Okay I got a CS degree now what?
How do I get a comfy decent paying job?
Programming seems to be uncomfy, what other jobs could I do with a CS degree?
Okay I got a CS degree now what?
just take a programming job until you can get your master's in a field you find interesting
You can always work at McDonalds :)
Intern at a company with good Glassdoor reviews. Transfer to full employment
tech support :)
>I got a CS degree
>Programming seems to be uncomfy
Not exactly the wisest decision
I hope you remain unemployed for life and die via hobo AIDS for being a dumb bugposter.
Please don't post K-thots
Go into academia, it's the best field for cs graduates.
cs has nothing to do with programming
Sure, and mathematics has nothing to do with physics
-App analyst
-Cybersecurity analyst
-Data analyst
-Database admin
-Forensic computer analyst
-Games designer
-Information systems manager
-IT consultant
-Penetration tester
-SEO specialist
-Systems analyst
-UX designer
-VFX artist
-Web designer
>cs degree
>doesn't have comfy job yet
Guess your degree was a waste.
>CS degree
I'm sorry to hear of the recent loss of your higher brain functions.
para pa pa pa I'm loving it
Validation or test engineer for embedded systems.
I was one for a infotainment system company and that job was fucking stupid.
Business analyst.
>SEO specialist
would rather drag my balls through sharded glass
I have a few friends in the industry, it's exclusively done by webdev people who can't do actual programming. Like, nothing. Nobody at their office could program anything.
Get fit and sell your hole.
its literally "copy this website structure and choose key words" lmao
he fell for the meme guys, pack it up
going against the grain is only a good idea if the majority is wrong
Do I have a decent chance for pic related coop job?
3rd year dual major econ math with upper year econometrics classes
I know python and R but have no job experience
Econometrics and mathematical econ do serve as a nice background but you're fucked if you don't have any hard skills like programming. You need to get good on hackerrank and get your github up to speed.
Also, this job resume is all over the place. It wants you to be a business analyst, a big data person, a full stack developer, et cetera. This is probably written by a complete shitlord.
I know you said you have Python and R experience, but what I mean to say is "Do you *really* have Python experience?" It's like putting SQL on your resume after looking it up on w3schools for an afternoon.
Ran ran ru
what are all these buzzwords
Business Analyst
>you're supposed to analyze business thingies but you actually just go to meetings and tweak stories
Product Owner
>you're supposed to be responsible for software/product thingies but you actually just go to meetings and tweak stories
UX designer
>you spend 100% of your time talking to people and going to meetings
Web designer
>you spend 100% of your time talking to people and going to meetings
Agile Coach
>you're supposed to coach agile thingies but you actually just go to meetings, tweak stories and run some workshops
IT consultant
>anything within IT which doesn't involve "consulting"
start writing open source
If you graduated with no internships you are absolutely fucked. No one in their right mind will hire you
Dubu is as pure as her g-rated raps
CS degrees are literally studying unemployment with a diploma. Everyone and their dog is getting a CS degree, they are next to worthless already.
Everyone was saying they were the best 4 years ago tho
[Computer science] is not really about computers -- and it's not about computers in the same sense that physics is not really about particle accelerators, and biology is not about microscopes and Petri dishes...and geometry isn't really about using surveying instruments. Now the reason that we think computer science is about computers is pretty much the same reason that the Egyptians thought geometry was about surveying instruments: when some field is just getting started and you don't really understand it very well, it's very easy to confuse the essence of what you're doing with the tools that you use.
You have wasted your time and money
Being a react developer is pretty comfy and pay well!
I'd like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as computer science is actually not really about computers -- and it's not about computers in the same sense that physics...
tell me more I heard about it
Is it just front end so gui?
This is bs
Internships are harder to get these days than full time spots if you're an Asian or White male
I didn't land an internship Junior year, so I just made a sizeable project in C++ and had interviews at Google, axon, IBM, etc. and eventually got a comfy offer
I have been thinking of starting a project over the summer, since the internships I applied to are not looking too good. What did you end do doing for yours or did you just end up working on something open source.
Can't you just steal some projects from github?
I mean as long as you understand everything and can explain it do you even have to write it yourself?
Well you should be able to find a job due to your good cv which includes internships and other extracurricular activities.
Y-you did do at least one summer internship throughout your degree, didn't you?