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Hifiman QT Edition

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First for summit fi

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First for SUMMIT FI

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Anybody else enjoying their king of midfi today?

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why yes

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What’s everyone listening with this evening?

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Why the fuck are they so heavenly with percussion instruments?

Among the best.

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the forward treble, snare drum has a lot of big treble energy

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I only own the king of bass.

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Would you say the bass is better on those than the 770 pro?

Based, 1990s are pretty bassy though.

Yes. It extends low with more power, and is faster. Like, way faster. It's actually kind of jarring how clean the bass is. I had the LCD-2C for a while and they couldn't hold a candle to these in terms of bass quantity and quality. These even beat my Z1Rs in that respect.

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Fuck, I just got a pair of 770 Pro because people were raving about the bass.

Surely the earcups arent as magically comfortable, right?

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elevated treble recessed mids, that's why I couldn't love them

you know those cost $600, right?
yes they are comfy, clampy though

I just ordered a pair of Hifiman Sundaras
how badly did I fuck up?

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Make no mistake, the 770 Pro are still a rocking headphone. Probably my favorite sub-$200 headphone. A better value, too, as the 1770 obviously isn't 4x as good.

>ordered a pair of Hifiman

planars are last decade's fad

get good

it's a lottery, sound is fine, but they may break in 3 days to 2 months.

I didn't actually.

>posting 3DPD
OP explain yourself

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>hifiman arya looks sexy as fuck
>midrange is all jacked up
oh well


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samefag staxshill

wtf how did you get that recording of me getting my stax?

>being this desperate

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lmao, the samefagging nostax incel is gonna kill himself

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Any reason not to buy chinkshit bluetooth headphones for $30?

why would anyone buy chinkphones marketing to faggot weeaboos?

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because it upsets /hpg/ incels

can we watch and listen with our glorious Stax earspeakers though

Well do they? I have an hd600 myself but no amp. I listened to the recordings and couldn't tell much difference. And apparently this is one of those headphones that has to have an amp.
Are amps just a big meme?

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Another vid.

literal retard

Nice argument. Don't reply to my posts ever again.

make me

>Are amps just a big meme?
if you're deaf

He has potatoes for ears and shit for brains, would trust Zeos over this idiot.

trusting reviews, is this what poorfags do lmao

Zero argument. Zero evidence. Well I guess if you have zero argument then there's really no need for any evidence.
Is this really the world of audiophile fags? Jerking each other off while listening to Taylor swift on thousand dollars systems?

you’ll clearly never know poorfag

Thank god for that. I have better things to do than spend money on things I don't need.

>sperging about evidence in a clearly subjective hobby
I bet you were bullied as a kid

what are they reacting to


>subjectivity requires no argument or evidence
>i can just make shit up as I go along
I bet you were home schooled.

Thoughts on the AD2000 ?

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I wasn't, but homeschooling is objectively superior to the public globohomo indoctrination camps. Also, I can do whatever I want, fucking nerd.

god tier soundstage
shit tier comfort
wouldn't recommend desu


amps are just an urban legend

I don't give a single quack what happened to you 5 years ago or your retarded opinion on anything. Go tell your life stories and beliefs to someone who cares.


superseded by audio-technica.com.au/products/ath-adx5000/

>retarded opinions
Is all "clavinet"junkie has to offer. I think you're just upset.

>imagine thinking amps are useless based on a youtube sound demo
This is even worse than measurements fags falling for the chink-fi shilling, redditors get dumber by the day.

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clearly ;)

>chinkfiman and focal
>summit fi
what has this general turned into?

Hey guys my new headphones just arrived and I put them on but there’s no sound? What the fuck you guys told me I didn’t need a dac or amp???

now it all makes sense

Stax 007 over here

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>Tatsuro Yamashita - Love Space

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reminder to upgrade your optical sound card drivers

i use snappy driver installer

Which one ?

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507 are the worst sounding stax

You shouldn't have to choose: toss them all in the garbage, where they belong.


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I’m getting STAX SR-L300 and SRM-252S, 850 euros total. Worth it? Anything better at that price? Does they sound as good as people say?

Can't you get it for much less on audiocubes or ebay?

Ebay only from Japan, so I will have to pay import duties.

depends on importing laws for him. it might be same or more expensive to import yourself.

I'm fighting the same dilemma, to order or not from ebay for $700, I have absolutely no way to listen to them before ordering.

Are you genuinely retarded?

Same here. It’s quite an exotic item here in Italy, but an online retailer strangely sells them for that price.

>Anything better at that price?
>Does they sound as good as people say?


>actually falling for an 8 month shitposting campaign stemming from buyers remorse of a shitty energizer that can only work with one specific brand of even shittier headphones

>Worth it?

>8 month
how new are you? stax shilling is at least 4 years old.

just click buy and get it over with

I wish I were U

important question, do they touch your ears or cup is free enough not to?

depends on your ears

depends on your head, with the L300 pads they likely will but you can just stuff some foam behind the pads to fix that

wouldn't it murder low fq?

Not as long as there is a seal.

600 cups touch my ears a little after 3 years of use if that tells you anything

no. porting murders bass response, the L300 is ported and needs a seal mod which is easy as shit to do

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so tempted, but damn being poor sucks, $700 is no joke I need really to commit
really like the graph too.

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If you're in eu don't even think about ebay, you'll surely end up paying more and you need something to change the voltage.
If you're thinking about importing it's worth it by using forwarding/proxy, but not for the basic set, if you want something better or used (for example a used 323s is 30000 yen).



seriously though, buy stax

Not our fault retarded Chinese customers don't read the manual and think their brapping headphones need RMA .