Why emojis in the terminal trigger people so much?

Why emojis in the terminal trigger people so much?
Is it because they are sad people?
Is it because they can't seem to appreciate it's potential like in pic related?
Is it because it's a brilliant idea nobody came up with in the loonix world?
This is a legit question
I'm throwing some crispy check marks and sad faces in my scripts, that's for sure. I already used the pixelated ones from a hundred years ago

Attached: Capture.png (649x438, 192K)

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t. onions

because the ancient shit they use in work doesn't support unicode

Are they least monospace?

Because an output stream can be a dozen different things besides a terminal.

Because you can't jump to some random computer and type that symbol with the keyboard. You may have done special key combos to your own computer but generally they are just symbols you can't easily replicate.

There are people who use computers without an emoji touchbar? Are they poor?

How well does that work with grep?
How well does that work with grep --color ?

>compilation complete :))
>no errors xD nice job buddy
Grow up

What do you mean? Everything is written on elektron these days thus everything supports unicode and emodzins!

When you were a kid, how did the teachers teach you? Picture related.

Attached: brainlet adult who needs emojis.jpg (500x501, 97K)

because the microscopic bitmap font i use to stop my boss from having any idea what i'm actually doing doesn't support them

There are no high quality computers with an emoji touchbar. If someone would make one maybe it could catch on. Right now it's just a gimmick. People generally don't have the time to keep returning the computer under warranty for every little thing that keeps breaking, no matter how long it takes per visit.

>Is it because it's a brilliant idea nobody came up with in the loonix world?

Why would anyone need pictures of yellow faces when its about textbased work?

I feel like they introduced Emojis so they can attract females and blacks to programming. I feel like low IQ individuals like that need visual candy to focus on things.

Because I learned human language and don't want to depend on the presence of high-res full-color to make the output of a computer comprehensible.

that's useless bloat. utf-8 in terminals shouldn't even be a thing.

Pretty sure that's a nigglet and not a baby.

You bring up something very interesting here. People associate small icons with babies learning words. So whenever they see it they link it to presenting stuff to a kid.

But they are big frown up adult not a kid! How dare they. It may conflict with their own self image and cause aggression.

Despite this association people are visual creatures. And we learn much better for imagery then from words.

>Why emojis in the terminal trigger people so much?
because: fuck unicode
> Is it because it's a brilliant idea nobody came up with in the loonix world?
linux world doesn't need such blatant levels of extreme fucking faggotry shitting up terminals.

Emojis are a part of Unicode, so all the software should support them. Think of them as glyphs from the emerging hierographic written system.

> Is it because it's a brilliant idea nobody came up with in the loonix world?
They did tho.

Attached: 76Kqb.png (740x199, 79K)


Powerline has been a thing for years.

Attached: 1 7eesI0V6YMEx6E67J2HBOQ.png (901x633, 122K)

Windows has an emoji keyboard

Niggly piggly poo went to the zoo

>FagOS can't render emojis in the terminal properly
>devs cuck out


Attached: firebase.png (2000x2283, 625K)

probably because the research shows that people who use more emoji's are tend to be more gay

There are acceptable uses for glyphs. For instance, in a project drawer, icons for folders and for specific file types can be nice: you get to see at a glance what kind of files are in a given folder, without having to read through the extensions which will necessarily take a marginally longer time. Or, while I think powerline is gay, symbols like the git branch logo as used in can serve as a visual anchor for when you want to check the git branchname; similarly, dedicated icons for git status (for instance dirty-staged-clean) can shorten a status line or prompt, while being easier to associate than an otherwise meaningless convention like using + and * (though if you're used to that convention, icons will add nothing).
Not everyone may like these icons, but some will, and it's understandable why.

On the other hand, when "emoji" are mentioned it's almost invariably utter bloat and visual noise like in . There is no reason to put symbols there. For an overview at a glance, colour coding is much more effective. In fact, the OP pic is actually more difficult to parse at a glance, because for some reason one of the "pass" icons is different and ends up being the same colour as a "partial" icon, so just a quick look will turn up two greens, two yellows and one orange. So you'll have to parse the actual symbol, and at that point might as well read the text.

Then there's also the common sense convention that it's better to stick to ASCII unless there's a reason not to. Sure, unicode should work, but maybe in some edge cases or particular workflows it won't. Is there a good reason to use unicode? Go right ahead, most modern stuff should support it, if something breaks then the user will just find a workaround. Are emojis a good reason? Fuck no, if I encounter a particular edge case that isn't supported I'm not going to be trying workarounds just because of yellow faces.

seems fitting for linux's tranny users then


ANSI is easy to write and debug, emojis are like Chinese characters

>take non-graphical interface
>put graphics in it
i mean sure why not

It looks so cool.

Because they're a sign of OP's faggotry

Because it's fucking gay

Because they need to have sex

They're new and new things bad

Nobody wants to look at your output with emojis lmao

You’re a larping NEET loser.


Attached: c0c.jpg (634x650, 45K)

> ITT urielfags shitting on Unicode because muh bloated characters
Bet you also use fucking | _ - * + to draw in your programs like morons instead of using block characters.

>can have utf8 in filenames
>can't display them
I thought linux users always used terminal?

because emoji are synonymous with a certain mindset, which, if you don't have it, you'll find is synonymous with stupidity. like said, they are complete cruft and unnecessary. it has nothing to do with being a sad person or that "wah i didn't come up with it :C"; those kind of justifications only matter to immature people. what i'm talking about is pure objectivity.
emoji, much like ":D xD :P :3" emotes, have no place outside personal communications.

Because you are sad
Limiting how people communicate because you don't use it is the symptom of an old sad person who can't deal with change
Terminals were that way because of technical limitations
Command lines does not have to be just text. It's an old principle that doesn't make sense now
To begin with, you are using literal terminal EMULATORS, because they are not even terminals

>can have utf8 in filenames
you can but you shouldn't (on nixes at least). if you want moonrunes add them to metadata.

it seems you're a child
stop infecting every thing
no cell phones in class

I'm almost 40
A lot of tech paradigms don't make sense now, like having a floppy icon to save or even having to save at all
It's not a problem to me to have emojis in a terminal
I prob won't use them but honestly who cares

Which is exactly why we need the GNOME emoji menu

I don't really have a problem with UTF-8 in terminals, but support for emoji is so hit-and-miss, where it's sometimes displayed greater than 1 column wide or not at all.
A developer putting emoji into their output is just asking for trouble.

>emoji, much like ":D xD :P :3" emotes, have no place outside personal communications.

But that's wrong you fucking retard.

Many linux terminals have already supported emoji for many years.. You just need to have emoji font installed and they work in pretty much all applications. You know, consistency unlike Windows

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>consistency is having to install a million different things
you failed the turing test, faggot

That's a problem caused by your shitty freetard OS, not the emoji standard. Windows and Mac have had emoji keyboard support for years now.

you are aware that these don't actually rid chinese people?
like even if the theory that seeing these words does cause them to have their internet cut off, what makes you think they wouldn't be using a VPN?

use your lobotomized brain for something

>he calls glyphs graphics

You're just being racist. The correct term for that is pickaninny

>what makes you think they would use a vpn
because its illegal and would lower their social credit score.

as i said, use your lobotomized brain
even IF you were correct here (again, you aren't, literally stop getting all of your news about china from fucking Jow Forums), people break laws all the time AND you can literally pay off your social credit

so good job retard, you played yourself

t. attention whore
nobody likes you tripfag
here's your (you) homo

I can't wait until people manage to hide code with emojis in shell scripts and oneliners!

>he can't program in emoji*++

good luck getting a job in 5 years

I don't understand what people want from me when they communicate with faces and vegetables.

The main problem I have with them is that rxvt-unicode has problems with wide glyphs and the best competitive terminal emulator (kitty) uses 10× as much memory and CPU, not to mention also puts some load on my GPU.

I use OpenBSD and it doesn’t support this faggy horse shit.

It actually does.

because unicode enables encoding of nigger languages.

ummm... I don't know if this is relevant or not. But, there's emojis that come up just like this when you are installing something on the frappe framework+ erpnext via loonix terminal.

>Is it because it's a brilliant idea nobody came up with in the loonix world?

Doesn't npm use emoji for some status thing? It's certainly not a original Microsoft idea.

You should uninstall that software.

Emoji, used sparely, are a useful tool, like saving space in error messages or checkmarks, but when using emoji just for the sake of using emoji as most people do, they lose their purpose.

Attached: kimjongun_doraemon.jpg (990x764, 109K)

They are almost always used in a goofy non professional manner. Maybe stuff like the checkmark is ok, but it all has a bad connotation.

because they do not conform to my colorscheme and most of them are useless repetitions


Attached: 1548579726357.gif (326x326, 255K)

>why do NEETs get triggered by normies

Attached: 1541517798428.jpg (575x556, 39K)

>utf-8 in terminals shouldn't even be a thing
this is retarded but i still agree emojis in the terminal is bad

this. Also most emoji fonts look like gay shit.
don't gay up my terminal.

Meanwhile every single nigger in here will def drop a Pacman emoji every time possible in their scripts/prompts
Remember this when you drop that Pacman, lads

>utf8mb4 is okay
>except when it has characters I don't like waaahhh

>Why emojis in the terminal trigger people so much?
Why do*
You're asking a question.

Stop making threads every day with the same grammatical error, fucking retard.

nice fonts

Not widely supported, it's gonna look just like ass on my old Portfolio, plus if I wanted graphical icons, I'd use a graphical interface.

Attached: Laughing Whore.jpg (762x900, 161K)

>Is it because it's a brilliant idea nobody came up with in the loonix world?
Linux had it before literally anyone else. Nice try. People just don't want useless crap like that, a red "FAIL" or green "OK" or yellow "WARNING" works much better than some bitmap image in a text interface.

Attached: +_818ffbcdd5781f636f99b25faae3e6ba.jpg (788x739, 101K)

Pic related
Will this retarded site end its embargo on scalenigger DMZs already smfh

Attached: foo.png (314x369, 30K)

animated emojis when