Okay so..what now?

Okay so..what now?

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Now we wait.

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Only old.reddit.com you faggot.

>reddit is down for maintenance

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it's down too, btw new reddit is disgusting.

wait the 20 minutes like the announcement post said


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Jow Forumslad to to know my fellow redditors are on Jow Forums :)

EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

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Ok, since you fags are talking about reddit: are there any unironically good subreddits?

> pretending like you don't use it.


All the good ones were banned.

Stop projecting, you stupid cuck. Reddit is a shithole.

It's already back up

Are you talking about the jailbait one, user?

i mostly use the subreddit of my country, aside from that almost nothing

Any of the smaller hobby related ones are good. homebrewing and firewater in particular have been good to me.
Any of the science ones are decent too, but some can be a bit quiet. Good if you're interested in a certain field though.

there were/are dozens

Just pull out your Nintendo Switch and play some BotW my dude.

Edit: Happy Cake Day!

only really small focused subs are good, like subs for the city you live in, for the car you own, ect. all of the hardware, smartphone, computer, ect are all pretty shit. r/hardware is okay because the mods are pretty strict on their rules but rumormill garbage still gets posted and a billion upvotes so its only kinda okay.

Always browse new, and sort comments by controversial, and reddit can be bearable.


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sucks to be you

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Jow Forumsdrama
And niche subs as well.

Literally almost everyone on here uses reddit.

it's down again fuck

Jow Forumslinux_cucks
Jow Forumsbraincels
Jow Forumschapotraphouse
Jow Forumsbruhfunny
Jow Forumsdrugs
Jow Forumsdrama
Jow Forumstimetogo
Jow Forumscuckoldpsychology

still up for me

>Mostly purple links

and people wonder why its gotten so shitty here

shit, where will Jow Forums get its totally original meme content from now? only 9gag left.


>*hand rubbing intensifies*

In order to preserve board culture, we must allow the reddit goyim to post on our boards

it's back up

Thank god, now I can talk with normal people instead of you incels

My favorites are:
Jow Forumscuckold
Jow Forumsonions
Jow Forumsnintendo
Jow Forumsapple

wtf read each subs first letter


Jow Forumsunexpected

Fuck all of you. What does the "r" stand for in these things anyway?


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are you ok user


r/WOW r/kid you just got r/WOOOOOOSHED!!!! “Wooosh” r/means you didn’t r/get the r/joke, as in the r/sound r/made when the r/joke “woooshes” over your r/head. I r/bet you’re too r/stupid to r/get it, r/IDIOT!! r/My r/joke was so r/thoughtfully r/crafted and r/took me a r/total of r/3 r/minutes, you r/SHOULD be r/laughing. r/What’s that? My r/joke is r/bad? I r/think that’s r/just r/because you r/failed. I r/outsmarted you, r/nitwit. In r/conclusion, I am r/posting r/this to the r/community known as “R/Wooooosh” to r/claim my r/internet r/points in your r/embarrassment . r/Imbecile. The r/Germans refer to this r/action as r/Schadenfreude, which r/means r/harm-joy . r/WOW! Another r/reference I r/had to r/explain to r/you. I am going to r/cease this r/conversation for I do r/not r/converse with r/simple r/minded r/persons.

p.s. i pulled a double bamboozle

anyone who upvotes is still gay though

>Not using old.reddit.com

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okay please sit down user everything's going to be fine the ambulance is coming

I totally agree. Fuck these redditors in the youtube comment sections repeating the same line because they think somebody will screenshot their comment and post it on reddit. It is so obnoxious and retarded. You can tell most redditors are teenagers


Any subs related to cute animals. People's shitty political beliefs rarely come up when talking about photos of baby hippos.

kys is betty good subgayddit desu.

Imagine not doing hotfixes on live websites lol
absolute pussies

This should be bannable.

So this is nu/g/, unironic redditors everywhere. No wonder this place has turned into a total shithole.

Holy shit, I thought all the retards were from /v/, but is there really a difference?

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i only look at reddit for content, i never post or comment

all you cancerous, cringe, circlejerking, upvoting shilling unironic reddit niggers need to fucking kill yourselves

This. Just this. Upvoted so hard.

why do anons insist on telling themselves that Jow Forums TOTALLY USED TO BE GOOD until *arbitrary year* / muh reddit? I first came here in 2007, and the place was already trash, so I guess it must have had like 3 good years?

Have a Gold!
*unzips dick*

Feel free to go back, newfag.

t. redditor newfag thinking he's fooling anyone

winter is coming xDD

do remind me of some of the epic comedy gold from the good old days
this was the golden age?

>golden age


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slurp some onions and play vidya

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I want leddit faggits to go away

>everyone here also posts on reddit
Now I just feel left out


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now i only have this site and arisuchan but this fucking shitty site is the only one with some actual activity

Who hurt you, sweatie?

Nah, I've never posted on Reddit, only browse.

wtf it was banned 4 months ago
now what am i supposed to jerk off to

no it wasn't? i was there like 2 days ago

sometimes I wish other chans were more active but that would just mean they'd go to shit like this one

Why cant i look at the pics then?

ban anyone with reddit cookies in their browser

Jow Forumsgonewildmilf/

Leave this place you fucking niggers.

you may not like it, but this is peak aesthetics


i used to be a regular on srd, wonder what happened to it?

not, the best time was the hal turner raids, we showed them nazees whos boss!!!

r/Piracy and /Crackwatch


>this thread

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Just use hacker news, at least it's more tech savvy

Is there a similar to 4chanx thing for Reddit?

i think there's an app called reddit fun or something like that

>this post

>Using reddit

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reddit enhancement suite

doesn't surprise me, Jow Forums is the most retarded nu-male board

i dont

Shut the fuck up faglord

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kill you are self
