Memes aside, what can we hate in a privacy configured Google Account / Usage ?
Google is basically full on privacy if you configure it correctly in the settings.
What is there to hate ?
And that's even more true with yesterday's announcements which allow periodic automatic data deletion for example.
Such a shame to lock yourself out of the innovation party :/
Google Privacy
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The privacy settings in google only hide the information they gather from the customer, google still retains and sells it
No you fucking retard. Tech companies aren't selling your data, they're harvesting your data. They build a profile and lump you into demographic groups. When advertisers want to buy ads, they don't get to buy your data, they get to choose a group their ads get shown to. Do you retards really think if Jewgle/Goybook sold all your actual data that advertisers would ever come back? No, they would send ads directly to your home, email, phone, etc. If anything, big tech does everything in their power to keep other companies from getting your data, because data is power and control over advertisers.
Meanwhile there are companies out there who LITERALLY sell your name, address, age, voting records, family connections, friends, email addresses, phone numbers, social media accounts, photos, everything, and you fucking retards never complain about them. If anything big tech are BUYING your info from these fuckers.
Fuck all you brainlet retards.
Based anti-P.I. copypasta
because i like unfiltered results
Google doesn't make it clear AT ALL how full on their data collection is by default, meaning the vast majority of users are completely unaware of it and might not even know about the privacy settings. I myself was completely unaware of it before I started coming to Jow Forums.
That's a fair point concerning the search engine. But nothing prevents you from using Google tools with another search engine
Nothing to hide? Nothing to fear. Dumb weeb.
>Google is basically full on privacy if you configure it correctly in the settings.
>according to google
Learn to read the privacy policy.
>company reads your emails, tracks your web surfing, listens to you 24/7 if you have one of their botnet devices
>”full privacy”
Fuck Google and fuck you.
not the weeb.
You know nothing. Fear comes from NOT knowing (simple man) and from knowing (people in power want to stay in power).
Maybe you dont have information that would be distruptive. So u have no concerns.
What happens when you can target inviduals based on their beliefs? You can play flute to all. You can play both teams. Is this not something
to be afraid of? You could pitch two groups against each other and watch it from the sidelines.
You might have nothing to say now but what about later? What about others? Nothing to hide now, but what if the rules get changed and you got suddenly got something to hide. How about other people? Are you an advocate for mass surveillance where there is no option to opt-out? Do u believe that abuse will not happen? Even when there is abuse happening right now all over the planet. What do you think happens when someone makes a mistake? What happens when a mistake was made by someone who has a lot of power/money?
If you're not the weeb then stay out of the conversation. I didn't read your post btw. Just the first sentence.
>Google is basically full on privacy if you configure it correctly in the settings.
No. By disabling stuff you only hide it from yourself.
>Y does something worse than X therefore X is fine
No it's not.
No worries. U are free to do as you please. I ignore a lot of things too. Like when you say to stay out or when I check my feeds.
Google knows all your shit but they don't share that with random retards that try and stalk you.
tl;dr its totally worth it. Google services are fucking amazing.
>Sells your data
Confirmed for not knowing what the fuck you're talking about
Of course they would come back, dummy. They are still the most used platforms where the ads will be viewed and clicked the most.
Are you retarded?
You can disable that fuckface tinfoil-hat cunt. Get back to the cave where your uncle rapes the shit out of you.
>proprietary software
user, I...
>proprietary software
Google is probably one of the firms that open-sources the most projects
fuck google.
use bing.
bing kills google.
you shouldn't post these kind of posts on Jow Forums the retards on this board can't process these kind of facts.
Magic happens server side not always on clients. Clients are not required to do anything bad just send data.
Google ships binary blobs with their programs.
this is too woke for the dumb fu/g/s here
How dare you talk to me like that? Stupid weeb go into your containment board and stay there, this is a board for smart people!
based and privacy pilled
extremely cringe and cuck tier
google literally L I T E R A L L Y stores EVERY audio interaction you have with their "Hey Google" audio assistant technology. You know those times where you accidentally say something similar to google and your phone pops up? those random conversations you were having were recorded from the time it was prompted to the time it timed out. now they're stored online. you can even go listen to it all yourself.
i can't wait to get an iPhone and unfuck myself from google.
want something very telling? DuckDuckGo doesn't use google maps by default. They use Apple's. fucking mega kek
Gee that was hard
When you use Apple you give them your card info, all personal info, health data...
Google could still aggregate that data. Say something about your health it labels your server side profile to have diabetes. Then uses it to advertise you or personalize prices based on your location and status. Same for apple/amazon/microsoft/facebook
if that info leaks enjoy.
whatever you recorded before that is still in their servers
if they're willing to hold onto that F O R E V E R then they're willing to do far worse.
fuck chink shit, fuck google. apple is the only big player right now that has a P R O V E N track record of caring about your privacy *and* remaining responsible with the handling of your personal data.
samshit? samsung+google android
any android device is inherently fucked by google. good luck you shitty fucking shill
yup. unlike apple, though, google takes that data you give them and sells them to OTHER COMPANIES to give them targeted ad space
When you web browse. You get profiled. Your likes, interests, news sources, political views. Things you buy and things you have. Your friends and close ones are known.
If they would give data access to other companies like facebook Google would lose their advantage/power. Which is why apple/google does not sell or give access to others.
Google is the one on all sites with their adsense. Not some other ad company.
There's an option to delete as well as auto-delete every 3 months, besides it would be really fucking irresponsible of them to keep/collect that data even after you've disabled and deleted it given that it would be a PR nightmare and it would break European law especially with the anti-google sentiment rising in the normalnigger population.
I didnt mean that your data is on their server for eternity. Like location, speech, images, files... I meant that they can profile you and that profile is on their servers. Which they can use freely. That profile is not your data. It is theirs.
>break European Law
yea that would be nice but the whole world isn't Europe. Not even all of Europe is part of the EU.
>PR nightmare
I get your position. Jow Forums usually holds unrealistic animosity against companies and tend to just regurgitate the same bullshit we hear. Apple isn't perfect and neither is google. From my experience, Apple is the lesser of two evils and this is why I hold this position.
I've never understood why Jow Forums as a collective *tends towards* caring so much for privacy and private data handling, but chooses to use google services/android. You seem to be approaching this rationally and I appreciate that. I just don't trust that google does what they say, and that's where my personal bias comes into this. Have a good day user and death to google
I don't give a fuck *what* they're doing with it, I don't want them to *have* it in the first place.
this is technically accurate, but it amounts to splitting hairs.
google is selling a service to advertiser, and they market their ad service by making a big deal abput the volume, quantity and detail they collect on you.
additionally, they make a big deal about their algorithms (which they certainly are not sharing or selling to anyone else, but which they might hint at their inner workings in their private presentations and marketing marterial they do share with advertising executives you are interesed in buying googles targeted ad placement service)
so the distiction between monetizing and marketing (which they do do) and SELLING (which they dont) is small enough to be swallowed up in informal, and rhetorical speech.
it is not a matter of IF
government agencies certainly have it.
considering how they abuse it on stuff like LOVEINT, and how much they leak to the press, it wouldnt surprise me if a lot more people are looking at the details of your personal lives than you think.
and if the governent employees misbehave this much, im sure that corporate wagies are equally cavalier.
mandatory phone number
>Google is basically full on privacy if you configure it correctly in the settings.
Only a fool would believe that "disabling" data collection on proprietary devices/services/software does anything, especially if they from a company like Google, who profits well from serving targeted ads. The same goes for deleting said data: it merely becomes inaccessible to you.
>What is there to hate ?
A company, one of many, whose ethics do not get in the way of profit.