Hello Jow Forums
Anyone here is interested in Instagram related tools ?
Their importance is really increasing and they cost quite a lot
Hello Jow Forums
Anyone here is interested in Instagram related tools ?
Their importance is really increasing and they cost quite a lot
Yes please share.
Show me what you got
I don't have any, I tried ninjagram and is not bad
This is the most important thread on 4channel right now
Anyone have knowledge of a free one ?
4k stogram.
Thank me later
>Their importance is really increasing and they cost quite a lot
Are you an e-thot?
From what fucking internet-ghetto did you came from ?
If it doesn't let me see pics from private profiles I don't care.
yes but you have to be their 'friend' to download if the account is private.
I'm with If the tool doesn't allow this there is no point to it...
op share some actual useful tools and not some third party analytics crap for IG things that can disrupt, or do some sort of automated tasks etc.
The only faggy thing i can contribute is using kiwi browser and (((dark mode))) which is easier on the eyes when you're thot-browsing.
>4k stogram
does someone actually pay $10 for this garbage? wow.
OP will surely deliver
Sorry guys I'm new. What do you mean? I don't have any good tool advice beside the obvious pay to use ones, I'm just curious about the subject
how old are you, son?
and 'private users download' means nothing in this case. If you are someone's 'follower' you can see their shit anyway, where's the tool to see private accounts you don't follow?!..
I'm not a native English speaker
Any program for automatically follow people ?
yeah i know such clever wording for that license.
Kek you can do all this shit for free, I wonder if that software actually rakes in a good amount of money from tech illiterate retards
I bet it does, totally misleading and most people are idiots...
Yeah that's the most sellable feature.
where do you see that cost? all results of that program show an entirely different thing
Not for free I'm afraid
>Any program for automatically follow people ?
Just write it on your own, you might learn something
I just know the basic of Java, prolog, lisp, html, css, javascript
I am planing to write socket bot that reposts other people's best content based on given topic
i made a javascript script a while ago that put a link to vids a post has, doesnt get images because I dont know js that well, you gottta be on the page though and have to be following the person though
I mean what would be the point of that?
I can obviously tell accounts that have fake followers and bot followers, because they'll have around 10,000 followers, they'll post something and then get around 16 likes... It would be nice to build a click farm out of old smartphones like gooks do, and offer following/like services Ive seen a lot of people spend anywhere between .80 cents to 100's of dollars for artificial likes.
The price is on the website
4kdownload com/buy/stogram
Honestly it would be amazing to have a script that scrapes a public profile and outputs it into a neat zip package, videos, photos, highlights etc, then when half of these thots get banned or whatever, you can offer them their content back at a premium almost like a (rebuilding service/ disaster recovery) kek
lmao someone make a website here called "savemygram.com" and get normie retards to pay you to archive their content in case of insta banning them promising them you can keep their precious content safe from bid bad zuccy, they'll just be paying a subscription for a script that you can have a cron job do through out the day
I made a bot that likes pictures and comments based on hashtags. I had a page and increased my followers by ~1k in the course of five months. Wasn't really worth it desu
>I had a page and increased my followers by ~1k in the course of five months.
How though, I dont have IG but I see all these "grow your IG" services being sold to normies, why didn't you try selling it to normies for profit?
Eh, its pretty bad desu. It was my first ever programming project and it was python+selenium for the web browser. There are a few problems with it. First of all Instagram doesn't want you to automate these stuff so every couple of months they will tweak something tiny and you have to spend hours trying to find what the bug is. And then if their algo picks it up they will shadowban/ban you. But i still have the script so maybe one day i'll monetize it if i can refine it
senpai that sounds like fun though. I am one of two Manual QA cucks left at my company and they want us to learn automation, I know a bit of python, but nothing about web drivers etc. been wanting to learn stuff..any good resources to suggestion? pretty sure if I dont hop on the automation bus, ill be run over by it.
There is a FOSS alternative already, check instaloader. I use it but I would like to be able to update all the profiles I'm following at once, not one by one.
>any good resources
you tube tutorials, the official documentation and a lot of googling like with everything, there isn't anything i particular i can recommend cause it depends on your project.
Get GBinsta