Graduate from college

>graduate from college
>first place i apply to accept me
>120k+ salary
>team office with whatever computer/chair/table/accessories I want
>remote possible after 6 months

So this is the power of the cs meme

Attached: office.jpg (1800x1166, 391K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literal hippies.

Attached: 4E02FFF6-3AA5-4589-90E0-298FE959DEC8.png (573x509, 173K)

cool larp

>the cs meme
Hm, I'm happy for you - wish I could get paid for playing CS in my time.

enjoy flipping burgers for $2 an hour

I would never.
IT Gang

The CS meme is a reality right now, but it's a bubble that's waiting to burst. As we speak, universities around the world are up-scaling their CS departments, dropping maths requirements left and right in order to accommodate the huge industry demands. Once those demands are settled, wages will begin to fall down to a sustainable state.

It's all nice until you see the extremely shitty codebase you have to work on.

this is how you stack rocks
its very very tricky
(scribbling formulas)

it's already happening. and it goes beyond wages- contract work. there's barely any full time, stable jobs in cs. everyone is a contractor. thegig economy is real

fuck capitalists

more cheapo open plan 'like a railway station concourse, nobody carn relax, cos observed all the time (panopticon), with the cheaper dust attracting but 'funky' open, exposed ducts/pipework

is that perchance, facebook?

wow those wire chairs musta cost a fortune
but not to make

what looks fun tho . is wooden floor, castor wheeled chairs.can scoot around, brighten up the day a tad.

the thing is i enjoy programming as a hobby and it's somethin i love doing and turning it into a career would kill whatever joy i have left in it, i know this because literally every csgrad i talk to absolutely can't stand it after being employed a few years. also watched the exact same thing happen with my dad and engineering. i wanna just take the bisqwit route and be a bus driver or some shit and do programming on the side

seriously what did people have against cubicles? Everyone in the 90s complained about them but they're heaven compared to open-plan.

computers + humans (organisations) = a nightmare

>everyone is a contractor. thegig economy is real

my uncles has been doing gigeconomics since before i was even born. and i dont have a fucking clue how they did it, much raise families and put my cousins through some good colleges. one of them is on the west coast doing like 3 migration projects at $300 an hour because no one else knows foxprocon or whatever.

cos any of the dickheads who have climbed to the top ie. executive/management, in software organisations are never qualified, tested programmers, never ever. post microsoft and the elevation of the 'management class'. remember kiddies, that the business is failure, a finished, satisfied customer, the cash stops. open ended specs are the paydirt. keep them guessing, keep communication low. it works (microsoft model), to have inept symbolic executives/managers. HOW IT IS

Everyone was an extrovert and hated working alone
Not it's the opposite

yeah .. theres nowhere to stick the little basketball hoop anymore. can't do anything can't scratch ur balls or whatever .. observed.
high stress. I wonder how many people go nuts in those sinks? plenty

stops people from getting promotions

gotta be a 'team player'
ra ra ra
do they all stand in a fking line and do calisthenics in the morning. thats the scrum meetings right

what a fucking waste of energy
the whole environment, built for stress

these posts read like poetry

Cool story bro

Attached: IMG_20190411_121658_1.jpg (846x711, 98K)

efficient, advanced cubefarm for the new millenium

Attached: cubefarm.jpg (1000x667, 216K)

facebook has 'recycled' (cheaper) cube farms, creating this nightmare

Attached: facebook-cubefarm.jpg (437x298, 28K)

>graduate CS
>120k+ salary
>office is some sort of daycare for manchildren
>fridges stocked with onions
>work in a diverse and progressive environment
>everyone is an insane leftist
>coworker to the left is a tranny
>coworker to the right is a niggress
>city it's located in is minority white (and you can't CC, and just barely own guns at all)
>everyone earns 120k+ so it's actually poverty-tier and struggle to get to the end of the month
>eventually get fired due to guilty until proven innocent wrongthink accusations or replacing by Prajeet
>graduate a proper engineering program
>80k+ salary
>work on the go, office is a proper office with professional atmosphere
>almost everyone is white or Asian
>almost everyone is right wing
>area is mainly white
>living costs are normal so you get to the end of the month with plenty left over
>salary curve crosses over the CSfag's after 5-10 years and then shoots up and away
No thank you, I avoided computer-centered degrees and jobs like the plague for a reason.

Attached: 1530766465271.jpg (200x200, 38K)

k+ salary
>just rent for your 25sqm cuckbox is $4k
Good job.

Can we use it as a cock fighting arena too?

enjoy staying a neet

Imagine actually believing this


This. Fuck all them dirty hippies. Gimmie my cube and my desk in the datacenter and don't fuckin bother me about how you, Brad, and Jeff played hacky sack in the cafeteria.

Attached: 1432246304410.png (280x336, 4K)

shit is in a cycle. When I was a kid I'd visit my moms office and they had what would be called an open plan in the late 70's/early 80's.

Sometime after that everything went to cubicles

Now these people want open plan again.

Personally I prefer cubes 'cause I really don't want to be forced to hear the next fucktard's conversations and maybe I need to readjust my dick and balls right quick or play music from speakers (at a low volume) instead of in headphones.

I think any pretense of being productive has gone.
now everybody's samefagging it on a laptop with headphones, pretending to work 90% of the day but really just tweaking their spotify playlists.

Laptops are terrible for productivity and are really only useful if you have to work from home.

A few years ago I had a couple of network security jobs where they gave us a laptop along with a dock and a pair of 1080p monitors for our desk. The expectation being that we would take the laptops home every night in the event we got a call about a breach or some other all-hands event. If you didn't take the laptop home, you were expected to come in to the office ASAP during an all-hands event.

That's about the only legit reason I can see for pushing laptops on anyone. It'd really need to be a desktop replacement type of deal that you take home in case you're on call or need to be available at a moments notice.

yeah, the idea that people can do something on a single little 15" monitor (which is what 90% of these people have, if not smaller) is ridiculous. under fluorescent lighting in an open plan office, no less.
IMO you need a minimum of 2 normal sized monitors to be optimally productive, and 3 is preferable. the amount of money being burned at these companies on high paying, low productivity software jobs must just be fucking unreal.

What city do you live in?

>I greentexted it therefore it's true
Anybody replying to OP except me is pic related.

Attached: image.jpg (511x515, 143K)

Same. CS seems like a good way to get money for esports

I tried working off of a laptop with a 1366x768 display. That shit is for the birds. Ultimately I rolled over to the local thrift store and grabbed a 17" 1280x1024 monitor and got some semblance of productivity.

Pic related, my setup back then. The monitor bit the dust and was eventually replaced by a 19" 5:4 monitor.

Attached: 100_3243.jpg (3472x2604, 1.48M)

>Anybody replying to OP except me is pic related.

>all those wires
looks like a nightmare