet prime
The one without a notch.
One UI looks and feels like shit so I'd go with the Pixel if I had to pick one.
galaxy because of the better hardware quality (pixlel is renowned for having shitty quality control, like the blue tinted screens), unironically better software (not jittery like pixlel 3 and it has better gestures, night mode and theming built in) and better aesthetics (lmao no notch, talking about the s9 obviously)
Neither just get a phone half the price of any of those.
>and it has better gestures
Samsung gestures are literal garbage compared to Apple, OnePlus or Xiaomi. You can literally achieve the same result as Samsung's gestures with 3rd party apps.
Iphone XS
What they have wrong? No problem here with my note 9 and gestures active.
never buying samsung again after they released an update that killed my s7 SOT coincidentally around the time the s9 came out
Pixel 2XL was goat but if it's the pixel 3 in question then I'd just go for a S10e
The normal Pixel 3 is basically just a superior Pixel 2 XL
Have you ever used the other phones I mentioned? Samsung's gestures are just that, gestures that activate an animation which feels worse than just tapping buttons. It's not the reaction you expect, whereas on the other phones the animations match where you finger is at all times and feels like an extension of your hand. If you swipe an app up you can see the app fly upwards and jump down into the home screen or you can hold it halfway to get your recents, on OneUI it just fades into the home screen after you perform the gesture and the recents is just starting the gesture from a different position on your screen.
Galaxy, if only because it's not completely google'd up
both options are shit though
If I had to choose then Samsung, they make better hardware
Wouldn't buy either tho, not worth it
Samsung as oneUI is pretty good now and the specs are just way better on Samsung top ends.
The one with custom ROMs. Even Pixel's ROM is bloated, Samsung's is completely unusable.
Pixel phones are shit tier build quality. You'd get better build quality out of a Redmi than a pixel. This is coming from someone who had a pixel 2xl and 3xl
Galaxy, hands down.
only people from 3rd world countries choose Android phones over Apple phones
>living in a first world country
Come home, white man. We have good food, strong drinks, comfy commieblocks and 10/10 women that you can stare at and never talk to.
Ok we're all third worlders in this thread. Have a nice day.
But the country where iPhones are the most popular is third world (U.S.)
not a fan if the hole but that notch is atrocious.
So, you're just saying that they're bad because they have no animation.
>botnet phones
no thank you
If I had to choose one of those 2 I'd choose to shoot myself in the head.
What is a non botnet phone then
It's less invasive than Samsungs software. And updated more often and longer last update schedules. Both overpriced.
Xs if I'm wasting that much money,
Pocomeme is the only valid Android phone.
exynos s10e for buttload unlock
If I run lineage on a chinkphone is it still botnet?
Pixel (on sprint, otherwise would go chink with lineage)
.t Note 8 User
are you me
I ended up getting my S7 working again after lots of fucking around and having gotten a new phone, but god damn, that was actually retarded. Went to bed, shit worked. Woke up the next morning, it didn't boot.
The one with a headphone jack and expandable storage.
Pixel because I don't like bloatsung galaggy
Used to be diehard Jewgle phone fan. I had about 3 Nexus and a Moto G when Moto was a part of Google, so of I could only choose between these two I'd choose Pixel because I don't like the way Samsung designs their phones. They have this distinctly asian look about them that makes them look like they are chinkshit of the lowest order.
Otherwise I'd go with a One+
i'd get that new cheap pixel if i was going to buy a new phone
I got the s10+ and its the best phone i ever had. Its "worth" it
huawai mate
The gestures them are fucking dumb also, having 3 actions tied to a small horizontal plane is ridiculous and can result in a lot of accidental gestures.
Like I would support google. Just nope.
I would buy galaxy note 4 or S5. Not samsung's new shit. Nothing good has come out in a while nor will in the next years to come.
I’d kill myself
I can partially agree. At first they might seems confusing and result in accidental actions, but when you learn that are basically a button but that instead of press you simply swype up to activate, well, works good. Also, speaking for me, note 9 has small bezels down, so I just start below the screen to activate, no problem so far.
what does that have to do with samsung still having better gestures than stock android
they aren't garbage btw, it's very intuitive imo especially if you get the swipe the sides to go back addon from the good lock app but you wouldn't know about that
Something with an microSD card, and unlocked bootloader for Magisk, also headphone jack..
Fuck the rounded corner meme these days, can't find a phone without a rounded corner screen cutting off the things on the edges for older apps that weren't designed for it.
This is a myth, Samsung phones get supported for marginally longer than Google Nexus/Pixel phones.
The Nexus 6 was released after the Galaxy Note 4, yet the last update for the Nexus 6 was Feb 2018 while the Note 4 was Oct 2018, almost an entire year of extra support over the lifetime compared to the Nexus.
Redmi 7
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Google Pixel.
if you pick basedsung over the pixel you are braindead
In all honesty fuck google and fuck their hardware lineup. I've had dozens of google devices over the years and it's always the same thing. They work, then they break something via software and never or only marginally fix it. Then they just stop bothering with the thing altogether.
I've also had hardware fuckups where the device just stops booting up and there is nothing you can do about it (happened on older devices such as the Nexus 10 and 6.
I've been also using Samsung phones as my business phones since the Galaxy S1 and getting the newest models for free every two years. There was never an update that broke the phone and the S1 still works to this very day. I'm on the S10 right now and ever since the S7 I stopped bothering with private phones and just use my business ones as daily drivers. I have no complaints on my S10, besides the slightly average battery life. It still gets me through the day easily tho.
>samcuck gets bootlooped once by LG and stops using pixel
Why would I use phones from a company that has sold bad devices to me in the past? That's the definition of being a cuck to me.