There are people out here with fucking 8 year old CPUs with DDR3 memory and put a fucking GTX 1080 or RTX 2080 in it...

>There are people out here with fucking 8 year old CPUs with DDR3 memory and put a fucking GTX 1080 or RTX 2080 in it, in 2019
>There are boomers on this board that actually buy old as fuck clunky thinkpads and install arch on it or some shit, and try to get others to do so as well
>there are people here that actually buy and use out-dated shit and get mad that modern software runs like shit on it

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there probably are

Imagine caring what people on the internet use to shitpost

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I also use VGA everyday. You're just a consumerist twerp.

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>there are people using laptops in 2019 with DDR3 memory in it
>there are laptops being RELEASED in 2019 with DDR3 memory in it

everyone listen to this guy, he knows what he's talking about

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I got a i7-7700k and 1060 6gig. 16 ram.
Did I do ok?

>3770k @ 4.5 (could easily go higher but muh cool and quiet computer)
>GTX 980
>Reasonably good SSD

It's pretty comfy tbqh. Back in the day I never thought hardware would be so usable for this long.

>there are people still using cheaply made memebrane keyboards with old disintegrated rubber domes instead of mechanical keyboards
>there are people who shill logitech g pro wireless mice even though it is three (3) times the price of razer deathadder elite

unironically have a 2500k and a 1070, deal with it

>There are people out here with fucking 8 year old CPUs with DDR3 memory and put a fucking GTX 1080 or RTX 2080 in it, in 2019
Yes. Ivy bridge CPU DDR3 RAM.

Xeon X5670 and GTX1080

Fight me faggot

get with the fucking times you poorfag old man wagelet

It runs every thing I want to run. Release a CPU that's an actual upgrade.

you cant even into AVX2 or SSSE 4.1 i bet old man

>there are people on this board that think the performance evolution in the past 5 years is in anyway meaningful past stupid AAA gaymez

I mean we all know you boomers just play Counter Strike and starcraft 1 and dwarf fortress still for whatever god damn reason

some people make videos

lol, need to pay thousands for that 20 sec quicker render time so you can upload your shitty livestream for your tens and tens of subs

The fact that a large percentage of us still use the same generation processor really tells you how shit CPU progress has been
t. 3570K + Vega 56 owner

>20 sec quicker

you dont know what you're talking about

stay poorfag you man-child

good point, these shitty livestreams can sometimes go for hours meaning the rendering time difference can be longer. id rather spend my money where it's useful.

you really think videos are just all encoding huh

>people that dont make content and are just playing old ass games are totally satisfied with their decade-old hardware
what a surprise

>still using haswell

I have AVX and SSSE 3
who cares loser, everything runs fine. I got cycles to spare on my hot overclock.

no, that's what was referenced in the comments sperglord

First gen i7-860

What, I'm not allowed to upgrade?

>calling people consumerist
>uses a computer


this, i have a 2600k running at 4.4 with a 1080, dont think i need to upgrade for a few years, or if my workloads change

8 g ddr3
does absolutely everything I need and if I was a nonstop homosexual gamer Id put a better graphics card in.
Eat a dick zoomer.

>use out-dated shit and get mad that modern software runs like shit on it
That's just silly, modern software is extremely bloated with metrics and homosexuality.

>buy and use out-dated shit and get mad that modern software runs like shit on it
have you considered that maybe modern software is garbage? of course not jamal

E8500 Master race here

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>4.3 WEI

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I would think it was a joke but I KNOW A GUY AT MY WORK THAT LITERALLY BOUGHT FX IN 2019.

What the fuck is wrong with you retards? Its like you actually want to own garbage.

hello fren. 12 y.o PC reporting in. Btw I use arch and get mad that modern software runs like shit. Because retard OP should not compensate shit software with good hardware.

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cheap and chearfull, gets the job done

When building a computer consider what you are using it for. No point in spending crazy amounts on a rig to shit post and play some old gaymz.

If you have need for high performance under big work loads such as audio/video editing software or you want a home server then fair enough dish out and get some of the best. Again it all depends on what you are using it for will depend on what kind of parts you ought to buy

>i7 4790k
>gtx 770
>16gb dd3
Pretty comfy, no need to upgrade since I'm not a gaymer. Computer boots up in 15 seconds, browser can handle 20+ tabs. No reasons to upgrade.

Imagine being so retarded to upgrade to have 2% more power i don't even need.

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getting a better pc is probably a bit like upgrading to a better smartphone tho. you might not have realized just how shitty your old phone was until you have the new one in your hands. my mom's laptop takes an awfully long time just to open a web browser for example.

I have 2500k and I'm gonna do a whole new build. I was strapped for money but now that I'm well off it's time to start anew.

that's not laptop but your shitty 5400rpm hard drive. My laptop is fine enough to run a server with shitton of services for its 2gibs of ram since I don't use it as a main machine

That's an old laptop and a smartphone you are refering to.

Replace the hdd in your moms laptop with an ssd and give it some more ram. Also backup anything you don't want to loose and reinstall OS. Will be running smooth in no time

*also don't use chrome, it eats into memory usage hard*

What if I really don't need high end specs for what i do with my PC? Why should I invest in what i don't need, you sad zoomer?

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>There are people out here with fucking 8 year old CPUs with DDR3 memory and put a fucking GTX 1080 or RTX 2080 in it, in 2019

that's actually me, but i have a 5 year old cpu, not 8.

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fren ur mom's laptop has a rlly old hard drive, the 5400 rpm sata one, get a 240 sata ssd, reinstall windows and dont use chrome (not needed if user's mom cant use anything else) for maximum ((((comf)))) :^)
i use a thinkpad, shits like 500 years old but still works great

An even better example is the jump to SSD. Dear God how blind I was to delay the upgrade.


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good goy

forgot to mention i actually upgraded to 1440p 144hz after i took this screenshot

Attached: Screenshot (130).png (2560x1440, 168K)

u have gained my respect brother, i too am running sandy bridge with a 1080, unfortunately no 1440p or 144hz, heard u cant go back

when using lower res monitors and lower res refresh rates, it's not too bad(but it looks less smooth and more pixelated). but once i go back to my desktop after using a lower refresh rate or lower resolution monitor, my monitor feels so futuristic.