When and why did people start thinking of aluminum as a premium material?
When and why did people start thinking of aluminum as a premium material?
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Because the cult of Apple does not question their high overlord.
It's light but stiff. Main failure mode of my laptops ended up being when I'd pick them up on one side and over time they'd warp and bend. I fucked up a lot of ThinkPads doing that. Aluminum that is not a concern.
Better than fucking plastic.
Works as a heatsink
so what you're saying is Macbooks are for retards like yourself who fuck up a laptop in a dumb way then continue to do it again and again for no reason. Now I understand why applefags have the reputation they have.
Because the quality bar is so low that cheap metal is seen as the best, the rest is all plastic crap.
This. I will never go back to a nonmetal case.
>Better than fucking plastic.
Actually a high quality composite plastic is lighter and stronger than aluminum, it also doesn't deform.
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>You're using it wrong :^)
a laptop should not bend by picking it up from one side frequently
It should flex. I.E. return to its normal shape, which aluminum doesn't do.
Wrong retarded tripfag. Go read up on some material science. Metals do not deform permanently until you subject them to the yield stress, which won't happen by lifting a laptop like a normal person.
Reddit leaking into Jow Forums
>Metals do not deform permanently
But that's wrong you fucking retard.
Macbooks bend.
Thinkpads don't bend.
Aviation grade of aluminum but only for aircraft, that's not the cheap garbage apple is using to reduce costs yet charge more.
>nobody use shit
>shit don't bend
problem solved
I don't think Apple shit is made out of T7075 or even T6061.
>middle of summer
>nights still cool
>wake up, shit, shower, etc.
>reach for laptop
>tfw it's still cool from last night
magnesium and/or carbon fiber is the best laptop case material
Aluminium is one of the softest metals.
It's also the cheapest metal.
Thinkpads (the expensive ones) contain magnesium, one of the hardest and lightest metals.
Yeah no. Aluminium has a relatively low elastic limit, making it a fairly malleable material, very much prone to permanent elastic deformation.
>You're using it wrong!
Where have I heard this before?
Aluminium is used because its a lightweight, cheap metal with pretty good thermal conductivity. making it a great options for shitty, mass-produced laptops without fans.
Regardless of material strengths and all that ... it just makes Apple laptops seem so much nicer and makes you want tp put a different OS on it or buy some Chinese knockoff with an aluminum body.
According to Apple its recycled so literally recycled beverage/food cans.
i don't know my material science but this shit doesn't bend and the other stuff did so..
Late '90s / early 2000s, because it looks and feels futuristic.
>aluminum doesn't bend
I can't believe some people never drank coke.
>extremely thin sheet of material gets bent
get a load of this retard
Neither do they. The bending you were having wasn't from the material but at the joints. The nice thing with aluminum is you can cast it and it allows for a continuous body.
Fucking retards here with brains fried from long time poverty.
I'm pretty sure aluminum laptop/phone bodies are just pressed.
Magnesium ones are cast.
Magnesium is lighter and stiffer. Fiber reinforced plastic can be lighter and stiffer.
Aluminium is cheaper and conducts heat better which is why Apple choose to use it.
I really like the magnesium build on the surface book. I've had some thinkpads as well as other laptops but I think the surface book is my overall favorite I've had
>tfw no fans
Aluminum does not deform
What is aluminium extruding.
Why do they refuse to use carbon? Light, thin and strong. People don't mind paying too much for products anyway so price can't be a reason..
It's hard to make small and detailed pieces out of carbon fiber, also that stuff is full of epoxy so abrasion resistance is probably pretty low.
No, this is Jow Forums in a nutshell.
Ignorance of the difference between Japanese and Chinese is not very convincing, but one seldom loses money assuming people are morons.
Thinking that the censors would get past the https encryption is a bit hard. Chinese accessing the site wouldn't have problems based on the content of posts.
I don't know if this is user trying to scare random people, but the whole opus looks like we are just dealing with a deeply ignorant faggot.
People don't think aluminium is a premium material. It just looks and feels better than plastic, end of story.
Glass laptops when.
Can't wait to own a device that shatters just from looking at it.
Aluminium was for most of human history more expensive than gold, part of Napoleons crown was made out of it, you ignorant pleb.
perfectly balanced
as all things should be
Aluminum really is a nice material. Light, strong, common (in the earth). Main problem is zero elasticity or re-work-ability, so if it bends at all it's borked.
they prolly think any metal is better than plastic, which is false of course.
>what is plastic deformation
Have you ever tried to shape cold aluminum? That shit rips. Either you cast it to the shape you want, or you grind a block to reduce it to the desired shape.
Have you never tried bending a soda can? Even small bends are nearly permanent. If you try to undo said bends, the metal will usually retain the dent and sometimes tear surrounding material. The thicker you make it, the less forgiving it is of bends.
You give humanity too much credit.
Yeah, then we started getting decent production methods and now it's almost as common as dirt. High class citizens also wore mercury on their hats. Is that also premium material?
2019 and the applecucks still haven't fucked off to reddit
When Steve Jobs© told them to
since napoleon actually
On the contrary, I think this precisely because I know much of humanity lacks the tact and knowledge to decide for themselves what kind of material should be used. They don't care if aluminum is a premium material or not, or give regard to its strengths and weaknesses, they care about how it looks and feels. If the opinion is that aluminum surpasses plastics in both regards, that is all that matters.
Why does everyone think aluminum is cheap, it's fucking expensive. Just in raw material cost alone it's triple the price of steel and only a bit less expensive than magnesium. Additionally, due to how brittle it is, it's more expensive to work at every stage of production.
The aluminum apple uses is milled, you can't press or extrude aluminum that is that thick into those kinds of shapes.
Aluminum is not common as dirt, it's just used in soda cans because they found a way to make an insanely strong can using a small fraction of the starting material compared to like a soup can.
Not to sound like an apple shill, but those aluminum cases are absolutely a premium product, a milled case from a single block of aluminum is fucking impressive.
t. Machinist
Americans are brain dead
IUPAC disagrees, that is an acceptable spelling.
Molybdenum, lanthanum, tantalum, platinum, aluminum, fuck you.
it was originally more valuable than gold, so always
For evidence of this we need only look to the many other products that the public shares the same opinion over. Automotive vehicles popularly used for civilian transport are a good example of this, having sacrificed much in the way of maintainability purely for form, a clear case of style over substance. Likewise with Macbooks, even though it is well known they have issues with throttling, overheating and their keyboards (very clear cut design flaws) many people including those in tech make a conscious decision to buy them anyways because they are a status symbol. And on the latter part, I find it hard to believe they would be as much of a status symbol if they did not look the part. That is the key focus of Apple's marketing, as it is with many car manufacturers, to think that anyone but studied experts care about whether or not the chassis is built from aluminum or magnesium disregards the idea that people generally prefer style over substance, and that Apple clearly markets for that perspective. As long as it looks and feels better than a good portion of competing products, that is all they care about.
Friendly reminder if aluminum comes from Canada, it's a threat to America's nation security.
It would be a major threat to Canada if we started proposing deals that weren't lucrative enough for the United States and could damage their security, after all our own security directly relies on yours.
*blocks your path*
What happens if you put gallium 8n your tongue?
What's whatever you tried to say got to do with Drumpf putting tariffs on Canadian aluminum based on his claims of national security as the justification?
It would be very painful.
bout right here
The difference is that there are high and low quality plastics. You can pay more for a plastic chassis that's durable, a good insulator and feels good on your hand when you use it.
If you pay more for better metal, you don't end up with aluminum.
the only people that think in this way are poorly educated fucking idiots.
for example:
0/10 bait.
Hey smelly!
It's not premium, but I'll take it over plastic any day.
You mean aluminum right?
You mean "aluminium," right?
>Automotive vehicles popularly used for civilian transport are a good example of this, having sacrificed much in the way of maintainability purely for form, a clear case of style over substance
There are several reasons cars look the way they do now
Possibly one of the main reasons is the huge amounts of safety put into modern vehicles
You could not take a 70s commuter vehicle and update it with 2019 safety regulations and have it look exactly the same, it would end up looking like any other blob car you're used to seeing
>sacrificed much in the way of maintainability
Cars are outright appliances now, this isn't the 1950s where you needed to take your plugs out every few thousand miles just to clean the carbon build up
Cars are designed now to last hundreds of thousands of miles without much more than oil changes and tires, yes things still do break but it's not suppose to be a regular thing and only maybe once or twice would you ever need to replace something that is not a maintenance item throughout the lifetime of the car which can be close to a million miles
>When and why did people start thinking of aluminum as a premium material?
before plastic, metals where common in all type of products, they made those items last for ever and feel like tanks, for example i have a type writer older than my father, keys and some wheels are made out of plastic or foam the rest of it is all stamped sheets of metal, it feels great and works fine. Then plastic came into picture and made everything feel shit, you had Walkmans or cameras with leather cases transformed into brittle plastic that snapped or scratched very easy, quality went down prices up. Apple reintroduced that feel but in their absolute retardation they did it for aesthetics and not durability, their sheets are extremely think and some elements as for example corners are made out of the same material making it very easy to bend or break, rather to build a tank they made a fashion bag.
Silly user, products can't last forever, think of the shareholders!
In the 60-70s anything that was made of metal was really in the lower end of products because at that point plastics where infact a premium material that cost more and was relegated to higher end products because they where lightweight which was important for portable devices
It dents. Plastic will break less often than aluminum will dent and it's cheaper to replace when it does.
>when did aluminum become more valuable than plastic
Idk since forever?
>middle of summer
>37 celsius heat
>wake up, shit, shower, etc.
>reach for laptop
>mrw when i basically bought a stove as a laptop
It isn't on an absolute scale, but it's more premium than plastic and steel is too heavy for laptops.
That's interesting. I believe it. I assume that the internals of those devices were so heavy on their own that they wanted to cut weight anywhere they could. These days the internals are so tiny and light that a metal housing is preferable, since it's stronger than plastic.
Unless it's fucking aluminum of course god damn it Apple.
Changing requirements and conditions I suppose.
Where I got that little bit of info was from a Techmoan video where he mentions that for a device from the 60s there was alot of metal instead of plastic and how the device might have came from an off-brand
I dunno, when did MacDonalds become the most successful restaurant in the world? Aluminum is a terrible material for laptops.
Drop an aluminum laptop on its corner, even a few inches, and it will dent-in and permanently look like shit. Aluminum does not stand up to the abuse that will inevitably accidentally occur over a product's +10 year lifespan. Do the same with a plastic laptop...it might crack but only from a much higher height than the metal laptop. And the cracks are often easily repaired and concealed.
Bonus: aluminum laptops often have super slick under surfaces for no reason, works great when the family cat hops on the coffee table and "surfs" it onto the floor.
>I fucked up a lot of ThinkPads doing that.
You liar. At least nobody took your shitty bait.
>10 year life span
Seriously, 3 years maybe 4. 5 is pushing it.
macbooks are peak performance, thinkpads are for trannies
>t. Machinist
Thank God there was someone in this thread who wasn't a moron. This thread is like when an engineer asks me to produce something in Aluminum that can't be made and they don't understand why.
t. Aircraft Machinist
If I bought a 2012 MBP right now I'd expect at least another three years out of it
>If I
That's your expectations. Apple expects about 4 years and in that time-frame they'll make it slower with updates.
Who said anything about using Apple's software? I'm talking about the machine.