Is LaTeX worth it Anons?

I've used microsoft word and librecuck for years now. Is LaTeX faster? Can you give me a reason to switch?

Attached: word_vs_latex_1_eng.png (891x591, 16K)

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It's worth it IMO. Not only is much easier to keep your style consistent, but I think it saves time. While you do need to put in 'commands' of sorts for some things, it means you can just tell it what you want to see instead of dicking around in menus. And it automates organization for things like sections, figures, tables, citations. I use it for academic reports and it saves me a headache with all that. But just for general use, I think its verbosity is extremely useful.

>LaTeX takes longer for simple documents
You can just start it from a template. You type in plain text and the template formats everything for you.

You can use markdown for very simple documents. Pandoc can render that to pdf using LaTeX

Microsoft Word is not free software.

I know user, I used it when I was a normie windows user a long time ago

I didn't pay for it, its software. Microsoft word is free software.

It's worth it if you
1. Don't want word to completely fuck up your formatting every time you change a tiny thing on a 50+ page document
2. Write a lot of math

Use org-mode -> latex-export.

You ARE using emacs, right? Right?

Yes, it produces longer-form documents that actually look professional (unlike MS Word)

Personally, I prefer Overleaf for the collaboration tools and the fact that it doesn't install 50GB worth of shit all over your filesystem like every TeX installer

How/where do i try this?

Yes. Fuck Word.

Depends onj what you need it for. If you publish anything in scientific journals, it's 100% worth it. If you work with very long multi-chapter documents it's also worth it. But if you just work with forms no more complex than an average CV, you're perfectly fine with Word.

Hey bruh what software you use?

Oh, the usual. Word and Photoshop.

I use LATEX and THE GIMP on the daily my dude. I'm also looking into CUMSHOTS as a great photo management tool!

Oh and also latex is a blessing if you co-author anything. Working with 2+ people on a single word document is a goddamn nightmare, but it's pretty much hassle-free with latex.

just use groff

Free as in freedom, libre.
Not free as in abcent of price, gratis.

you pay with your data, so it kind of has a price too

3. Are a student of (computer) science

Sane lecture

this. LaTex is overkill for most people's needs.

I think you're still confusing "free" (gratis) Software-as-a-Service products like Google Docs with "free" (libre) software. A LaTeX distribution is not collecting your data. The "price" of free software is usually the time you invest in learning or getting support for it.

It doesn't matter that it has gorillion features no one uses, what matters is the ease of picking it up and using it.
LaTeX has more support so you can copypaste from stackoverflow like an expert pajeet.

I used it for a bunch of my computer science and mathematics assignments in university, and it got me extra street-cred from the lecturer/marker.

>Not using InDesign

"gratis" is english? Och das ist ja ne Überraschung

Groff is super comfy, much easier than latex to pick up imo and the maths syntax is much better than latex, but shame its not as diverse. Groff+LaTeX seems good enough for most needs i think.

Absolutely. It's also much easier to handle than Word. I honestly can't stand working with pictures on any WYSIWYG based editor.

I have never really needed to write text, now that its time for my bachelors thesis, can you recommend me where and how to get started with LaTeX?

listen to

Picture is accurate, use both accordingly.