To all windows cucks

To all windows cucks
Let me ask you: why do you even go to Jow Forums.

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> Implying that you have to be smart to use linux

To argue with people

cos i can

Nice projecting man

ok windows cuck

t. samefagging falseflagging mactoddler

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They are literally paid to shill their shitty software here.

Microsoft employees have to post to social media and forums at least ten times per day.

I don't think OP said that, if anything it was more like you have to be a cuck to use Windows. Normal level intelligence is enough for Linux.


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I don't think I can explain the concept of doing something for a reason not related to my desktop OS to a Linux user.

>the satania mactoddler user is a Wincuck Pajeet

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> Implying that you have to be smart to use linux
You don't. What even is your point?

you have to be a brainlet to use Windows

Because the rest of this board outside of Jow Forums couldn't give 2 shits what some keyboard virgin warrior thinks about windows.

Windows is technology.

Here's a better question - why are you here if you can't code.

I'm using Linux (android)

Just because windows 10 is completly closed off to customization doesn't mean it's not exciting to discuss

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How do I stop the seals from leaking out the argon from between the panes? The normal air interacts with the internal lamination and it becomes opaque over time, making it hard to tell whether it's a manufacturing flaw or the result of normal wear and tear... Man, I tell ya, some companies will really try to fuck you over on the warranty regarding this...

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Windows 10 is a Linux distro. No excuses, boi.


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Works on my machine.


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Because I happen to be capable of using multiple operating systems, including Windows.

They're just tools at the end of the day. You can use different tools for different purposes.

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that face is so foul i spilt my damn coffee

go post your circlejerk shit elsewhere, this is a board for tech not loonux circlejerk

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If operating systems are tools, then Windows is a spiked dildo.

Stupid non-white. Bean juice is for plebs.

You misspelled macos.

macOS is just a dildo. It's not quite as bad as Windows.

windows: two headed hammer
linux: stick with a rock held together with string
macos: spiked dildo

as with any tool it's up to the user how they use it

you could shove that spiked dildo deep into your asshole or bludgeon some one to death with it

Mods pls sticky noogoor Babu sir, best java expert

Linux users are pedophiles.

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No, winjeet. Windows is useless and can only exist to painfully fuck you in the arse.
Yes, you can hurt yourself with it, or hurt others by forcing it on them. Either way, Windows only causes pain.

If they didn’t sticky Terry they won’t sticky Babu. Infinity /tech/ has saint Terry in the sticky though, along with much higher quality posters.

Linux is the most used kernel in the world. You think the billions of people who use it are all paedos?

It’s true that’s why I use OpenBSD.

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>Implying Jow Forums is a place for smart people

Im not a cuck

people like what they like, end of.

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Most people are pedos, women are the most sexually attracting at 14.

>You think the billions of people who use it are all paedos?

Nope, just the Debian users.

Yes, I'm sure some pajeets actually enjoy using the spiked Microsoft dildo.

>hurdurhur coffee is for niggers
>my opinions matter so much
>impying you have any worth
kys plox

well people like some weird things, some folk like to get shit on, others like to get beaten and so on.

If you are over the age of 10 you might grasp this simple premis

Learn to spell, you goober.

Leftists who watch anime, two huge red flags for pedo. Realistically there's probably 4 maybe 5 that aren't but the rest definitely are pedos.

You know Linux is more used than Windows, right?

>hurdurhur muh spelling
welp can't be perfect all the time

>losing argument better call the grammer nazis


Jesus you are one seriously insufferable autistic faggot.

I mean for personal use.

The NSA is making a list and checking it twice, into the oven everyone who's naughty or eats rice.

So android?


windows has been embracing open source since satya took the reins

ride the wave or get left behind

>Linux is the most used kernel in the world.
Christianity is the most-used religion on the world.

>You think the billions of people who use it are all paedos?

There is no such thing as Christianity.

>everyone is drinking bleach you should drink bleach too

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oh really? Please do go on, indulge my ego

You know how some people enjoy going to the zoo to watch retarded monkeys fling shit around? I come here to watch Lintards do the same.

There's no such thing as Linux. There is only Android.

browse the smartphone threads and to get informed on potential purchases. i don't need to use Linux or spend half a week getting my fucking install JUUUUUST right before i realise its just a vector for my shit posting abd por watching just like every other OS to do that.

To troll animetards.

No, Linux is the kernel.

Come up with a better argument tactic

>graphic anal fetish i have to endlessly shout about
What is it about Linux that attracts this orientation?

You know Linux is more used than Windows, right?


Literally nobody cares, mate (freetards don't count as people).

Winjeets like you aren't people.

See .

>he called me a not-people!
>ill say exactly the same thing back!
>thatll show him!
Seriously, be less of a tard plz.

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Odd. I do the same for wintards... Just starting a thread saying something bad about Windows is enough to get them riled up and start flinging shit

Get a real OS, pajeet. Stop giving your anus to Microsoft. And stop using stale memes.

>give your ass to ms
When did I first hear that? Mid 90s?
>y-y-your using a stale meme!

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It's still true, /b/tard.

Because Microsoft edge offers me a seamlessly integrated browsing platform in which to make this shitpost :)

Come up with something better than than everyone is doing it. Progress, goy.
Stupid pedo.
I noticed that too, butt stuff is always on their minds.

What's a good adblocker for edge?

Why would a Windows user want to block ads?


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Its all chromium forked so extensions, whatever is good for chrome probably. I don't use edge.
Why would a Linux user pretend to be human?

If dubs then windows users are forever BTFO

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Checking those dubs user. Well done.

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You too my friend

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mainly to instigate flamewars between AMD and Intel shills and to talk about software I use