a white man browses Jow Forums using the catalog
A white man browses Jow Forums using the catalog
post that webm
is that moot?
is there any other way?
Nothing after the front page matters. Prove me wrong.
Yes, he used to work for Jow Forums. But he's gone to a better place.
catalog is bloat
anyone who's not a fucking psychopath uses the catalog, user
>t.learned about the catalog 10 minutes ago
you need to go back
I just never got used to the catalog.
Based and redditpilled
I used to use the catalog but lately ive been in a habit of infinite scrolling and shitposting on any interesting threads I see along the way, just like this one
ITT people who joined Jow Forums after the catalog was even added. There was a time when quote previews, backlinks and quick replies didn't even exist yet, and frankly those are the only useful things that have been added in the last ten years.
This and the rest of Jow Forums tourists who came here because Firefox broke
You're not even human.
>cant see a few replies
Look nigger, the discussion in a thread is rarely the one that was started in the OP.
I catch way more interesting things this way.
also it's familiar and I refuse to change.
Front page is browsed and bumped by newfags whom lack any understanding of this website, good threads commonly die because of this reason. You are a part of this problem.
t. projecting redditor
YOU need to go back
oldfags understand the pain of the old shitty noko posting. only a newfag would refuse anything new solely to create the illusion that he is not a newfag. ironically you're proving the contrary.
But I'm mixed
lovu u terry
are there really idiots who use the front page like it's 2009?
we have had a catalog for at least 5 years now
>'b-b-but how am I gonna find my thread without a noko?'
confirmed underage /b/-tard. once again, YOU need to go back
New is a relative term, retard. Since you consider the catalog to be old you have outed yourself as a newfag, congratulations. noko posting fucking sucked, not every addition to Jow Forums(nel) is to be taken badly. By doing so you're just trying too hard with your failed larp attempt, which is frankly embarassing
>New is a relative term, retard.
>Since you consider the catalog to be old you have outed yourself as a newfag, congratulations.
>it's a relative term but your idea of old is not something I consider old, so you're wrong
way to contradict yourself dumbass
>it's a relative term but your idea of old is not something I consider old, so you're wrong
The catalog is old to you, since it has been around since you started coming here.
The catalog is new to me, since it came long after I started browsing here. I am not contradicting myself, you're just a retarded newfag lacking any form of reading comprehension.
>The catalog is old to you
because any news >3yrs is old news to me.
>the catalog is new to me since it came long after I started browsing here
If you want to get technical, 4channel has always had a catalog, so you pretending the catalog is a new feature would out you as a retard.
Nothing technical about this faggio. Your claims of me being a newfag are completely baseless, you can eat my hairy ass.
oldfag detected, hello fren
the catalog is not a new feature to 4channel, since it has always had a catalog.
>*wears same shoes over 5 years*
>"check out my new shoes!"
>*drives same car for 7 years*
>"wanna go for a ride in my new car?"
>*dates same girl for 8 years*
>"hey user have you met my new girlfriend?"
>Jow Forums has had a catalog since at least 2010
>"yo did you hear Jow Forums has this new feature? check out the catalog!"
I would say your idea of "old" is retarded
You're arguing semantics now, fuck off you dumb faggot. It's completely besides the point, it's time to stop posting. You're only embarassing yourself.
>You're arguing semantics now, fuck off you dumb faggot
your premise for calling me a newfag was
>you think the catalog is old, and I do not (despite it being a feature for 8+ years), therefore you're a newfag
unironically kill yourself
Heil Terry
>keeps arguing semantics
It was time to stop posting. You called me a newfag, you acknowledged that I am not. I don't give a shit how much of a newfag you are (or aren't), my point is that you are in no position to call me a newfag. This is your final (You), I am not wasting any more time on your inane faggotry.
>unironically kill yourself
Yeah, embarassing.
>You called me a newfag,
point to my post where I called you a newfag (protip: calling you an underage /b/tard doesn't count)
>you acknowledged that I am not.
show me where I did that
>Before google: Black shirt, normal glasses
>After google: pink shirt, pink glasses
Is Google a transsexual Jewish cult or something?
He literally looks like a pig on the right.
it's not Google it happens to everyone that moves to silicon valley
How in the upper hell????
Takes me back to the days of noko when without it you'd even lose your own post in the sea of /b/ shitposts
lmao he gets called out for arguing semantics and then continues to argue semantics
look at this dood
A white man doesn't browse Jow Forums. Jow Forums is for faggots and niggers..
God's Loneliest Programmer...
Did the original 2017-11-18%2012-04-31.mp4 have sound.
This just increases my respect for him.
u mad?
How can a sane man browse Jow Forums without using catalog?
I miss him bros
Lmao no wonder he was scared of blacks.
You can't create an operating system with "muh dick po mo gub bix nood muhfugga"
Yes you can.