Smile for the Camera

How often do you smile, and what is your usual style? Most of the time, I do a closed-mouth smile, or sometimes a teeth-bearing smile when the camera man insists. I don't open my jaw all the way, showing my tongue.

Attached: DXFLjy8X4AAKwd3.jpg (1000x750, 98K)

That style of photography has become disturbingly commonplace. Why, do you think, that is?

Attached: 7a2.jpg (960x540, 107K)

Usually I'm doing the "Dead inside but too much of a pussy to end it" smile

Are there any web examples of how that one would look?

I'm always willing to smile for a picture, but I never smile with teeth.

My smile is small

honestly even though i hate it i open my mouthe automatically whenever i get excited
how doo i fix this?

I do that white ppl smile.

I dont smile I look pissed off all the time

Small smiles are pleasant. You don't have to give in to peer pressures to have to do a big, wide-opened, jaw-dropping, goofy grin.

Stop consuming mass-marketed söy products. Fermented söy is OK, though.

What's a typical White person smile, nowadays? Is it a söyboy style kind?

At least you feel better than how others perceive you do, correct?

Attached: StopEatingSoy.jpg (225x225, 5K)