39% on a stupid fucking coding exam for a stupid fucking brogrammer startup

>39% on a stupid fucking coding exam for a stupid fucking brogrammer startup

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great blog post, you fucking faggot.

Post the exam so we can laugh at you, brainlet


>btfo by brogrammers
how could you fall so low user
also this

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>stupider than brogrammers

They probably weren't even brogrammers; they were just moderately competent and able to talk to each other.

Hi user! We loved your CV! Thanks for showing up bro, we just need to run you through some tests. It's just for HR to be happy so don't stress too much about it, I'm sure you'll do fine :)
>f-fucking brogrammers

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Truth is, the game was honked from the start.

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Yeah, it's pretty weird that you have to know how to program before anyone will hire you to be a programmer.

It's not worth the effort of learning to be put through that sort of abuse, only to be replaced by an H1B candidate a few years later.

It's so fucking easy to get programming jobs, man. I don't really understand how this board has so much trouble with it.

it seems that you're the stupid around here user-kun


Go to college. Get internships. Would you want to hire a guy to build you a bridge without any prior knowledge of engineering?

tfw started my job as brogrammer / application manager with little prior experience 6 months ago, and its basically the top part of this picture.
also getting paid more and have more holidays then my former coworkers.
it feels like i hit a jackpot

Had to start our own tech company doing enterprise shit just to make ends meet because the industry in this shithole is absolute dogshit.
Do you actually feel like you're learning anything or is just waste of time?
Trying to find out if it's worth it to hire and train up some NEETs rather than hiring these shitty post grads who expect senior pay for code monkey positions.

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Who is that guy?

Because Jow Forums losers think their "self-taught" skills will let them just walk into anywhere and get a job and when they try they wake to the reality they're not as good as they thought

>they try they wake to the reality they're not as good as they thought
That would be nice if they did, instead they blame everyone else for being "unfair" to them.

so that's what you really look like

Large overlap with Jow Forums losers who blame their lives on scapegoats

The stupidest part was the 39% part.

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Except everyone here is objectively better at programming than redditors.

I have self taught skills, and I know for a fact that I’m not that smart, doesn’t mean I won’t try to get ahead.

Incorrect. I know several CS profs, highly paid FAANG engineers and ICPC winners who use reddit. On the other hand, most of Jow Forums struggles with FizzBuzz, argues over stupid shit like language holywars, spams the board with consumer and Jow Forums garbage.

This is the correct take, Jow Forums just likes bickering and hating other communities because they bandwagon off of each other

Man, go for it. Get ahead. Just don't blame other people for your setbacks.

I applied for a graphics design job in an IT startup. They gave me a programming flowchart exam test. I miserably failed but was still accepted. I also took another written exam for another IT firm, most of the answers were all written on the side of each question. I don't know if I was just lucky or the previous takers wrote it.

Later on, the sad part for me tho, being a local in a third world country, the pay is also third world. While your white expat colleague beside your table has the expat pay. Same work, same effort, same position. We basically swap work and help each other. And that degraded the shit out of me.